Friday, May 31, 2019

A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner Essay -- feminists feminism

A Rose for Emily A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner is a curious piece of literature. It has a plot which seems somewhat bland, and it is not particularly exciting. However, the ending is quite suprising, and for me it made the story worth reading. I think there atomic number 18 some interesting aspects of this story if you look at it from a feminist point of view. The feminist movement has attempted to elevate the status of the woman to a level equal with men. Feminists have fought for the right of women to be free from the old social restraints which have been in place for so long. A feminist believes a woman should be strong and independent. In some ways the main character, Emily, is this kind of woman, but for the most part she is portrayed as weak and fragile. end-to-end the stor...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Male Reactions to Female Power in Antigone Essay -- Literary Analysis

Western society has a long history of subjugating women to men. Some evoke the idea that women are somehow weaker or inferior to men as a reason for the existence of this social dynamic. In Sophocless Antigone and, Durrenmatts The Visit, however, the female leads show capacious strength and are even able to threaten the male leads with their power. Creon and Alfred Ills disdainful and oppressive treatment of women stems not from the supposed inferiority of women, but from the theme that humankind is afraid to lose control. This theme is developed through particular events in the plot the men begin in positions of power, which are then threatened by the women. Their amateur reactions to the powerful women cause them to lose more control until in the end, they have nothing. Their redemption comes not through defeating the women, but through accepting office for their own actions.To begin with, Creon and Ill have power socially and politically. Creon is the King of Thebes and Ill is the most popular personality (Durrenmatt 15) of Guellen. Sophocles and Durrenmatt set the stage by implying that their menses situation will last the gods (Sophocles 170) themselves appoint Creon as king and the people of Guellen unanimously agree to nominate (Durrenmatt 15) Ill as the mayors successor. Furthermore, foreshadowing of their actions towards Antigone and Claire appears as approval. The elders of Thebes assure Creon that he has power over the living and the dead (Sophocles 172), justifying his actions towards Polyneicess body and empowering his punishment of Antigone. Ill, on the other hand, represents Guellens last chance for survival. All depends (Durrenmatt 14) on Ills ability to capitalize on his and Claires ... reason to continue mistreating Antigone and Claire.A series of events catalyzed by powerful women and ending with a tragic loss for the male leads of The Visit and Antigone reveals a reason for the mistreatment of women in western society. Durrenmat t and Sophocles show that the oppression of women stems from mans fear of losing control. By identifying this fear, the authors underscore the importance of treating women as equals, as the decision of the male leads to blame the women rather than to accept certificate of indebtedness for their actions is what causes their downfall.Works CitedDurrenmatt, Friedrich. The Visit a Tragi-comedy. Trans. Patrick Bowles. New York Grove, 1982.Sophocles. The Oedipus Plays of Sophocles Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone. Trans. Paul Roche. New York New American Library, 1958.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

First Impressions in Bernard Shaw’s play The Devil’s Disciple Essay

Bernard Shaws play The Devils Disciple is set in 1777 when the American War of British Independence was at its height.Richard Dudgeon is the main character in this production and he begins as a black sheep in a family of self-righteous puritans. Richard has entitle himself The Devils Disciple.In the first Act of the play, Richards father has died and this starts the reading of his will. During this scene we get a lot of the other characters views on Richard before we meet him.It seems that almost everyone apart from Essie (Richards cousin). Everyone finds it hard to talk about him as if it is against the rules, e.g. Judith Anderson says to Essie, Dick Dudgeon Essie do you wish to be a really respectable and grateful girl, and to make a place for yourself here by steady and good conduct? Then you must never relate the name of Richard Dudgeon never think even about him. He is a bad man. This suggests that Judith believes even thinking about Richard could mean you were suitable a bad person yourself. However, we find out later that she has never actually met Richard Dudgeon, so is only saying this from what she has heard.Whilst Mrs Dudgeon and Mr Anderson are talking at the very beginning of the scene, Mrs Dudgeon also expresses her view of Richard. She says, Let it be a warning to him. He may end that way himself, the wicked, dissolute, godless This shows us that he is even hated by his own mother.From all of the views shown in the early stages of the first act about Richard, we get the impression that he is a terrible person, with no respect or cares for anyone else. Even when we meet Richard, our opinions as an audience dont change greatly, he shows himself as quite tyrannical and sarcastic. How... ... a fool.Judith Like a hero.I think that Shaw made us change our opinion of Richard in the context of the story that he is telling because it shows us how even the worst people among us can change, or that these people are not so bad after all, just covering u p their true selves until the time is right. Anderson (whilst talking to the British soldiers) says, Sir it is in the hour of trial that a man finds his true profession. This foolish young man placing his hand on Richards shoulder boasted himself the Devils Disciple, but when the hour of trial came to him, he found that it was his destiny to suffer and be faithful to the death. I thought myself a decent minister of the church doctrine of peace, but when the hour of trial came to me, I found that it was my destiny to be a man of action and that my place was amid the thunder of the captains and the shouting.

Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth - Beyond the Fair and Foul Essay

More to Macbeth than Fair and Foul The statement Fair is lousy, and foul is carnival does not thoroughly express the many themes of Shakespeares Macbeth. The first time this statement occurs is very early in the play, when the witches chant the exact line Fair is foul, and foul is mean(a)(I.i.12) only for Macbeth to repeat it himself two scenes later. This repetition of the lines shows that the characters themselves believe that there are many foul events taking place. Firstly, superstar can watch the fair Macbeth degrading into a foul inhuman monster. Secondly, the witches may be contrasted to Macbeth to demonstrate the real foulness in these characters. Thirdly, it can be shown that there is simply no fairness existing in Macbeth. Lastly, one can see that there are too many themes in Shakespeares Macbeth to be summed up in one line. Macbeth, in the beginning, is a man of valor, honor and nobility. With his loyal traits he helps maintain Scotlands stability. Macbeth, on the outside, seems to be the fairest man in all of Scotland however such is not true. Under the cloaking shadows of his skin, Macbeth hides his one weakness ambition. His wife realizes his ambition and stirs him to act on it. Macbeth struggles with a choice should he let the witches prophecies realize themselves, or should he necessitate the steps necessary to achieve them? Macbeth knows that the latter choice will involve the murder of his virtuous king Duncan, but even this is not enough to incline him to bide his time. After urging from his wife, he chooses the latter and murders his king. In doing so, Macbeth disrobes himself of all that is good in the human soul kindness, courage, honor and love. Macbeth becomes so obses... ... Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1999. 126-35. Cotton, N. Witches and Magic in Macbeth. Shakespeare Quarterly. 38, 1987 320-326. Kinney, Arthur F. ed. William Shakpespeare the Tragedies. Boston Hall and Company, 1985. Muir, Kenneth. Introduction. In Macbeth. Ed. Kenneth Muir. New York Routledge, 1992. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. Elements of Literature. Sixth ed. Austin Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1997. Stallybrass, Peter. Macbeth and Witchcraft. In Focus on Macbeth. Ed. John Russell Brown. Boston Routledge, 1982. Wadsworth, Frank W. Shakespeare, William. World intensity Online American Edition. Online Edition. Online. Netzero. 26 Mar 2002. William Shakespeare. BBC Homepage. Online. Available <http//>. 26 Mar. 2002.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Analyzing the Storm. Essay -- essays research papers

The lay in this story creates the ideal environment for anadulterous affair. In Kate Chopins "The Storm", Chopin not onlycreates the perfect setting but also uses the setting as a symbol of theaffair. Most likely occurring in the late 1800s and taking place inthe duncical South, the story gives an account of an adulterous affairbetween Calixta, wife to Bobinot and mother to four year old Bibi, andAlcee, husband to Clarisse, during a terrible rain draw. The frontof the storm is not merely coincidental. It is the driving force behindthe story and the affair. As the storm begins, climaxes and ends sodoes the affair and the story.From the opening we see that Chopin intends to use the storm to move thestory forward. The story begins with Bobinot and Bibi inside the localstore. As they attempt to leave they notice storm clouds approaching thetown. Deciding to wait out the storm, they ride out inside. Meanwhile,Calixta is at home sewing and unaware of the storm. Soon realizin g thestorm is approaching, she begins frantically running about the houseclosing windows and doors and retrieving clothes left on the porch. pursuance shelter from the rain, Alcee approaches as Calixta steps on toher front porch. Chopin writes, "As she stepped outside, AlceeLaballiere rode in at the gate" (96). By providing a terrible stormChopin creates an ingenious setting for this chance meeting. Chopinsintentions become even more apparent im...

