Thursday, July 25, 2019

The contemporary securitization of borders and the new policies of Essay

The contemporary securitization of borders and the new policies of states in North America and Europe that attempt to link asylu - Essay Example Third, Germany issues its own version of anti-refugees and asylum seekers statutes. Fourth, emphasized the problems of the refugees and asylum seekers grew in magnitude after the end of World War II. Fifth, some host countries have not fully given the refugees and asylum seekers their deserved rights and liberties. Sixth, the key to the strict refugees and asylum seekers policies is protection from terroristic and other acts that may disadvantage other residents of the host country. Seventh, international refugee law defines a refugee as: having a well grounded fear of being persecuted one or more discriminatory grounds. The reduction of protection for the refugees and asylum seekers is grounded on self- preservation. INTRODUCTION Refugees and asylum seekers are realities of the cruel world. The research centers on the difficulties faced by the refugees and asylum seekers. The research includes the moves to improve the lives of the refugees and asylum seekers in their host countries. North American and European policies are currently attempting to link asylum-seekers and refugees with terrorism and threats of national security, violating related international refugee laws. ... There is an increasing trend of host democratic governments turning their backs on the implementation of the Universal Humanitarian Principles. After the September 11, 2001 attack, many laws were enacted to reduce the rights as well as the liberties of the refugees and asylum seekers and also the citizens entering the host countries. A vivid example is the establishment of extra-judicial refugees and asylum seekers detention camps. Of the recent abuses was headlined in the abuses of the American soldiers, including the abuses committed by the American soldiers on Cuban and Haitian refugees and asylum seekers held in a prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, near Cuba. Likewise, abuses of the Soldiers managing the refugee and asylum seeker camps on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea as well as the Island Republic. Consequently, many democratic governments have reduced their focus on implementing the rights and liberties of refugees and asylum seekers (Wilson 659). Many of the refugees and asylum s eekers arrive in foreign country because they could no longer bear living in their home country. The refugees and asylum seekers escape from their home country taking with them the agony of losing their home, social status, friends, and identity. Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states â€Å"Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other country’s asylum from the sufferings received in their home countries. However, the refugees and asylum seekers do not know what will happen to them on their journey towards the host country (Wilson 641). To understand the sudden turnaround in terms of offering rights and liberties to refugees and asylum seekers, the focus should first look at the refugees and

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