Monday, September 30, 2019

Functional, Business and Global Strategies Essay

a. The module focuses on the company’s/division’s business level strategies and global strategies. You will need to answer the following questions. Anheuser-Busch Inbev is one of the largest breweries in the world. â€Å"Currently, Anheuser-Busch InBev has a product list of more than 200 beers, including global best-sellers Budweiser, Stella Artois, Beck’s, multi-country brands like Leffe and Hoegaarden, and strong â€Å"local jewels† such as Bud Light, Skol, Brahma, Quilmes, Michelob, Harbin, Sedrin, Cass, Klinskoye, Sibirskaya Korona, Chernigivske, and Jupiler, among others that have helped to make the company so successful. In addition, to their own brands, AB InBev owns a 50 percent share in Grupo Modelo, which is Mexico’s leading brewers that own the global Corona brand. AB InBev also owns a 27 percent share in the China brewer Tsingtao. (Workman, 2009)† Since Anheuser-Busch InBev has a vast variety of markets throughout the world we could see different stages in the life cycle through these different markets. For example Western Europe has a Consumer resistant (declining stage of the life cycle). USA, UK France, Switzerland and Latin America have a mature market. Eastern and Central Europe have a market that consolidation considered life cycle and Africa, China, India and Indonesia have a fragmented or introductory life cycle. To be able to do the analysis we will be considering the beer industry life cycle stage as a whole, this stage according to the analyst, the life cycle stage of the beer industry and Anheuser-Busch Inbev has already entered it’s maturity stage. â€Å"In this stage product features may be enhanced in order to differentiate them from competitors, pricing is normally lower, distribution is more intensive, and promotion emphasizes brand image and product differences. (workman, 2009)† Ghebrial,2009) 1. Based on these product, market, or distinctive competency choices, what generic business-level strategy is your company pursuing? AB InBev has a chosen a differentiated strategy offering unique or distinctive products to many kinds of consumers, where their main focus is to gain market share from highly concentrated and competitive US markets and also to focus on international increasing potential markets expanding its global market. Because brands are the foundation of AB InBev, they place major value on their relationship with consumers. These strategic involvements can be traced back to the original establishments of both Anheuser-Busch and Inbev, before they merged. They established brand loyalty with their consumers and due to this AB InBev has chosen to focus their current and future investments on specific brands that have proven to be profitable. These specific brands have been identified as Stella Artois, Beck’s and Budweiser. â€Å"To date, the brands chosen have outperformed other InBev products and announced in the Q3 Press Release on November 6th, InBev had gained or maintained market share in eight of their ten markets† (AB InBev, 2011). As for the differentiation strategy AB InBev we should expect products to be renovated and innovation to be a high predominance in the company (e.g. updating packaging and brand image). As a whole AB Inbev plans to keep the original strategies that Anheuser Busch and Inbev had proven to be effective (differentiation strategy). (Ghebrial,2009) 2. Discuss how your company has attempted to develop a competitive strategy to protect its business-level strategy. For example, if your company is operating in an embryonic industry, discuss the ways it has attempted to increase its competitive advantage over time. If it operates in a mature industry, discuss how it has tried to manage the entry and rivalry. AB InBev has protected its own business-level strategy in many different ways. As a company[s main mission to be the greatest beer in the world, they have achieved competitive strategies to be able to protect their business-level strategies; Sprinkler Expansion strategy, Aggressive Marketing Strategy and Consumer Responsiveness Approach. Sprinkler Expansion Strategy As the world’s largest brewer, AB Inbev has the ability to compete in new and foreign markets as a strong threat. Due to their enormous capital and expansion-based strategy, they can enter any market as a challenger and shutdown competition to become the leading brewer in this market. As an aggregated note we can also see this in domestic or already dominated markets because due to economics of scale they can achieve differentiated products at a low cost. Aggressive Marketing Strategy AB InBev has been characterized in the US and in international markets as one of the most aggressive marketing in the world, these is due to their differentiation strategy and the sprinkler expansion strategy. AB InBev utilizes their extensive capital to capture as much as the market as they can and be able to be number one, in all markets they can. Another added value to this strategy is making all AB Inbev consumers brand loyal, this meaning that they can retain their customers. Consumer Responsiveness Approach Consumer responsiveness approach or Customer-focused approach is the strategy that maintains this brand loyalty through the brand. I believe that AB InBev is one of the best breweries that respond to consumers in every way. As we can see in the chart below AB InBev focuses on costumer responsiveness to assure their business-level strategy. Ghebrial,2009) b. Your company is already doing business in other countries. AB InBev is the largest brewery in the world, and has as a mission to be the world’s greatest beer company in the world. Having more than 200 brands and have expanded to more than 30 countries explains in simple statistics the growth pattern of this company. As they explicitly site in their Annual financial statement â€Å"At Anheuser-Busch InBev, we are focused on building a world-class consumer product company for the 21st century- and delivering on our exceptional potential for value creation through consistent top-line growth and expanding profitability in the world.