Analyzing the Storm. Essay -- essays research papers

The setting in this story creates the perfect environment for anadulterous affair. In Kate Chopins "The Storm", Chopin not onlycreates the perfect setting but also uses the setting as a symbol of theaffair. Most likely occurring in the late 1800s and taking issue inthe deep South, the story gives an account of an adulterous affairbetween Calixta, wife to Bobinot and mother to four year old Bibi, andAlcee, husband to Clarisse, during a repellant rain rage. The presenceof the storm is not merely coincidental. It is the driving force behindthe story and the affair. As the storm begins, climaxes and ends sodoes the affair and the story.From the opening we study that Chopin intends to use the storm to move thestory forward. The story begins with Bobinot and Bibi inside the localstore. As they attempt to leave they notice storm clouds approaching thetown. Deciding to postponement out the storm, they remain inside. Meanwhile,Calixta is at home sewing and unaware of the storm. Soon realizing thestorm is approaching, she begins frantically running about the houseclosing windows and doors and retrieving clothes left(p) on the porch.Seeking shelter from the rain, Alcee approaches as Calixta steps on toher front porch. Chopin writes, "As she stepped outside, AlceeLaballiere rode in at the gate" (96). By providing a terrible stormChopin creates an ingenious setting for this chance meeting. Chopinsintentions become even more apparent im...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Men are violent by nature Essay

In the essay Men Its In Their Nature, Hoff Sommers states that although the radical masculinity should be addressed and civilized, it should not be eliminated because it is something natural and without it custody would not be able to protect women and society. She argues that trying to make boys behave like girls does a disservice to boys natural talent. As Hoff Sommers claims, it is more of mens nature and what society has to do is to civilize and handle the natural masculinity in men. There are strong influences in society, including media, school, and culture that overwhelmingly define hard-hitting male look. While these are undeniable physical properties, even from birth, gender roles are defined for children. Men must abandon notion they are carmine by nature I remember my dad telling me about a woman he met this past summer in a scurvy farming community who told him her husband beat her every few weeks. Were surrounded by violence. Kids will strike hundreds of violent deaths on television. Children will see other kids get spanked by their parents and learn that violence and love go hand-to-hand.Children The sort is influenced by the massagers about gender that kids get from their parents, friends, educateers, and the media. Many parents, teachers, and gender sort out have not been successful in rooting out male behavior they regard as harmful. For example, an equity facilitator tried to persuade a convention of nine-year-old boys in a Baltimore public school to accept the idea of playing with baby dolls. According to one observer, Their reaction was so hostile the teacher had annoyance keeping order (Sommers 366). Sommers present research that asserts that the nature of men is a matter of biology, not conditioning, and schools should stop attempting to change natural gender roles in society. biological science is a factor in some aspects of male and female behavior, but the education of gender roles is society is constantly broadcast from p arents, television, and teachers. Behavior adapts to the prevailing culture, not necessarily to biological hormones.A Scientific American reviewed the growing evidence that childrens play preferences are, in large part, hormonally determined (Sommers 367). Scientific date is no longer relevant it is the culture of a particular society that is the major influence. Because all individual must exist within different societies, much of the behavior is engineered from laws, religion, and culture. If there was a law the demanded that man stay home and women work, then the behavior would respond that law and not to the biological nature of an individuals sex. We have a set of proven social practices for raising new(a) men. The traditional approach is through character education to develop a young mans sense of honor and help him become a considerate, conscientious human being (Sommers 367).Yes, there are social practices in society, home, school, that bring forward men to be dominant. In Saudi Arabia, Men are entitled to divorce without explanation simply by registering a statement to the court and repeat it three times. By contrast, most women lack the right to divorce. Sommers also discusses, the efforts to feminize them with dolls, quilts, non-competitive games, girl-centered books, and feelings exercises will fail though they will succeed in making millions of boys quite a unhappy(Sommers 368). There is no original or primary gender a drag imitates, but gender is a kind of such as those that make headway men who rape women to marry their victims.I dont feel we should be trying to redirect their interests or feminize them to accomplish this, instead teach them how to use what comes natural to them for the greater good. Men have helped to get us this far through their competitive drive, risk taking, and sometimes their aggression. Sommers present scientific information that support the hardwired characteristics of men and women. The scientific data is valid, b ut in everyday life men and women are expected by society, to conform to tradition roles for men and women. There are many instances where there is a behavior that is hardwired from biology, but behaviors are still learned. A man may open a gateway for a woman because he was told thats how you treat a woman. Sommers may have valid points about natural gender role, but she forgot the fact that behavior can never be learned from just science.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Cold War Winner Essay

From 1945-1960, the Soviet Union was more successful in achieving its goal of beaming communism than the United states was at achieving its goal of containing it. Russia directly spread communism to China, the northern half of Korea, and all of eastern Europe. In addition, it forced heavy expenses on the U. S. through the Berlin blockade, beat the U. S. in achieving orbital flight, embarrassed hot seat Eisenhower with the U-2 incident, and caused wide-spread panic in the U. S. government itself.The U. S. eanwhile secured democracy in countries in which it was relatively easy to do so, and was otiose to properly defend Korea or China. Russias sponsorship of the communist rebellion in China led to the easy and round out victory over one of the largest countries in the world. This was a complete victory, with Chiang Kai-Shek, the opposition leader, completely pushed kayoed of China and into Taiwan. The U. S. did not manage to contain communism whatsoever, and its assistance to Ch iang Kai-Shek did not help his victory. The Korean war is yet another example of the U. S. being unable to contain communism, even with its own troops.Although the U. S. pushed the border all the up to China, Chinese troops were able to push them down until the armistice settled upon the 38th latitude as the division between North and South Korea. Finally, the Soviet Union gained communist leaders in nearly all of Eastern Europe, as good as gaining control of East Germany. This clearly shows that the goal of the Soviet Union spreading communism was achieved. The U. S. was only able to contain Communism in occidental Europe. Western Europe had been the origin of Democratic government, and U. S. involvement in the election of Democratic leaders was small.Money was pumped into the countries via the Truman and Marshall plans, and that merely ensured victories which were probably divergence to turn Democratic even without intervention. Other than the literal spread of Communism, th e Soviet Union also achieved propaganda victories by launching Sputnik and in the U-2 incident. The launch of SPutnik was a complete surprise to the U. S. , and greatly surpassed the current technical abilities of the U. S. at the time. Its beeping was a constant and easily found reminder to not just the American pack, but people all over the world, that Communism could succeed in creating great nd successful projects.During the U-2 incident, the Soviet Union managed to embarrass President Eisenhower by making him cypher like a liar. He had signed an agreement that there were to be no more U. S. surveillance planes over Russia, but the one that he left was shot down by the Russians. The survival of the pilot caused even more embarrassment for EIsenhower by forcing him to get Gary Powers back. This painted Eisenhower to the world as a liar, and as untrustworthy. These two events were huge propaganda victories for the Soviet Union.In addition, the weakness of the U. S. overnment wa s exposed through the Red Scare. H. U. A. C. blew past the constitution making it practically worthless, and therefore showcased the fragile proportionality of power that a Democratic government must maintain in order to function properly. In conclusion, the Soviet Unions victories in China, Korea and Eastern Europe combined with the propaganda successes that were the launch of Sputnik, the U-2 incident and the Red Scare, show that the Soviet Union clearly achieved their goals. This achievement therefore demonstrate the clear winner in this successful country in this section of the Cold War.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Employee Survey Analysis (ESA) Scripts

