Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The internship assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The internship assignment - Essay ExampleThe internship assignment The customers need their holy order products on time and therefore, vendors need to attain a certain levels of synergy and coordination among various departments in order to achieve the desired outcomes of a specific project. The job that was performed during the internship was all about conforming by the deadlines. I managed to perform the job quite well as I was able to promote teamwork and synergies among the entire workforce. It was significantly challenging for me to combine various members from several departments in order to build cross-functional teams. The team developmental attend to was halted and jammed more than a few occasions. The difficulties were faced because there was a presence of particular uncongeniality and unwillingness towards the notion of working closely among technical and managerial staff. Both of the groups held on to the point that the different group does not stupefy necessary information needed to comprehend the issues. But I with the help oneself top management sponsored a learning environment in the overall organization and therefore, played a significant and important role in the completion of delayed projects. My job as a coordinator in a software development company assisted me to get important knowledge about the globular industry of software development and sales. The industry has spread in all parts of the realness and collect to this reason I have gotten an unforgettable chance to interact and communicate with people from various cultures and nations. As a sales representative, I have also noticed a few marked differences in the behavior of people from under developed and advanced nations respectively. The customers belonging from formerly mentioned group of nations set a premium on cost effectiveness of information technology solutions. The buyers from latter type of countries focus on quality and they are least concerned with the price ta g of the product. The clientele of the company where I worked is culturally and regionally dispersed. I have found Americans with very professional attitude and they were extremely lenient in terms of providing extension in deadlines. The Chinese and Russians on the other hand, were very aggressive in discourse delays. In short, I have come to recognize that the population of developed nations is far more polite and humble. But the customers from little developed nations are very annoying and they got on my nerves on more than one instances. Yet I remained calm and composed while handling their grievances. More specifically, I have learned that the culture is the software of human mind (Hofstede & Hofstede, 2010) and therefore, people use their cultural and economic experiences for devising decisions. The economic conditions of the less developed world have been continuously degrading. The abovementioned trend has forced companies in less developed world to outsource technology to more developed ones. But the companies from less developed world are highly sensitive towards prices and therefore, they always search for the cost effective technological solutions. I have also learned that those companies with poor computer and technological literacy cannot use the solutions to the full extent. Nevertheless, I will plan intensive technological training to all companies that are looking to acquire latest infrastructure. In my view, dry land of the art technology is useless until the staff knows how to use it. In the case of major number of the companies, technology results in less

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