† AB InBev has not only shown this through the last years but has a consistent growth pattern through the years, as we can see in the two pictures below, InBev the father company of AB InBev has grown through the years creating this brand loyalty and acquiring new companies to strive and become the greatest beer company in the world. (Ghebrial,2009) 1. What strategy is your company pursuing to compete globally? In your opinion, is this the correct strategy, given cost pressures and pressures for local responsiveness? The company has established a well rounded plan to be able to expand globally: Dream-people Culture platform, Right Brands, Right markets, Industry Leading Reach and Resources and Financial discipline. Dream-People-Culture AB InBev are able to drive the execution of their strategies because their unique platform. The people represent the major sustainable competitive advantage. The culture is based on accountability, integrity, continual improvement and mindset of doing the right thing for the long run. Right Brands The Brands constitute a big advantage, â€Å"†¦comprising one of the strongest brand portfolios of any consumer products company, including 14 brands with estimated retail sales value of more than 1 billion USD.† (AB InBev, 2011) The chosen brands entitle a great advantage in being able to expand into markets throughout the world. Right Markets The company positions itself in the right markets. A good share in most of the world’s premier markets for beer, â€Å"†¦including the industry’s most profitable beer market, as well as Brazil and China. (AB InBev, 2011)† The balance of their expansion and the fast growing emerging markets promotes profitability in the long-term. Industry-Leading Reach and Resources AB InBev has the ability to compete effectively on a global scale. Due to the Industry-Leading Reach and Resources, â€Å"including their presence in 23 countries and uniform processes that ensure consistent performance globally. (AB InBev, 2011)† Financial Discipline Another major factor in this global strategic plan, is the competency of cost efficiency, â€Å"which enables us to convert â€Å"non-working money† in areas as administrative overhead into â€Å"working money† to be devoted to investments in growth. (AB InBev, 2011)† 2. What major foreign market does your company serve, and what mode has it used to enter this market? Why is your company active in these markets and not others? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this mode of entry? Might another mode of entry be preferable? Holding business in 23 different countries, AB-InBev has developed number one or number two positions in diverse markets throughout the world, including North America, Latin America South, Latin America North, Western Europe and Eastern, Central Europe and Asia. As a major expanding company as we say in the previous graph, we state that one of the major entry modes of AB InBev has been steady in acquiring or merging with powerful companies in the market of interest to be able to compete in a number one or number two position. The company uses this mode of entry to be able to compete in the present market, use their capital and become the leading company in the market. Having the power and capital, they prefer to enter the market with global brands know to everyone like Stella Arlois and Budweiser, as well as to adopt the current â€Å"favorite† beer (e.g. Corona, Quilmes) to compete as a global and local company. As we can see AB InBev is in all the major markets of the world being successful in most of them, as their financial statement says, they search markets where they can provide extreme customer responsiveness and achieve profitability and growth. In the below graph we can see what companies AB InBev has acquired or merged with to for the most important markets in the six regions described before. AB InBev has chosen this method of entry, but there is one more specific entry mode that can be argued to be a better fit for the company and this is to form a wholly owned business in the new market. This could bring the benefit of owning all of the business and creating a culture of their own and being as successful as they have been in their home markets. In my consideration this would be a mistake and should not be done any other way than their original and current plan of expansion. By investing too much capital and taking the whole risk on their own they have a much better chance to take over other companies keep selling their top brands as discussed before and enter the market with their world famous beer, that have exceeded revenue expectations in the past.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Human motivation Essay

Success is not what we get, success is what we achieve and this success we get from Motivation, whether you are appearing for final exams, you are a player or a singer or in Army fighting battles in the field, you will reach the pinnacle of success only if you are motivated. Motivation is your desire and your impulse, which can make you break the icebergs. The word Motivation was derived from the Latin word â€Å"movere†, meaning to move. (Romando, 2007). There are many theories describing the human’s tendency towards motivation; but here I am dealing with five theories, which influences and determines the human behavior. †¢ Self Determination Theory †¢ Humanistic Theory †¢ Instinct Theory †¢ Cognitive theory †¢ Need Theory Every human being needs motivation to grow, which he attains from several sources like his own self -realization, listening to music, nature, Society etc. The influence of Society motivates the person towards actualization of their goals and allows them to make decisions. The self-determination theory has been into practice since last three decades and