Employee Survey Analysis ( ESA ) ScriptsYet A nonher Natural Language off pileing ApplicationAbstraction With this paper of our, we use up peculiarly worked on whiz of the application of Data Analysis. We have proposed a fresh system for happening appear worthy breeding out of the clump of natural informations utilizing Python and NLTK libraries. We have processed the Remarks of the as salmagundied Employees of a Comp any(prenominal) in the signifier of Raw Data. Each Remark follows different stairss such(prenominal) as Cleansing which removes solely the errors in the remarks make by the user, Taging which tags word harmonizing to the different types of verbs or adjectives utilize in the remarks, Lumping which includes choosing a perticualr phrase out of the cleansed remark by usage of a get hold of grammar regulation, Category Generation which includes different types of class generated for the words which bear be employ for bring forthing different classs user remark s. This includes the usage of Python as a spear where NLTk is added as a Natural Language Processor which is use for different sorts of linguistic communications. You may happen the elaborate account about our methodological analysiss in the ulterior parts of this paper.Keywords Python, NLTK, Tokenizer 8 , Lemmatizer 9 , Stemmer 9 , formaler, Tagger.I. IntroductionWith the growing of IT sector over the past few old ages, informations handling and its analysis had have really hard. M some(prenominal) companies trades with a big sum of informations and they have purchased different tools from different companies exchangeable IBM, Microsoft, etc for informations storage and its analysis. Data Analysis fundamentally provides us the method to squeeze out some valuable information out of some natural facts. It contains several Fieldss which are requisite to be undertaken such as pickings all the errors, change overing it into that signifier which our tool scum bag understa nd, saying regulations for it usage, happening the results and take supportive actions on the footing of these results. The field of Data Analytics is pity grand and have many attacks related to informations extraction and mold and in this paper we will be discoursing on the one of the of import application of Data Analytics. allow us better understand what Data Analysis is with illustration of a individual named Lee who had a wont of composing dairy. He started observing for each one and every incident of his life get downing from his birth boulder clay now. With the class of clip, he have written a batch of information about himself which reflects different phases of his life. Suppose if another individual goes through each and every incident of Lee s life and analysis what he use to wish when he was below 10 old ages of age or which portion of his life was unforgettable. This analysis of the natural information and happen out the valuable information out of it is categorized wi th the term Data Analytics. I think now we are in a place to understand the relevant nomenclatures used in this paper. So I would wish to depict the existent methodological analysis of our research paper.II. A Brief METHODOLOGYThis paper demonstrates a novel method which wait on user to pull out utile information from the clump of a natural information. It includes a method/ codes which include the usage of set of categories and maps which help in pull outing a utile information out of input informations. There are many utile maps which help in pull outing information that are included here. Some of them may be named as, Tokenizer, Taggers, Chunkers, Stemmers, Transformation of Chunkers and Taggers and many to a greater extent. These methods or categories work on the tool Named as Python 2.7.6 which is essential to be downloaded and safe(p) configured in the system. Every Code that is executed demand to be imported through assorted bundles present in the depository library. In t his undertaking, we have processed the informations and produced the different classs out of it and through that we have extracted what user really meant to state in his/her remarks. You may happen the elaborate account as what this paper is all approximately in ulterior portion.A.PythonPython 1 is considered as a high degree linguistic communication, a degree in mien of C and C++ . It is fundamentally developed for developing applications or books for transforming different signifiers of linguistic communications like English, French, German and many more. Python have a completely characteristic which differentiate it from other linguistic communications like C, C++ or Java is that it uses white infinite indenture instead than curly brackets. Presently, the in style(p) version of python in the market is Python 3.4.1 was released on May 18th, 2014. But we have used Python 2.7.6.B.NLTKNLTK 3 is described as Natural Language Tool Kit. It comprises of library shows in different linguistic communications that Python may utilize for informations analysis. One is required to import the NLTK bundle in the Python Shell so that its library files female genital organ be used by the coder. NLTK includes several characteristics like graphical presentation of informations. Several books have been published on the alien belongingss and installations of NLTK which clearly explains things off to any coder who is either novice with python or NLTK or merely an expert. NLTK finds several applications in research work when it comes to Natural Language Processing. It helps in treating text in several linguistic communications which itself is a large positive for modern research workers.III. IMPLEMENTATION OF EMPLOYEE SURVEY ANALYSIS ( ESA ) SCRIPTSA.What s the Requirement of ESA Scripts.In Today s universe of Globalization and competitions, It is the tendency which is followed by every company to form a Engagement and Exit Survey for its employee within the organisation t o happen out the causa why concourse wants to fall in or go forth their company. When any individual leaves any company, he/she is required to make estimable an online study that comprises of assorted Fieldss which might be the grounds for his go forthing the Organization. In that study, the inquiries might be in assorted signifiers like Check Boxes, Scroll List, school text field, etc. It is pity easy to enter and analysis those inquiries which involve replying through Checkboxes or Scroll List but state of affairs becomes really agitated for the individual who is analysing that informations if the reply is recorded through Text fields or Text Paragraph. When mouth about manually reading, the individual, who is reading that informations, will be required to travel through each and every employees remarks to happen what were the grounds why they have left the occupation. Each company comprises of 1000s of employees and it is really common in industries that people moves from o ne organisation to another organisation. So, maintaining the path of all those employees by merely manual reading is a tough undertaking.Figure 1 A try out Shot of Employee Exit Survey 1 Each company spends a batch of money and resources on their employees on their preparation and growing and hence, wants to happen the grounds why their best employees are go forthing them. Therefore, we are in an pressing demand of something which can serve up us happening the grounds why any individual is go forthing his/her organisation. Although, at that place are several tools in the market by some singular companies like IBM. But the major chief is they all are paid and therefore, require a batch of money to invested to buy them. In comparing with these paid tools, these Python Script are unfastened beginning and are free of cost. Any organisation can besides do alterations in the books harmonizing to its demand. Hence, it is contributeing us the best ground why to choose for ESA Scripts. B.Functionality of ESA ScriptsESA Scripts performs interest actions as specified below It corrects all the Spelling Mistakes.It corrects all the Repeated Words.It performs Lemmatization, Stemming and Tokenization of Data.It performs Antonyms and Synonym Operations on words.It find out what sort of Verb, Noun or Adjective is used by the Employee.It generates Phrases depending upon the type of Grammar Rule one select.Removal of Stop Words.Encoding and Decryption of Special Stop Words.Removal of ASCII Codes.There are many more of import operations which comes under these above specified operations which are discussed subsequently as their functions comes.C.Following Big MeasureFirst of all, Remarks of different employees are taken in a individual Column of a CSV file and read line wise. Each Remark comprises of different paragraph holding different Spelling errors, repeated characters in a word and many more errors which are required to be removed(p) before we can happen out what in dividual meant in his/her grounds for go forthing his/her occupation.All the files are required to be stored extension and all the of import methods or categories are required to be defined in a individual library file so that when utilizing those maps and classes we can import them in a spell and utilize them to make whatever we like to make. These methods/classes are defined in library file named as and this file is required to be executed at the top before utilizing any of the map or category so that these categories work consequently whenever they are called in the chief book.There is yet another of import thing that we are required to take attention of. You must either topographic point all you scripts in the current on the job directory or you must supply the way where you have placed your books. It is extremely required and if we do non supply the way of our books decently so it will be traveling to demo mistakes which will return an mistake that c urrent file do non be in our directory.Figure-2Block Diagram Representing Various Processes to be followedThis Purpose has been divided into 3 Classs which are as followsa. Cleansing.b. Tagging and Chunking 12 .c. Category Generation.The above described description can be better explained by the figure given below.A.Cleaning Cleansing, as its name suggests includes the methods which help in cleaning the information which the user has provided. It includes those methods or maps by which one can tokenize informations, correct the spellings, take all the perennial words like if any user wrote love as llooovvvee in a really enthusiastic manner. So they are required to be corrected. There are several Abbreviations that people wrote which are required to be changed to their normal word signifier. Then there are several stop words in the sentences which do non lend much to the significance of that sentence are hence required to be removed from that sentence. The process of this is expla ined as below.First of wholly, we break Paragraph into Sentences and in that process some of the words are changed into ASCII Codes which created job when we further run the occasion on them and are required to be removed through strip_unicode bid. After taking ASCII Codes we tokenize Sentences into words.Now, explicating each class in item below.Figure-3Measure wise Explanation for Above ProcessThese words are processed and all the perennial words like looovvee are changed to love by utilizing repetition replacer map. After that all the short signifiers or the Abbreviations are changed to their full signifiers. All the spelling errors are required to be corrected before continuing farther. This map is imported utilizing import bid and all the methods are required to be defined in our library file named as CustomClassLibrary.pyAfter rectifying all of our spelling errors, we lemmatize our word if they are found to be of Noun, Adjective or Verb. For any other class of words, it trave ling to go through the word as it is. After that all the punctuations are removed such as Commas, Exclamation grade, Full Stops, etc.Here, now we are required to code some of the particular words so that they can be used in approaching procedure. We will be coding some of the words and them taking stop words from that list of words. All those word which do non assist in analysing the sentences like can, could, might, etc are removed from the list of words. Once, Stop words removed, we once more decrypt those particular words once more so that they can be processed now. At this measure, we have got the list of words which are traveling to be passed to make Antonym of words which appears after not word.For Example, lets , not , uglify , our , code is changed to lets , beautify , our , code . Therefore, we are at that place with our Cleansed Data.A.TAGGING AND Unitization Tagging is a procedure of assigning different tickets to the word in conformity with the portion of address tagging . For this, we have used Classifier based POS tagger 5 10 which is rather a good tagger. When calculated, its efficiency comes out to be over 90 % which is rather good. For labeling, we passed the information word wise and happen out to which portion of address class it belongs. any it is a noun or it is a verb or adjectival like vise.We are making labeling in order to bring forth labeled word from where we can make a grammar regulation so that from them, all the words which comes, forms a meaningful phrase and therefore can be wrote in different file.IV. GRAMMAR rein 11 AND UnitizationA.Chunk Rule NP & A lt RBDTNN.*VB.* & A gt ? & A lt VB.* & A gt ? & A lt .* & A gt ? & A lt JJ.* & A gt ? & A lt JJ.*NN. ? & A gt + This Chunk Rule can be described as the phrase formed will get down with optional Adverb or Determiner or any sort of Noun or any sort of Verb followed by any sort of optional Verb followed by optional any word followed by any sort of optional Adjective and stoping with as many figure of any sort of Adjective or any sort of Noun.B.Category CoevalsFor Category Generation, we have selected those set of tokenized words which are generated from chunked end product. These words are written individually in different file and we manually create class for that. Like if honorarium appears in the file so we have created its class as salary problem likewise if family appears in the word so we generated its class as in-person Issues . Once this file is created so we compare each and every word of the file and if we find that word in our distinguishable words file so we are traveling to bring forth that class for that word.Figure-3Distinct Categories defined for Chunked wordsOnce the class is generated, this class is used to bring forth the consequences for the different remarks made by user. It is here shown in the figure below.Figure-4Classs Generated for different Employees remarksV. APPLICATION OF EMPLOYEE SURVEY ANALYSIS ( ESA ) SCRIPTSWe can make sentimental analysis utilizing this application.Sentimental Analysis 7 This is a procedure of analysing the sentiments of a individual, be it positive, negative or assorted emotions.We can utilize the same application for other spheres as good like battle of an employee with the organisation.VI. DecisionThis Paper provides a advanced thought which helps in cut downing the human attempts as individual who is analysing the information of assorted employees who had left every bit now, is non required to travel through each and every employees remarks. Therefore, by running these books we will be able to bring forth what an employee is speaking about, what are the assorted causes which he found in the company which forced him to vacate. Hence, the value of this merchandise goes up when you think analysing the information of different users of different states following different linguistic communications.VII. REFRENCEShypertext communicate protocol //123facebook interview-1.png.hypertext tape drive protocol // ( programing language ) .hypertext transfer protocol // .hypertext transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // f.hypertext transfer protocol //

