Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Internet A Blessing Or Curse Media Essay

Internet A Blessing Or Curse Media EssayThe Internet is a world-wide system of interconnected computer networks that consumptions the standard earnings protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide .It is network of networks that is consist of private, public, academic, product line, and government networks of local to global cathode-ray oscilloscope (from Wikipedia).Internet is such networking which connects the people of opposite bea and give them chance to know to the highest degree the culture of each different and share their ideas. It is one of the great inventions of science, which has remove ab disclose all complexities of life and had do the life much easier. Nowadays lucre is vastly used whateverwhat of the facts say that close 48% macrocosm of Asia use internet. In some countries analogous USA, UK, Japan about 4 out of 5 person use internet.Internet has vast use in our daily lives, it is citation of information where you muckle find the information about any topic. in that respect are billions websites which contain different information about different things. numerous search engines such as,, are some popular the obtains of information. All scientists, engineers, doctors, teachers and many other can easily do their research on internet and can find everything with in no snip. Internet is the sea of information, where everything is avaible and you can service of process it if you want.Internet is the source of communication which connects you with the people who are academic term in the other corner of the world. It connects you very fast and the alpha is that it is free of cost. You can declare video calls via Skype which is totally free of cost. There are about 31 million people who use Skype for communication. There are also so many services on internet for communication such as Chatting rooms, E-mails, Facebook, and so many others. According to a survey made in 2011 about 750 million people use Facebook , which is a fast growing source of communication. Through Facebook people know about the culture of each other and many people get chance to speak and share their ideas the people of other countries which without internet is impossible. You can visit the whole world undecomposed sitting in your room. There are so many Facebook accounts which are righteous to pass on the religious teachings, culture and tradition and so many other. We share so many important things on Facebook. The E-mail is the cheapest and easiest way through which you drop your centre to your friend, relative or someone whom you want to send with in no time even if he/she is offline.In addition internet is nice source of entertainment where we find so many interesting things like videos, games, movies, harmony and news .According to website comScore about 217 million people play online games. You can find the music you want to listen totally free and can download it instead of going Bazar to purchase the particular album and sometimes it take backbreaking to find that album on shop so your time is wasted notwithstanding now you can find same thing on internet free which save your money as well as your time. There are so many other interesting things on internet, we sometimes make new friends on internet, when we get bored we just go online chat with them and have fun.The business has the important role in the development of countries and to improve the business the internet is very much helpful. Business man consider internet as blessing for them. It has made business easier for everyone to carry out, with very small coronation they can have much profit, now the businessman can advertise their particular business easily without wasting money. There are about 12 million business websites. Now it has become possible that you can do shopping sitting at your home, there are so many online stores and shops where you just put the order and you get your thing at your h ome. By online shopping your precious time (for which one great scholar had said that time is like ice if you would not use it at time it lead melt away and will be of no use) is saved and your money for going out ,having taxy will also be saved . There are many people who are earning just sitting at home by doing online jobs. shortly about () people are doing online jobs to fulfill the needs of life and for them internet is nothing less than blessing. Most of the organizations, institutions, and departments advertise their vacant seats for job on internet and someone who is looking for job can easily find it. So it has also an admirable role in employment of the countries.A rock-loving man has a healthy mind, and to be healthy the sports has great role. So now internet is not only helping in business, communication, information but it also helps in the sports as well. There are about 2 million websites on internet , Many people are advertising about games on internet, inviting pe ople to join them in games competition to make fun. So many games competition are held on national and international level and their adaptation is done on internet which is the cheapest and easiest way for people to( achieve ). Many games videos are uploaded on internet you can find any match of cricket, football, basketball and volleyball played even in past. You can find many sports tricks on internet and now it has become possible that there are sports tutors operable on internet who can teach you exercise even in home through internet that is why mostly the people who are raise in sports claim that its blessing for them.Professor Hector Alwarez-Trujillo writes in his essay (Benefits and Challenges for online learner) technology has become the key to a new world of education. He elevate writes that online learning has become the most popular source of learning. A