Saturday, January 4, 2020

Miltons Deviation from the Traditional Relidious View in...

Milton’s deviation from the traditional religious view in Paradise Lost In the creation of Paradise Lost, Milton has incorporated his contemporary views with the traditional religious perspectives, resulting in a rather different account of story from the Bible. This process of deviation grows gradually as the story proceeds. In the beginning, Milton acknowledges the coexistent of both views by allowing vague conclusion to Adam and Raphael’s debate. Later on, Milton began to take in different method of telling story from the Raphael, whom is regarded as the messenger from God. In the end, Milton started to let out the question of the true nature of God. Milton chooses to bring up a rather scientific topic that caters to the 17 century background, and gives out his answers explicitly through Raphael’ equivocal answers to Adam’s questions. In Book VII, Adam raised the question to Raphael about why those â€Å"nobler bodies† have to cross all the dista nce to ‘serve’ the Earth. (Book VIII, Line28, 34) Although Raphael confirm, if not obtusely, Adam that the distance exits between stars is favor from God to Human, he also says that â€Å"Not that I so affirm, though so it seem To thee who hast thy dwelling here on Earth. God to remove his ways from human sense, Plac’d Heav’n from Earth so far, that earthly sight, If it presume, might erre in things too high, And no advantage gaine.† (Book VIII, Line 117~121) This view that object seems to be stationary from people when it is too far

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