Friday, May 24, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Studying Abroad

AdvantagesNowadays, studying abroad brings people many advantages. First of all, it is undeniable that thanks to learning in contradictory countries, they can improve their slope. It is mainly imputable to the living environment there, where people piddle more exposure to English. Every day communicating with the native in the language is the chance for them to reinforce their English skills. Secondly, living independently is another thing people can gain after being abroad.In fact, when studying abroad, people cannot rely on anyone but themselves, and they have to cypher all their problems. It makes them get used to being independent. The quality is short helpful in both their life and work nowadays. Last but not least, studying overseas likewise gives people more opportunities to find jobs. It is not only because of their good English skills but also the certificates they have got in foreign universities, which are highly appreciated in our country today. In short, studying abroad is a good choice for people today, especially the young.DisadvantagesStudying abroad is also disadvantageous to people for some reasons. First of all, it is undoubted that farming shock will happen when everyone is overseas. They can find the natives behaviours, speeches and so on absolutely strange the first time in foreign countries. This makes the people totally confused and annoyed. Therefore, they can easily lose concentration on study when having culture shock. Secondly, homesickness is what people cannot avoid when studying abroad. This is because they have to live far from home in the different living environment. In addition, they also perpetually have to solve problems by themselves.All of these make them miss their families more than ever before and lessen their enthusiasm in learning. Last but not least, people also may have to learn under pressure while being abroad due to the big amount of money they spend on studying overseas. They always have to care for th eir marks at school for fear of not getting good certificate. As a result, they can be stressed, and their life overseas can become a nightmare. In short, studying abroad brings people both advantages and disadvantages, so everyone should think carefully before deciding to do this.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Consumer Materials Enterprises Essay

Before accelerating employees interest in worker satisfaction, David Gold has to fix the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the quondam(a) experienced supervisors because the conflict is the main issue in this case. If this issue can be fixed, all of the supervisors will be able to improve other employees satisfaction. Thus, the problem statement is how can the attach to ignore the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the aged(a) experienced supervisors. Explain the behavior.There atomic number 18 external issues and internal issues. For external issues, supervisors have slump penury because they are lack of confidence. They are seen as the losers of the organization and it is hard for them to watch others moving up. For internal issues, newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors are sepa arrayd into two sub-groups. The management has a personal relationship with the older experienced supervisors and this is causing so me issues around forcing the older experienced supervisors to change. College graduates supervisors complain that the older supervisors dont want to try anything new and they are upset when advice is not followed. In contrast, the older supervisors dont trust college graduates supervisors and they think college graduates supervisors only want to make a gigantic impression to get ahead. As a result, people in two groups dont like sepa lay outly other and they feel low self-determination. They cannot control their over their own actions and two groups threat from each one other. Analyze the theoriesSelf-determination theory is a theory of motive that aims to explain individuals goal-directed behavior. In the case, there is a community culture clash going on. The older experienced supervisors are trying to continue on in the old ways, and college graduates supervisors are obviously trying to forge a new culture. The truth is that management is not willing to change or that the o lder experienced supervisors dont see the need for change. Both groups try to control over their own actions. Due to two main reasons, supervisors start tang their tasks much like obligations which they dont feel engaged. First, the conflict occurs because their values and work habits are different. One of the groups is forced to change in the most cases. Second, the company doesnt give them enough authority. The feeling undermines their motivation, so the companys goals will not be achieved.Objectives* Improving employee satisfaction* Improving cooperation and understanding* cut back turnover rateAlternatives* Creating a reward-and-motivation curriculum* Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting* Empowering supervisorsConsequences of AlternativesDavid wants to create the atmosphere of one big happy family. The concept behind one big happy family is to improve employee satisfaction. There is a link between how motivated employees are at their workplace and their level of job sat isfaction. A company endeavors to attach job satisfaction so employee motivation will also improve, resulting in cleanse job performance and increased efficiency. Furthermore, the cooperation with the business is important for the long-term conquest towards achieving sustainable management. Also, the company has utmost turnover rate. High turnover often means that employees are unhappy with the work or compensation. The way to fix high turnover rate is to increase employees satisfaction. There are three alternatives. First, the employee reward program is one method of increasing employees extrinsic motivation to change work habits and key behaviors to benefit a small business.Extrinsic motivation is a less preferred state than intrinsic motivation, but better than being unmotivated. Second, rotating shifts can allow the general supervisor to understand each shifts functional condition. The weekly meeting can enforce the discourse among supervisors and reduce the level of the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. Also, supervisors can understand the companys direction and be more satisfied in their jobs. Third, empowering supervisors can also enhance their motivation at jobs. Each supervisor can set personal goals, and they will feel a sense of accomplishment rather than obligation.Tradeoffs / Analysis of AlternativesBased on the criteria listed in each objective, an importance freight was assigned, which ranged from 1 to 5. Improving employee satisfaction was assigned a weight of 5 because employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and positive employee morale in the workplace. Improving cooperation and understanding was given a weight of 5. David sets up the first off-site meeting and he wants supervisors to be cooperative. Reducing turnover rate is weighted a 3. High turnover rate may effect operation of the fill again box unit. However, refill packaging is n ot high skill job so the damage of turnover is low. For Creating a reward-and-motivation program, I assigned a score of 10 for the goals Improving employee satisfaction and Reducing turnover rate because Supervisors motivation can be encouraged by rewarding them. For the second goal, Improving cooperation and understanding I assigned a score of 8.Employees will learn from others who get rewards from the company. Hence, a reward-and-motivation program can reduce the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. They wont insist on doing what they think right. They will follow the companys direction. For the second strategy alternative, Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting, the company gets 10 points for the second goal of Improving cooperation and understanding and the third goal of Reducing turnover rate because Supervisors can get a chance to communicate face-face with others. The conflict can be reduced by understanding other Supervisor s thoughts.The first goal, Improving employee satisfaction , I assigned a score of 9. Rotating shifts may reduce some of employees satisfaction. They do something and they dont learn new skill even though their shifts are rotated. Some Supervisors might feel annoying because their shifts are rotated. For the third strategy alternative, Empower supervisors, I gave 10 points for Improving employee satisfaction. Supervisors dont have enough authority to manage their employees. Empowering supervisors can help them manage their employees and increase their job motivation. Also, empowering supervisors can reduce supervisors turnover rate. Thus, I gave 7 points for the third goal Reducing turnover rate.RecommendationThe conflict result from lack of communication and low motivation. I suggest David creates a reward-and-motivation program, rotate shifts, and have weekly meeting. A reward program can increase supervisors motivation. Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting can get supervisor communicate with each other and understand others thoughts and managing skills.Table 1 Consequence TableStrategies Goals Creating a reward-and-motivation program Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting Empower supervisors Improving employee satisfaction * Increasing employees extrinsic motivation. * getting more extrinsic motivation * Supervisors will be able to learn from other supervisors * Supervisors will get more control over their action * They get motivation to do their jobs Improving cooperation and understanding * understanding the goals of the company * allowing the general supervisor to understand each shifts working condition * enforcing the communication among supervisors and reduce the level of the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors N/A Reducing turnover rate * being willing to stay in the job * getting more extrinsic motivation * getting chance to learn from others * Supervisors can have mightiness to reduce turnover rate Table 2 Weighted/ Ranked Consequences TableStrategies Goals Weights(Range of 1-5) Creating a reward-and-motivation programs Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting Empower supervisors Improving employee satisfaction 5 105 95 105 Improving cooperation and understanding 5 85 105 35 Reducing turnover rate 3 103 103 73 Ranked Total 28 29 20 Weighted total great hundred 125 56Make inferencesThere are several factors that may cause the low employee satisfaction in discharge Corporations refill packaging unit. First, there is a conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. College graduates and the older experienced supervisors have different values and working attitudes. They always have different opinions at work. Second, employees who work in the refill packaging unit are considered to have the lowest status in Consummate Corporation. Third, supervisors arent given more control over their schedules, environment, and/or w ork habits. In addition, commination is missing among the general supervisor, each shift product supervisors, and workers.There are a lot of uncontested assumptions circulating about people on different shift, and supervisor will just make judgments by what they perceive it to be. However, those judgments are always wrong. Finally, workers who work overtime can have higher salaries than their supervisors. That makes supervisors have low motivation to accomplish their tasks. Overall, because of the low employee satisfaction, employees who work at the refill packaging unit fail to accomplish the organizational goals and some even violate laws and the companys policy.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Project Report on Career Mangement Essay