constitutes set of four mini theories, cognitive evaluation theory, organismic integration theory, Causality orientations theory and basic needs theory. (Faculty at the University of Rochester, 2007). As Shapiro in 1981 said, â€Å" The key issue for self-direction, is flexibility in psychological structures-the flexibility that allows ones attitudes to direct action towards the active achievements of one’s aims†. (Deci, M Ryan, 1985) Self Determination theory deals with the extent to which the inner tendencies of humans impel them for psychological growth and development, take most challenging tasks and integrate their life experiences for their satisfaction and fulfillment of their self. Although, these are natural tendencies, which determine and motivate humans but are only fulfilled by influence and support of the social environment. It is the society, which provides an individual healthy environment, nutrients and basic psychological needs enabling him or her to think and make choice independently and rationally. (Beck, 2003) Self- Determination permits the person to positively involve taking risks and incorporating in the social fabric of society. Especially for the persons with disabilities, self-determination acts as a medicine boosting their self-esteem. (Faculty at the University of Rochester, 2007) Another aspect to this theory is the value of risk taking. The self determined humans are also not devoid of risks too, their over confidence can take them on the downward slide of career path. External coercion, without giving independent thought too may affect humans psychologically and mentally. Humans also go by their instinct to accomplish a task or to move ahead in the journey of their life. Sigmand Freud and William James brought forth the instinct theory to capture the intricate nature of human beings. The inclination of humans to act and think emerges out from their soul. Their decision comes what their inner perception and inner self directs him to, for e. g. all the tastes and preferences of the humans come from their inner voice, which directs and helps the person to make choice. Scientists and Researchers have not yet come into any concrete evidence to support the instinct theory, yet it is true. Human beings going by the instinct avoids considering the cost of risk they might be subjected to. People neither make calculated move nor consider pros and cons rather they just jump into action what their inner instinct tells them too, which may not come out to be true. The value of risk taking is very high to the persons who are motivated by the inner instinct and its best example is death instinct theory propounded by Freud in 1920, whereby he stated that humans with their instinct go to the extent of loosing their will to survive. According to Freud, humans have two instincts: one is life-favoring instinct Eros, which in Greek means love and another instinct is Thanatos, which in Greek means death. It clearly shows that instinct theory is also risky. (Kastenbaum, 2007). If someone believes that â€Å"Perception is everything†, this means that he is cognitivist. (Heffner, 2004) Perception means to reorganize what the senses perceive into practicality. Your thoughts are your determining factor to take practical decisions and mould your emotions, behaviors and your whole personality. Cognitive theory depends on this perception. The theory states that by changing the thoughts, a person can change the moods, reduce tensions and anxiety and can develop good relationships. But thoughts can be deceptive too, and as said by Leon Festinger in 1957, â€Å"There are always conflicts and discrepancies between thoughts and actions or between belief and actions and we will act to resolve conflict and discrepancies. †(Huitt, 2001) The value of risk is imbalance between our thoughts and actions for e. g. persons’ thoughts would pronounce that smoking is detrimental to health, still he smokes this means he is conflict with himself. Every human being is born with his own personality and grows with his personality and has certain needs to be fulfilled, which motivates them towards the self-realization of their goals and for over all growth and development. The theory, which revealed this very perplexing nature, so intricately woven in humans is known by researchers and psychologists as Humanistic theory. Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) who came out with this theory too states that, â€Å"All human beings has â€Å"Hierarchy of needs to fulfill before becoming a self-actualized, fully able person†. (Mercury, 1999). Even Carl Rogers (1902-1987) echoed the views of Maslow and further stated that for development, a person requires an environment, which can give him ample scope for self-disclosure, recognition and understanding and without these even the healthy human being will fade, just like a tree which cannot grow without sunlight and water. The risk is as Rogers says people may face anxiety when they face the real situation, which can be contradictory. According to Critics, The humanistic theories are very optimistic, vague and are unscientific. (Mercury, 1999). Among all the theories, the most determining factor for the human beings are their needs, and the priority that humans show on their needs motivate them to lead their fruitful life. Maslow came up with a â€Å"Hierarchy model† on the basis of needs theory. These needs are psychological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs, according to this hierarchy. (Huitt, 2001) Once one need is fulfilled, it will lead to another need. But according to the critics this theory has several drawbacks. One person can have several needs at the same time, and can over lap. It is not necessary that fulfillment of one needs may actually motivate a person, as it is a human tendency that fulfillment of one need instigates the person to pursue in the quest for the acquirement of another need, and in this pursuit many persons may resort