Monday, May 25, 2020

I Am a Cultural Leader - 816 Words

In today’s society, when you pursue the path of cultural leadership, success is all about growing others, making people smarter, bigger, and bolder in every aspect of their lives. More importantly, is how nothing you do anymore as an individual matters except your ability to nurture, support, and increase the magnitude of your members self confidence. With that being said, this paper will examine life experiences and changes I have gone through that contribute to my existence as a cultural leader. As way of illustration, growing up in South Orange County, California - one of Orange County’s youngest cities - allowed me to interact with diverse ethnic groups around the globe. Such groups involved were Latinos, Caucasians, Asians, Middle Easterners, and Jews who made me who I am today. In fact, more often than not, many were nationalists from other countries seeking the American Dream. For example, growing up I had the luxury of immersing myself with Israeli’s, Italians, Germans, Koreans, Spaniards (Mestizos†¦); and other forms of foreign lineages that gave way to allowing me to learn their customs, values, and beliefs. To be more specific, being raised in California allowed me to interact with two distinct individuals that allowed me to develop my personal identity wheel. For example, the reason why Electronic Dance Music (EDM†¦) is marked as my favorite kind of music -within my personal identity wheel - is because of my best friend Travis Allee. Travis unlike the rest ofShow MoreRelatedBecoming A Non Commissioned Officer998 Words   |  4 PagesI’ve recognized that the type of leader I am currently is considered being Management by Exception-Passive (MBE-P). 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