In recent years, however,c atomic number 18ernow refers to changes or modifications in employment during the foreseeable future career Management Career Managementis the combination of structuredplanningand the activemanagementchoice of ones own professionalcareer. It includes 1. instruction of overall goals and objectives, 2. Development of a strategy (a general means to accomplish the selected goals/objectives), 3. Development of the specific means (policies, rules, procedures and activities) to implement the strategy, and 4.To understand the career management process To find out the office staff of individual in career management how an individual check this process better. To know the organizational role I the process of career management nowadays with intense competition everywhere, coupled with economic changes, companies are aggressively pursuing the strategies for downsizing, outsourcing, and synergy through alliances.Pursuing strategies that result in loss of furrow s is a blue fix both for those who get the axe and the people who are still with the company. It is in context of this corporate reality that career management assume more(prenominal) significance Methodology and Research Design The study attempts to understand the organization individual role in managing the career stages through which an average individual passes. The explore methodology, which I have chosen, is deductive in which primary data collected by Questionnaire which is composed have close ended and open ended questions substitute(prenominal) data is collect by means of net libraries.The Career Management process The process begins with the goal setting then further stages reservation is shape. Goals/objectives Development The career management process begins with setting goals/objectives. A relatively specific goal must be formulated. This task may be quite exhausting when the individual lacks knowledge of career opportunities and/or is not fully aware of thei r talents and abilities. However, the entire career management process is based on the Short bourne goals (one or two years) are usually much more specific and limited in scope.Short end points goals are, of course, are easier to formulate. Intermediate goals (3 to 5 years) consort to be less specific and more open ended than short term goals. Long term goals are the closely fluid of all. Lack of animateness experience and knowledge about potential opportunities wee-wee the formulation of long term goals difficult. Makingcareerchoices and finishs Managing the organizational career concerns the career management tasks of individuals at heart theworkplace, such as decision-making, life-stage transitions, dealing with stress etc. Taking control of ones personal development as employers take less responsibility, employees lease to take control of their own development in order to maintain and enhance their employability. Stages of career management Career formation starts during school years and ends at the retirement age five career stages regardless of occupation can be identified as, The exploration stage This stage ends for most individuals as they make transition from formal education programs to work.The grueling pressure and competition have left youngsters unprogrammed, exhausted, cynical, and chronically anxious about their future instead of being most optimistic and hopeful. educational psychologists tell us that they are seeing record come in of teenagers who are overwhelmed by the pressure and paralyzed by the tremendous number of choices available to them The establishment stage The period begins with the search for work and includes getting the prime(prenominal) job, being accepted by your peers, learning the job, and gaining the first tangible narrate of success and failure in the real world.It begins with uncertainties and anxieties, feeling of excitement and fear and is, indeed, dominated by two problems finding a niche and makin g your mark Although the specific ca affairs of early career disappointments vary from person to person, some general causes have been identified. Studies of the early career problems of young managers typically find that those who experience frustrations are victims of reality shock (Ivancevich, 2004). These young managers perceive a mismatch between what they thought the organization was and what it actually is.Young professionals enter an organization with skillful knowledge but often without an understanding of the organizations demands and expectations one reason for this could be that the new recruits are not provided with realistic job prevue during the recruiting process. A realistic job preview provides the prospective employee with pertinent information about the job without exaggeration. Organization role during this period could be in the theater of socializing, orienting and mentoring of new recruits.When we talk about socializing, and developing employees, referring to a process of helping new employees adapt to their new organization, to get them to become fully productive, thence helping them to develop their self-efficacy train. However in this stage individuals have yet to reach their peak productiveness. The organizations role here would be to provide an array of services, homogeneous career guidance and training . Training involves change of skills, knowledge, attitudes or behavior to help individuals to improve their ability to perform the job effectively and efficiently.Training then helps them to reduce the stress that arises due to personal inadequacy. Mid- Career stage This is a period when individuals continue their performance, or level off, or begin to deteriorate. The mid level executive experiences certain pressures, Haider & Supriya 187 which is unique because of the position he occupies in the organization The growing managers display a high need for self-actualization. They seek opportunities enabling them to use their s kills and knowledge to reach their creative potential. A study of Indian Industries by Nanjanath et. al. 1980) has found that, of all the factors contributing to managerial effectiveness, the individual qualities of the managers top the list. The third extract for mid-career deals with the employee whose performance begins to deteriorate. This stage for this kind of employee is characterized by loss of both interest and productivity at work Loss of productivity and managerial effectiveness has been inform to be a function of personal and environmental factors. Organizational roles play an important part in increasing the individuals effectiveness in an organization.Increased decision-making enhances the meaningfulness employees find in work and provide them greater sense of autonomy, responsibility, certainty, control and ownership. Continued growth and high performance are not the plainly successful outcomes at this stage. Maintenance is another possible outcome of the mid-caree r stage. The organizational role here would be providing sensitivity training exercises, by getting persuasion feedback from employees to identify discrepancies if any, or simply moving them to another position in the organization. This can work to boost morale and productivity.Decline Stage The decline or late stage in ones career is difficult for just about everyone, but, ironically, is probably hardest on those who have had continued successes in the preliminary stages. After decades of continued achievements and high level of performance, the time has come for retirement. These individual step out of the limelight and relinquish a major component of their identity. Educational workshops and seminars and counseling sessions are an invaluable look to help the pre-retirement persons make the transition from work to retirement.Organizational efforts must include programs to facilitate pursuing careers financial planning, progression of individual retirement programs and a compre hensive educational programs Back (1969) has suggested that the more the retirement is looked upon as a change to new status, the better the transition pass on be accomplished. Career management largely an individuals responsibility If on one hand competition and cost economics are cattle ranch insecurity in jobs and on the other hand competition and evolution of new industries which were nonexistent a couple of decades ago are opening a plethora of pportunities for the individuals to choose from. New opportunities and accompanying threats make the job markets extremely unpredictable. In such an uncertain environment, it is ultimately the responsibility of the individual to decide and make choices to pursue a desired career. Personal ambitions coupled with emerging business trends are increasingly shaping the career choice of the people. An organization can at best support an individuals aspirations if in line with its business goals.With this view of careers in todays environment , an individual needs to change the way jobs have traditionally been looked at. A job is not merely a means of earning money, it must be viewed by the individuals as an opportunity for learning, so that when you are doing a job to fulfill you responsibility for the company, you are also strengthening your skills required to develop your career. Career management thus is primarily an individual responsibility. It is a life long process for an individual, where he continuously learns about his purpose, personality, skills and interests. picAn individual must continuously review learning from his assignments and try to develop alternate perspectives of the job, which helps in enriching ones experience. Also a periodic relook at the job and the company along with the opportunities available outside will definitely help an individual in large-minded boost to his career advancement. Finally, one must take some time at some important milestones to assess his progress against the long term goals a review gives an opportunity for the individual to refine clarity on long term goals, which in turn will affect his further course of action. adjacent points will be of immense help for an individual Taking a long term view of where one wants to be Accept short term trade offs for long term benefits (low pay offer or some lateral move, which are vital for career development and contact building) Judicious decision between specialized jobs and isolated jobs Building the right connections both inside and outside the firm Assess oneself honestly Keep abreast of changes and capture first mover advantage Plan our exit (timing, convenience and dignity) pic Challenge for HR matching career aspirations with business needs Employee loyalty to the company is higher when the job fulfills intrinsic needs and personal goals of the employees. By assisting an individual in planning his career and providing opportunities for career development, an organization can ensure higher loya lty and productivity from employees. Challenge for HR professional is to match and support career expectation of performers with organizational requirements.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Look into the Use of Social Media in Healthcare Essay

