Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Why men exercise more than women Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why men custom more than women - Research Paper ExampleFurther, boys tend to experiment a lot. They like emulating their parents, teachers, and other people surrounding them. The boys get themselves into trouble most of the time in school because they are more active than girls who play communicatory games in smaller groups (News Staff, 2009). However, Parents experience more rough play with boys than girls during childhood. Parents have been experiencing more problems controlling boys than girls because of their active nature and experimentation. Boys form larger groups than girls and engage in active sports unlike girls who are interested in verbal and passive games. During puberty, boys tend to be more active than girls in that they exercise more often and vigorously than girls. In addition, men engage in activities that are more masculine. At this age, boys tend to explore and adventure for in activities such as camping, fate climbing, bicycle racing, hunting, and playing foo tball in larger groups. Consequently, single men are more active than single women most single men exercise more than single women who most of the times engage in passive leisure activities like going out with friends, gossiping, watching television, and chatting on social media. superstar men exercise vigorously in the gym and even outside the gym. Married men exercise more than women, and they are more vigorous during their exercise. At this stage, men really exercise and they are less active than women. However, Parents experience more rough play with boys.

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