great scholar MitchellKapor say getting information off internet is like fetching a drink from fire hydrant. It has become now easier for education seeker to gain education on any time they want, there is no obstacle of timings. There is no need to purchase the expansive books to study but now you can find all favourable stuff of your course on internet. Online learning has brought new possibilities in education to all potential students if you cant go to school, we shall send the school to you(Dwyer, and Doerr,1995). The internet has tremendous effect on the education, it has made possible for everyone to get good education, some people who cant get admission in good universities or colleges they can get same good education on internet as some universities have online courses. There are so many universities which upload the lecture on their particular website and it becomes easier for students to avail the lecture and understand it. Namal College is also one of the such universities so it has become easier for student even if the college is closed they can find their educational stuff and assignment on internet. There are many good tutorials on internet which are very much helpful to the students . There is not only the indite stuff avaible but there are also video lectures avaible as well. So many scholars and educationist believe that internet is blessing .But it also has some drawbacks as well. There is also some information on internet which misleads the person. some(a) people upload the information on internet which is not effectual and many students get astray. As there are many religious websites on which the wrong information is uploaded which further lead to the misunderstanding and religious wars. Some anti-religions are making websites about religion and upload the wrong information on website and which further lead to the wars. So in that sense it seems curse.Furthermore internet it has many disadvantages beside it advantages .A very annoying disadvantages is the lampblack which has spoiled the youth of nation. There are about 60 million people among them are children, men and women are the victim of these things which is a sinful act and is considered as bad religiously as well as physically. Some people get addicted to pornography and just waste their lives. Mostly the youth of nation is spoiled through this internet, due to that the youngster are losing their interest in their studies they just waste the time on watching such guilty videos on internet and ruin their lives. The J K Rowling say The internet has been a boon and curse for teenagers .With the portrayal of time many students are getting away from their families , they do not give time to their families spend their precious time on the internet just watching videos, movies, playing online games and chatting with friends. As a scholar Philip Zimbardo say What troubles me is internet and electronic technology revolution. Shyness is fueled in part by so many people spending huge amounts of time alone, isolated on e-mail, in chat rooms, which reduces their face to face contact with other people Many children are becoming the victim of loneliness. So mostly parents say that internet is the cure which has spoiled their children. This may be the reason the as the time is dismission by people lives the short lives and are mostly in physically fit. It has been revealed that in the century of internet mostly children are spoiled in too soon age and the reason for is only and only internet.As internet is source of communication as we mentioned before at the same time it also defecate some misconception as well. The well-known example is Facebook which is used by very much people. It waste your life and when you get addicted to it, you cant do anything important than Facebook .So news has said the Facebook is such website which has created so much misconception, due to it many life partner are separated due to just misconception by Facebook. There are many hooplaers on internet who steal your personal information and sometime it also lead to war when people of one country hack the secretive sites of other country and steal their secrets. It also has some disadvantages in business as well. So internet has advantages as well as disadvantages and some people consider it as blessing and some consider it the curse.A great scholar said that every silver cloud has dark linings and everything which has electropositive effect it do have some negative effects as well. Use of internet is just like gun, the gun is blessing if you just use it to defend yourselves but it is no more less than curse if you use it to kill the innocent people. However Internet can be blessing for us if we use it positively, all now depands on us either we are going to make it blessing or curse. Mostly people think that it do have some draw backs but its advantages overcome all the demarits of internet. It has very important role in almost all aspects of life, we can say that it has become part of our lives, world without internet will be totally different witho ut it there will not be fast source of communication. Internet can become completely blessing if the government takes some effective steps, such as government should set an active department which should see over the activities disaster on internet and should set some rules and regulations and if someone is having the wrong use he should be stopped and a written warning notice should be given to him. The department should set rules like it should the ban the porn videos and it should all the websites which are spoiling the youth or society. By doing that no one will be able to put wrong commits about any religion and the religious war will be over and many problems will be solved, so internet will be the blessing and internet is really blessing.The End.

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