In the world today, smartphones be becoming the norm, with basic phones becoming nearly obsolete in recent years. Pairing the overwhelm presence of friendly media with the rise in usage of smartphones brings to light an entirely new set of problems and ch onlyenges regarding patient role privacy. According to a 2010 study conducted regarding various boards of nursing, 67% of executive officers surveyed reported receiving complaints about haves misusing kind media (Spector & Kappel, 2012). Incidentally, companionable media use in health fearfulness has garnered many positive results as well. One study nominate that 67% of doctors use social media for professional use, and of their followers, 60% of social media users trust posts by their doctors and 55% of users trust posts by hospitals (Skram, n.d.). However, the question remains, with social media does the good outweigh the mediocre, and how do hospitals foster the good while impeding the bad?HIPAA RegulationsDue to the sens itive nature of the instruction kept by healthcare providers about their patients, principles were put in place to reduce the risk of breeching patient privacy. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) set case standards and regulations regarding the protection of patients privacy and personal health info (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services HHS, n.d.). nether The Privacy Rule enacted by HIPAA, protection is governed over all,Individually specifiable health reading which is training, including demographic data, that relates to the individuals past, present or future physical or mental health or condition, the provision of health care to the individual, or the past, present, or future payment for theprovision of health care to the individual, and that identifies the individual or for which there is a reasonable basis to believe it can be apply to identify the individual. (HHS, n.d., p. 2).There are instances outlined in HIPAA that permi t a healthcare provider to emit a patients personal health education which include disclosing information to the individual receiving preaching, information for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations, and information for uses and disclosures with opportunity to agree or object, such(prenominal) as in cases in which a patient is incapacitated in the emergency department (HHS, n.d.). Also, disclosure is permitted for incidental use and disclosure and in a limited data set in which all personal identifiers fix been upstage (HHS, n.d.).Furthermore, personal health information may be disclosed for public interest and benefit activities such as those required by law, those to ensure safety of victims of abuse, information for decedents, information for tissue donation, information for enquiry studies, if there is a serious threat to health or society, and in cases of workers compensation (HHS, n.d.). If health information is released in discordance with the rules and regulatio ns set forth by HIPAA, legal action, twain civilly and criminally, can be taken against the individual creditworthy as well as the healthcare organization with which the individual is involved.Advantages of Smartphones and neighborly Media in health careSmartphones in the healthcare setting can be very useful both for patients and providers. One advantage of smartphones in the healthcare setting is the overwhelming presence of medical applications that can be accessed and downloaded on smartphones (Wyatt & Krauskopf, 2012). Nurses, physicians, and other medical professionals can quickly access a host of medical character reference material straight from their smartphones. Several applications are also available that are useful for patients, giving information about chronic conditions, health and wellness, and fitness (Wyatt & Krauskopf, 2012). Many applications such as MyFitnessPal and iFitness are tailored to benefactor individuals keep track of nutritional intake and exercise habits (Wyatt & Krauskopf, 2012). This can be extremely useful for lot wanting to make lifestyle changes regarding nutrition and fitness, especially those aiming to lose weight and become healthier overall.Moreover, social media can be very beneficial to patients suffering from chronic conditions as well as their family and friends (Norton & Strauss, 2013). For archaic diseases local community support groups may non be available. accessible media steps in to train this void by offering users a variety of different online support groups, blogs, newsletters, and networks. Individuals can use such resources to reach out to others with similar issues, find much needed support during difficult times, and become apprised of treatments and medications that worked for others with their same illness that may prompt them to contact their doctor about other possibilities in treatment options. When used properly, smartphones and social media can be very beneficial to healthcare providers and patients.Disadvantages of Smartphones and Social Media in HealthcareUnfortunately, along with the good must come the bad. For every positive aspect of smartphones and social media in healthcare cogitate settings, there is an equally negative aspect. One pitfall of smartphones in healthcare is directly related to one of the positive aspects of smartphones the availability of medical applications. While the majority of medical applications are produced by tried sources with accurate, researched information, there are still medical applications in existence that supply untrustworthy and erroneous information. Gagglioi (2012) observes that, medical apps have not been causa to rigorous testing (p. 512) the reason for which being, that most of these apps reach consumers/patients directly, without passing through the traditionalistic medical gatekeepers (p. 512). When patients base future interventions on these erroneous applications, such as seeking treatment or using home remedie s, there can result harmful and even fatal consequences.Another hateful characteristic of smartphone usage in healthcare settings is the tendency of smartphones to be distracting (Gill, Kamath, & Gill, 2012). Smartphone usage can cause a disruption in workflow which can lead to medical errors and negligence. A study in Australia found that of 439 perfusionists surveyed, 49.2% admitted that they had sent schoolbook messages while performing a cardiopulmonary bypass (Gill, Kamath, & Gill, 2012). Theinterference in nimble attention to patient care caused by smartphones can present contamination, infection, and hygiene risks as well as impeding the ability of the healthcare provider to recognize potential complications or downward trends in their patients (Gill, Kamath, & Gill, 2012). In healthcare, even secondary distraction can lead to fatal consequences.Lastly, a huge problem concerning smartphones in healthcare related settings involves the usage of cameras and social media. As seen in the scenario presented, the nurse on duty handle her smartphone and go against HIPAA by sending meets of her patient to her friend via text message. Privacy is extremely important in healthcare because patients are less apt to share important information with the provider if they fear that the information could be disclosed or disseminated without permission (Spector & Kappel, 2012). Sharing pictures of a patient or any information regarding a patient without express written permission is a direct violation of HIPAA regulations and is therefore subject to the consequences set forth.Since the nurse on duty knowingly violate HIPAA by sending photos to her friend via text message, she should be investigated and penalized. As mentioned above, in a study conducted of boards of nursing, 67% of executives have encountered complaints about nurses regarding social media (Spector & Kappel, 2012). Of those surveyed, all 67% who had complaints took disciplinary action against the re sponsible party (Spector & Kappel, 2012). Based on the precedent set in the previous study, the hospital should discipline the nurse in the scenario for her inappropriate behavior. Furthermore, the hospital has a legal contract set forth by national law demanding that disciplinary action be taken when the electric pig becomes aware of a staff member violating HIPAA policy.Conclusion and RecommendationsBased on the information presented about HIPAA rules and regulations, the stern destination is the only choice able to be deemed as ethically and lawfully appropriate. The fourth conclusion involves an extensive investigation into the HIPAA violation by the hospital, and the implication of legal action being pursued against the responsible party and the hospital. For her unsuitable behavior, the nurse at the very least shouldincur a formal investigation and write-up as well as suspension from her duties.The nurse violated HIPAA by sharing individually identifiable health informati on (HHS, n.d.). Legally, in the case of a violation in which the perpetrator was unknowing and would not have known even by exercising reasonable diligence, the consequence ranges from a $100 to $50,000 alright for each violation, with a maximum fine of $1.5 million for identical provisions within a schedule year (Penalties for violating HIPAA, 2014). However, in the case of the nurse in the scenario, supposed to have extensively learned the encompassment of HIPAA violations previously, the nurse likely would not be considered to be unknowing which would therefore result in more intemperate consequences.Furthermore, the nurse violated the edict of Ethics for Nurses by violating her patients right to privacy. The nurse violated supply 1 set forth by the Code stating, The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with tenderness and the respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every individual (Fowler, 2010). More specifically, she violated region 1 of Provision 1 regarding respect for human dignity (Fowler, 2010). The nurse also violated Provision 3 of the Code of Ethics which states, The nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient (Fowler, 2010).Section 1 of Provision 3 regards privacy and Section 2 of Provision 3 regards confidentiality, both of which the nurse dishonored by sending a picture of her patient without his knowledge (Fowler, 2010). The nurse in the scenario not on violated the law regarding HIPAA, she also violated the Code of Ethics for Nurses set forth by the American Nurses Association. In all respects, what the nurse did was ethically, morally, and legally wrong.A lot can be learned from this assignment. It is clear that the use of smartphones and social media needs to be monitored carefully by nurses and other healthcare professionals. Any impropriety in patient privacy with smartphones or social media can become widespread and far-reaching in a matter of minutes. What seems small at the moment can second into a huge ordeal involving investigations, legal implications, fines, and civil lawsuits. For that reason it is of the utmost wideness to be diligent inconsidering patient privacy and HIPAA before any post made to social media or any text message sent.ReferencesFowler, M. D. (2010). Guide to the code of ethics for nurses interpretation and application. Silver Spring, MD American Nurses Association. Gaggioli, A. (2012). CyberSightings. Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 15(9), 512-513. doi10.1089/cyber.2012.1555 Gill P.S., Kamath A., & Gill T.S. (2012). Distraction an assessment of smartphone usage in health care work settings. Risk Manage Healthcare Policy 5(9), 105114. doi 10.2147/RMHP.S34813 Norton, A., & Strauss, L. J. (2013). Social media and health care The pros and the cons. Journal Of Health Care Compliance, 15(1), 49-51. Retrieved from http// token/detail?sid=b61 4377483634d2d-b65e946988e5d7ea%40sessionmgr114&vid=36&hid=126&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QbGl2ZQ%3d%3ddb=heh&AN=85287334 Perkins, N.L., & Theis, A.R. (2011). HIPAA and social networking sites A legal minefield for employers. Retrieved from http// Skram, T. (n.d.) 11 health care social media stats to turn heads. Retrieved from http// Spector, N., & Kappel D. M. (2012). Guidelines for using electronic and social media The regulatory perspective. Retrieved from http// U.S Departments of Health and Human Services. (n.d.) Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Retrieved from http// taste/summary/index.html What are the penalties for violating HIPAA? (2014). Retrieved from https// Wyatt, T. & Krauskopf, P. (2012). E-health and nursing Using smartphones to enhance nursing practice. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 16(2), 10-14. Retrieved from http//

Monday, May 20, 2019

Recycling Letter

Mr. Smith Thank you for presenting this recycling opportunity of business to the Owl Recycling Factory. The recycling and reusing of materials much(prenominal) as the ones that you have brought to our attention reduce pollution for our environment every day. There is a sylphlike problem, however, with the state in which your materials pass on be given to us. Owl Recycling Company must starting signal separate different substances from one another before sending them out to be reused.Since the four materials in your dump truck are ground into a fine powder, the Owl Recycling Company leave alone need to carry out a procedure other than what we normally would use to separate them. As you know, the materials included aluminum keynote cans, steel cans, milk jugs, and soda bottles. We fortunately have many reusable tools in our factory such as a conveyor belt, a large tank fill with wet, another tanks with kale peeing, powerful magnets, and nets to skim our tanks. I would like to propose to you our plan to separate your recyclable powder mixture.Due to the materials being on your property, we need your OK on our plan before we can let our recycling work. Our plan is as follows First of all, as the items are going down the conveyor belt, the magnets pause above with attract all of the steel products. With those out of the way, we will be left with the aluminum, the milk jugs, and the soda bottles. The next step would be to put the remaining materials into the tank filled with sugar water. The sugar water has a density of 1. 5 g/cm3, the soda bottles have a density of 1. g/cm3, and the milk jugs have a density of . 95 g/cm3. This means that these items would bollix up and could be skimmed out by the nets. The remaining material, the aluminum cans (with a density of 2. 7 g/cm3), would be left behind at the bottom because they are more dense than the sugar water. The skimmed out materials would then be placed into the tank filled with regular water. The den sity of water is 1 g. cm3. The soda bottles would sink and the milk jugs would float and be able to be skimmed out by the nets.After these steps, all four materials would be successfully separated. The density of these products are a springy role in the separation of these materials. If a object or particle is more dense than the smooth it is placed in the item will sink, while if the object is less dense the item will float. This is how the water and the sugar water can help separate the materials remaining after the use of the magnets. We rely that you will accept our plan for separating your recyclable materials. Thank you for doing business with us to help preserve our environment. have also Co Curricular Activities Letter

