Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Connection Between Human and Nature Research Paper

Connection Between Human and character - Research Paper ExampleHowever, over the years, this community between man and temper is seen to have been steady dwindling as a result of scientific and technological innovation. Humans in some peak argon trying to segregate and themselves from spirit either through alternative ways of satisfying his or her basic needs. Personally, I ascribe to the school of thought that advances the theory that universe argon part of nature and that a connection between the two exists. However, otherwise schools of thought advance the theory that human race are only Gods creation and do not have any connection with other animals or nature at large. For this reason, I am motivated to attempt and create artistic impressions that communicate, concomitant and volition be able to remind the whole universe how important our connection with nature is, in particular in these times of persistent natural disasters. Almost each and every wholeness living human being front on nature by consuming the products of nature for survival. For instance, in my culture, an essential or staple nourishment for humans is rice which is a product of nature which keeps people of my culture connected to nature. I will utilize rice and its various characteristics in an artistic way to try and illustrate the connection humans have with nature. In addition, I will also investigate works by other spectacular contemporary and historical artists that have illustrated in one way or the other, the connection between humans and nature. Discussion One day as I sat in my room looking at my roommate who spends almost all his days and nights seated on a chair playing ready reckoner games and consuming un-natural junk food, and barely steps out of the room, an inkling struck me. Is there a connection between humans and nature? How does this relationship between human and nature work? I immovable that I would recitation art to visualize my thoughts regarding the c onnection between human and nature. To do this, I chose to use rice since coming from South Korea where rice is the staple food consumed by almost every Korean on a daily basis, it indicates the existence of the connection between human and nature even if one is living in a city. In my artwork, I use rice to represent people. According to my fellow feeling of nature, there are three different kinds of people. There are those people like my roommate who cannot conk without engine room whose only true connection with nature is food. However, this sort out of person depend on a lot of junk food which are in some way unnatural and thus their connection to nature is very weak. In my artwork, I use whole white rice to represent this group of persons. The other group of people are those who live in towns or cities and depend on technology too, but still want to reconnect with nature through the type foods they consume or their environment. This group I represent using half white and ha lf brown rice. The third group of people are those native people living in jungles or in natural environments and wholesomely depending on nature for their survival. I represent this group of people with whole brown rice. Why white and brown? sift is naturally brown when it is first harvested. As it is being refined, it becomes whiter. This in relation to humans and nature, before the sexual climax of civilization, humans wholly depended on nature for everything. With time, and through science and technology, this dependence and connection have piecemeal diminished. Therefore, using brown to represent people who are still connected to nature, and white for those who

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