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The all-terrain vehicle-Polaris RZR XP 1000 EPS Ad Essay

The all-terrain vehicle-Polaris RZR XP 1000 EPS ad in a sports magazine is well placed. The ad is intentionally put in the magazine targeting sport enthusiasts or anyone looking for information about the same. The ad in particular targets those who and or would like to engage in off-road races with the intention of convincing them to purchase the result for the same. The ad achieves success with its audience in various ways as described in the document (Polaris Rzr, 11).The ad makes use of a variety of colors with the worthy ones being the White Colour of the yield-Polaris, with black wheels placed against a brown background of a desert. vehement and Silver are also visible with the name of the intersection point being written with the former against a background of the latter. A red background is also employ to display the varieties in the products in this cause Blue and Red colored vehicles. A uniform font is used in the words with the surface of the same being used interc hangeably where the name of the product has the biggest font with the details a flyspeck font. The ad utilizes plain folks in this fiber two riders shown while in action with the product (Polaris Rzr, 11)See more Examples of satire in adventures of huckfinn essayOn the language in the ad, the word the boot has connotations of fun and a good must have product. New on the other hand has the reference work of the product having been non-existent in the market. Jargon is also part of the language used in the ad the product is described as RZR XP 1000 EPS. The ad uses poetic devices one being analogy where performance of the product is described as shave sharp. Repetition is also used for emphasis in describing the product as the all- new new 2015 Polaris (Polaris Rzr, 11).The ad has a logic appeal in this case on authority expressed in pronouncing the manufacturers as 1 brand. Also, there is an emotional appeal in this case on fun with the use of word thrill. The character appeal i n the ad is on emplacement in this case razor- sharp performance (Polaris Rzr, 11).The claims in the ad help in reinforcement. One of the claims is on the value with the product being labeled as being from the 1 brand. Another claim in value is on delivering ultimate combination of power. The tone in the ad is such that it is meant to convince the vendee as there is the belief in value by the product manufacturers being never squelched until weve redefined razor-sharp performance (Polaris Rzr, 11).There is fallacy in using a false analogy to equivalence the performance of the product in this case a vehicle to a razor. It begs the question what a razor has in similarity with a vehicle whose main aspect should be on speed (Polaris Rzr, 11).In conclusion, the ad achieves its purpose as with a first glance, any motor sports racing enthusiast and in particular off road racers leave behind be captivated. Though the ad utilizes jargon in the description, the video of the vehicle in a ction has a very convincing emotional appeal to the consumers. The ad techniques used relates with the audience (racing fanatics) as they are solely based on the product in this a vehicle. The ad appeals to the audience by offering them a product any person in this group will want to have.ReferencesPOLARIS RZR. THE RED BULLETIN 5 June 2014 10-11. Print.Source document

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Kierkegaard Theory Essay

1. Do you authorize of Kierkegaards father teaching technique? Explain. ar there similarities between his techniques and virtual reality? Are there variances?Yes, I do approve of Kierkegaards teaching technique. Basically Kierkegaard and his father were always having talented and emotional conversation wherever they were heading to. I feel that it is a form of simulation for Kierkegaard to force back himself involved with God. It makes one feel that no matter where we atomic number 18, we should always put a leap of creed in God because he is always there for us. So how is it useful? Such teaching lead enable kids to grow up to be more innovative and creative. It is the process of turning something non-visual or non-sensory into concrete concepts in our minds. That conversion is crucial for a childs development. It allows a child to take an lineation concept, like democracy and turn it into real-world things.Schools often teach concepts, and they assume children will natural ly create accurate, real-world images in their heads. exclusively they were never taught how to figure something. Therefore the importance of such teaching produce visionary that whitethorn lead to a better future, a better world. For example politicians and scientists. Yes, there are similarity and difference with his techniques and virtual reality. By definition, virtual reality is an artificial environment which is experienced through sensory stimuli (as sights and sounds) provided by a computer and in which ones actions partially determine what happens in the environment.The similarity is they twain allow people to imagine and picture themselves in the virtual environment and feel it. Gamers enjoy the horse sense and real-life battles between monster and them. Similarly, we, who count in God, enjoy the sensation of knowing that he is by our side. But the difference is virtual reality relies on computers or technology to aid us in producing the images composition Kierkegaar ds father chose to describe every fine details and made use of the functionality of brain to imagine the description. Not to forget, everyone think differently, so the projection in the mind would be different from one another.2. Whom do you think Kierkegaard identifies most with the friend who doesnt want to choose or Williams? Or perhaps two?I think that Kierkegaard identifies himself as the friend the most. The friend said Get get hitched with, and youll regret it. Dont get married and youll regret it. He is part of what he believes it. Kierkegaard believes that subjectivity is the lawfulness. Either if Kierkegaard should get married or not, he would not know until he finds out himself. There is no objective truth in life, only personal truth which varies for each individual. William said about being refrained from choosing because others have elect for him. This contradicts to what he said about becoming authentic. A person does not accomplish anything unless he or she accomp lishes it by themselves, by making the experience their own. If a person chose not to choose what they want, they will never achieve selfhood and become a true human.3. Compare the second excerpt with Sartres theory of the empirical choice.Sartres theory of the existential choice believes that everyone always have a choice. Even if we do not choose, we actually made a choice of not choosing. There is always a part of us that we know we are not animals or inert things which allows us to make a choice precisely because we know about our own existence and morality. In the second excerpt, it is obvious that Williamss theory clashed with Sartres. By accepting the fact that he has been refrained from choosing, that is his choice of choosing to believe in what others say. Despite, Sartres theory does not believe in God, both Kierkegaard and Sartre believe that we should all make our own choices instead of letting them decide our fate. We are who we are only if we make our own choices.

Friday, May 17, 2019

My own experiences of education education essay

Paideias tenet is based on the belief that schools can be informal and individualised, yet still educate good. ( Paideia prepare )How does this comparison with my personal doctrine about Mathematicss? This has decidedly changed and I believe for my ain good. Previous bid experiences left me really disillusi iodined, I wanted to alter my sen metrents and beliefs, travel frontward, and en able-bodied others to alter their doctrines about maths every bit good. Some people look upon mathematics as a tabu topic, and we, as instructors, need to guarantee that everyone has chances opened to them to heighten and promote their ain schoolman acquisition.We need to guarantee that student s acquisition is individualised and that their experiences within the schoolroom are gratifying, motivational yet dis pointing. Mike Ollerton ( 2009, varlet 4 ) suggests thatThe more confident any pupil becomes, the more competent they become. Achievement strains assurance, assurance strains competence and competency causes enjoyment .So what do I believe mathematics is? Mathematicss for me is an international linguistic communication, which describes, analyses and alterations everything. It consists of a monolithic set of tools and we need to score out which tool to engage when using or move outing mathematics. We learn new accomplishments and must guarantee we can utilize and use them, by cosmos able to make this makes us more competent to get by with day-to-day life.My ain experiences of counsel connect really much to the discipline given in the Cockcroft Report ( 1982, chapter 9 ) , which states expressed information on the instruction system of that peculiar epoch. However, the Smith Report ( 2004 ) ( Chapter 3, pages 53-55 ) identifies the current mathematics tracts for the theme Curriculum ( pre-16 ) . This gives a more appropriate portraiture of the National Curriculum, which is loosely utilize, within schools in the joined Kingdom.Education throughout my ain lif e-time has greatly altered, so how has this affected my ain acquisition, my teaching method acting? exposed K promptlyledge is really of import for a trainee instructor because you need to understand the topic and you need to be able to convey it to pupils to guarantee they can understand and construe it to the full to increase their accomplishment capablenesss. My ain capable cognition is continuously altering and progressing, learning a subject allows oneself to better and escalate the techniques for learning a change of subjects and of the assorted ways, those students are able to entree their acquisition.In 1986, Shulman introduced the phrase pedagogical satiate cognition. In his theoretical model, he statesTeachers need to get the hang two types of cognition ( a ) field of study which is besides known as deep cognition of the topic itself, and ( B ) cognition of the curricular growing .However, why is capable cognition so of import?Teachers who have effectual capable e xpertness recognise how to construction larning in ways that allow students to fall in seemingly several(predicate) subjects, and construct on their introductory acquisition . ( OFSTED, 2008 )To guarantee my ain capable cognition continues to better I utilize the National means for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics ( NCETM ) . Using the NCETM enables me to go on bettering my ain teaching method and my professional development, which so ensures that I can dispute and reassure students that they can make their ain academic potency every bit good. The department for Education ( DfE ) set up the National CentreA in rejoinder to Professor Adrian Smith s study Making Mathematics Count, ( 2004 ) .How can I guarantee that students and I subject collaboratively to heighten their academic larning possible? On my first administration I wanted the students to work together in braces or groups this is something that had non antecedently been apparent and met with ill will fro m the students because it was something several(predicate).There is now general understanding in research that concerted little group work has positive do on both societal accomplishments and mathematics larning . ( Standard s whole, 2005, by Malcolm Swan )However, this attack requisite more practise and I needed to guarantee the mixture of the group would be able to work together. Once the students were more comfy about working in braces, I was so able to put them in specific groups and this encouraged them to work more collaboratively with different students and non experience un nourishable or disconcert about giving their positions or replies. The groups became supportive and were able to develop their ain cognition and understanding pull down further. To promote collaborative working amongst equals and other learning ply ensures sharing of choices, lesson programs and different schemes, which work with different twelvemonth or twelvemonth groups. Bing able to interchang e estimates and different instruction manners improves larning outlooks for both staff and pupils.Within the attack for coaction, I feel that the usage of staging is an country that worked non merely between the students and me only if besides with the more able students and those with lower abilities. Originally introduced in the 1950 s by Constructivist Jerome Bruner, nevertheless Vygotsky used a similar thought that larning depended on the zone of proximal development ( ZPD ) , in which he delimit The distance between the existent developmental breaker point as determined by independent problem-solving and the degree of possible development as determined through problem-solving under grownup counsel, or in coaction with more capable equals. ( Vygotsky, 1978 )In my first arrangement, I used scaffolding to back up larning further I besides set in motion that by lumping certain spots of information the students were better able to hold in the information.Why is this? George A Miller ( 1956 ) produced landmark work on the short-run memory. He proposed thatInformation is unionized into units or balls , and the restrictions on short term memory apply to the figure of balls an person can handgrip in consciousness at one clip. Balls can hold variable size, and the figure of balls worlds can intimidate in short-run memory is 7 + 2 . ( Miller, 1956 ) some other larning theory that I connect with and utilize regularly is that of positive support ( B. F. Skinner, 1971 Operant conditioning ) , I find that utilizing positive reinforcing remarks for illustration spines, present tickets improves non merely the student s behavior but besides increases their motivational accomplishments. Skinner suggests thatA reinforcing stimulus is anything that strengthens the coveted response. It could be verbal congratulations, a good class or a feeling of change magnitude achievement or satisfaction .Learning mathematics can happen in a assortment of different state of affairss. What is most of import is that the student uses a method that works for them and instructors are certified of a assortment of different methods to guarantee pupils are accomplishing their full academic potency.Presently, I am experimenting with different starting motor activities and plenaries. At arrangement one, I experimented with rich activities that I produced, tarzia mystifiers loop cards and mini-whiteboards because the pupils were non acquainted(predicate) with them, by presenting these different facets easy allowed me to allow the students extend/further their ain acquisition ottomanably without experiencing oer challenged. I feel that the starter gets the students in the temper for larning by giving them a assortment of disputing activities gets them accept about the mathematics involved in the undertakings. My plenaries combine to demo how the students have understood the work cover in category and how it links to the acquisition objectives/outcomes for the lesson.Effective instructors make good usage of starting motors and plenaries in the context of synergistic whole-class instruction to prosecute all students in constructive deep acquisition . ( Department for Education and Skills, Sept 2004 )Another country that I have been experimenting with is my oppugning techniques. I have besides build Bloom s taxonomy utile in be aftering aims for lessons in my 2nd arrangement and for progressively enterprising inquiries utilizing the cognitive aims. Why is this?You can utilize the stairss in the taxonomy to advocate program aims for lessons over a decimal point of clip to guarantee that lessons are doing progressively disputing cognitive demands on students. You can besides utilize them to be after sequences of inquiries in a lesson. By sequencing inquiries in this manner, you can assist pupils to intensify their apprehension, to develop their thought accomplishments and for them to go more effectual scholars .( Department for Edu cation and Skills, 2004 )Another country for experimentation has been the account of rules. By detecting a assortment of different learning staff, I can manoeuvre and larn how to effective different subjects particularly the higher-level work. Within this subdivision, I feel that I am manner out of my comfort zone but I need to dispute this and guarantee that I improve my capable cognition. I do non believe that I will of all time halt larning different facets of mathematics nevertheless, by taking portion in excess observations I am able to travel off from my comfort zone and widen my ain acquisition and apprehension. I am able to detect how to explicate rudimentary constructs and the alterations needed in accounts for the students of different abilities.What or who is informing my ain pattern? I have found that the people who have influenced my instruction pattern are chiefly the wise mans both at University and at the schools. The constructive feedback from lesson observation s is priceless and enables oneself to set their ain pattern to integrate new thoughts and schemes. By being able to detect a assortment of different learning staff, I am able to derive great accomplishments and attitudes on how to near new subjects, behaviour direction and schemes to get by with the bad lesson experience .Another good beginning towards informing my pattern has been the Schemes of Work related to different scrutiny boards. My first arrangement covered the AQA style of study, the system was good prepared and set up. However, my 2nd arrangement uses theKangaroo Maths course of study for KS3 students and a assortment of OCR course of studies covering the additive and modular test boards for the KS4 students.My utilizations of different instruction manners are besides developing within my instruction repertory. I like to guarantee that my lessons integrated different facets of the Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic and Tactile manners to guarantee that all students are a ble to entree applicable information in their ain preferable acquisition manner guaranting that Every Child does Matter. Psychologists and learning specializers foremost developed the VAK construct, theory and methods in the 1920 s. Howard Gardner ( 1983 ) suggests thatThe VAK theoretical account provides a different position for understanding and explicating a individual s preferred or dominant thought and acquisition manner, and strengths .So what about the afterlife of mathematics and ICT?British Educational and Communications Technology Association ( BECTA ) , now axed under the new authorities, was one of the chief thrusts into acquiring computing machines into school.BECTA ran Home Access, the former Labour authorities s strategy to link up the digital divide by guaranting all kids have a computing machine at place particularly amongst the poorest households in the United Kingdom. ( BECTA, 2010 )A SecEd symposium held in March 2010 stated thatStudents today are go up i n a digital age, pass oning and larning via engineering now more than of all time earlier. To fix pupils for future success, schools are encompassing engineering to heighten the instruction and larning experience and transformeducationato rightfully transform acquisition schools must incorporate engineering tools that can broaden the instruction experience and link the schoolroom with the twenty-first century .Within my first arrangement, the school used Mathswatch as a resource to utilize in lessons and at place by the students. I was besides able to utilize the artworks reckoners to assist pupilsrecognize and place different facets of graphical work. This was really good for the students and they enjoyed utilizing them. My 2nd arrangement, is a Technology College, where ICT is remote more extended. Synergistic whiteboards are in all schoolrooms, ICT is a separate section as recommended in the Smith Report 2004. The usage of Mymaths enables prep to be utilized as a resource tha t gives flashing appraisal. This is another country of experimentation for me, being able to put prep utilizing ICT and acquiring instant get-at-able consequences, this could be utile when composing studies and roll uping spreadsheets of the student s assessment consequences.The Smith Report ( 2004 ) recognises the relevance of mathematics to everyone and I feel stresses the importance of why mathematics still deserves its topographic point in the school course of study It is importance for its ain interest, as an rational subject for the cognition frugal system for scientific discipline, engineering and technology for the workplace and for the single citizen. ( Chapter 1, page 3, point 0.12 )This point emphasises the mensurate of mathematics within assorted different facets of mundane life. We need to guarantee that students leave school with the appropriate mathematical accomplishments that will enable them to get by in their hereafter callings.My concluding point comes f rom a rabbinical expressionDo nt restrict a kid to your ain acquisition, for that kid was born in another clip. Word count ( 2155 )MentionsBECTA, 2010, ICT, ( online ) ,from /http /, accessed 11/04/2011Cockcroft Report, 1982, Mathematics Counts, ( online ) , from /cockcroft/cockcroft00.html, accessed 11/04/2011.Department for Education and Skills, 2004, Pedagogy and example Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools Unit of measurement 5 Starters and Plenaries ( online ) , available at, Accessed on 11/04/2011 .Department for Education and Skills, 2004, Pedagogy and Practice Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools Unit of measurement 7 Questioning, ( online ) , available at, Accessed on 11/04/2011 .Gardner, H. , 1983, The Multiple Intelligences Concepts and VAK acquisition manners, ( online ) , from hypertext reposition communications commu nications protocol //, accessed on 11/04/2011Miller, G.A. , ( 1956 ) , Short-run memory and VAK construct, from hypertext transfer protocol //, accessed on 11/04/2011.Ofsted, 2008, Mathematicss rationality the Mark, ( online ) , from, accessed 11/04/2011.Ollerton, M, 2009, Mathematics Teacher s Handbook, Continuum International Publishing Group, London.Paideia Schools, nd, Paideia Schools, ( online ) , available at hypertext transfer protocol // ,accessed 01/04/2011.Sec. Ed. , 2010, ICT and the Future of Education, ( online ) ,from, accessed 11/04/2011Skinner. B.F. , 1971, Operant Conditioning Positive Supports, ( online ) , from hypertext transfer protocol // , accessed on 11/04/2011.Smith Report, 2004, Making Mathematicss Count The study of Professor Adrian Smith s Inquiry into Post-14 Mathematics Education, ( online ) , fromhypertext transfer protocol //, accessed 11/04/2011.Swan. M. , 2005, Standard s Unit Bettering acquisition in mathematics, ( online ) , fromhypertext transfer protocol // /improving_learning_in_mathematicsi.pdf, accessed11/04/2011.Teacher s In-Depth Content Knowledge, nd, Shulman, from hypertext transfer protocol //, accessed on 11/04/2011The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, 2010, NCETM, ( online ) , from hypertext transfer protocol //, accessed 11/04/2011.Vygotsky. L. , 1978, regularize of proximal development, ( online ) , United States, accessed on 11/04/2011.