to anti-social activities harming the society. All theories came out with the one basic fact that it is the individual himself only, who in true sense is a force behind his own success and failure. All motivation comes from within individual himself, which is real essence of human motivation. WORKS CITED Becks Robert, (2003), Motivation: Theories and Principles (5th edition), Prentice Hall. Edward L. Deci, Richard M. Ryan, (1985), Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior, Springer, Inspirational. Richard Romando, Motivation Theory, Enzyne Articles, Motivation-Theory&id=410700 Faculty at the University of Rochester (Last Updated: 2007) Self Determination Theory: An Approach to Human Motivation and Personality. Retrieved June 30, 2007 from W. W. W: http://www. psych. rochester. edu/SDT/theory. html Heffner L. C. (Last Updated: 2004). I think therefore I have a Personality. In Cognitive Theory. Retrieved on June 30, 2007 from W. W. W: http://allpsych. com/personalitysynopsis/cognitive. html Huitt, W. (2001). Motivation to learn: An overview. Educational Psychology Interactive. Retrieved on June 30, 2007 from W. W. W: http://chiron. valdosta. edu/whuitt/col/motivation/motivate. html Kastenbaum Robert (Updated 2007) Death Instinct. Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. Retrieved June 30,2007 from W. W. W: http://www. deathreference. com/Da-Em/Death-Instinct. html Mercury M. F. (1999) Humanistic Theory. bbc. co. uk: The Guide to Life, The Universe and Everything. Retrieved on June 30, 2007 from W. W. W: http://www. bbc. co. uk/dna/h2g2/A147151.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Advantages Of The Atomic Bomb History Essay

Advantages Of The Atomic Bomb History Essay First, the war was brought to a quick end by using the atomic bomb on Japan. â€Å"A feeling of vindication and a desire to end the war strengthened the resolve of the United States to quickly and decisively conclude it.† (Atomic Bomb-Truman Press Release-August 6, 1945) The bombing of Pearl Harbor was still fresh in many American minds. Many Americans wanted to end the war. The Japanese resolve to fight was not very high during these following months. Their losses at Iwo Jima and Okinawa were extraordinary. Their navy and air force had been destroyed by America’s B-29s. This was part of the America’s air campaign to make bombing runs on military targets in Japan. Therefore, United States Pacific theater military leaders authorized the bombing of major cities. Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Kobe were all bombed. Hundreds of thousands of civilians died from these air strikes. The Japanese did keep their resolve even though many innocent people were dying. â€Å"Yet, Japanese resolve stayed strong and the idea of a bloody â€Å"house to house† invasion of the Japanese mainland would produce thousands more American and Allied casualties.† (Atomic Bomb-Truman Press Release-August 6, 1945) They thought their casualties would be much less than Americas and the ally’s casualties if they were to invade. Japan was relying more on numbers than the actual battle performance of a regular soldier. Japan believed they can use large amounts of civilians against well trained American and allied soldiers. In Potsdam of July 1945, the allies declared that Japanese must unconditionally surrender. Japan leaders rejected the declaration because they did not want to surrender by these terms. The President authorized the use of the atomic bomb after August 3, 1945. The President Truman rather have a country shell shock than have it being defiant. He wanted to end the war by destroying Japan’s cities and causing fear. Normal bombs canâ€⠄¢t achieve a quicker victory than atomic bombs because atomic bombs have a wider blast radius and power. He considered the atomic bomb as a weapon and he had no doubts that it should be used. Therefore, Hiroshima was bombed because it was the headquarters of the Fifth Division and the 2nd General Army. Hiroshima was a communication center, an assembly area for troops, a storage point, and had several military factories. 90 percent of the city’s buildings were damaged by the atomic bomb. Later, Nagasaki was bombed because the city was known to produce ordnance, ships, military equipment, and other war material. A faction called, â€Å"one condition† was lead by Togo who seized the bombing as a justification to surrender. Hisatsune Sakomizo, the chief cabinet secretary in 1945, called the bombing â€Å"a golden opportunity given by heaven to end the war.† (Debate: Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki) No amount of courage, skill, and fearless combat could help Japan ov erpower the atomic bomb. The emperor was looking for peace and need a good reason do so because some of his generals wanted to continue this war. The threat of the Soviet Union joining the war was not enough to convince the generals, but the atomic bomb was. On August 14, the Japanese government accepted the American terms for surrender. The atomic bombs quickly persuaded Japan to surrender because of the overwhelming power and fear.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Vivendi Universal Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Vivendi Universal Case - Assignment Example In the case of EBITDA, deprecation and amortization which does not involve the payment of cash but represents estimated annual charges for tangible and intangible assets respectively are not taken into account. These charges relate to the portion of assets used up during the period. Operating free cash flow which is seen as a more useful measure is the net operating capital after tax with a deduction for expenditures on operating capital during the period (Brigham and Ehrhardt 2010). Increasing free cash flow (FCF) is seen as the means by which managers seek to improve their company’s valuation (Brigham and Ehrhardt 2010). FCF takes into consideration interest and taxes as well as the company’s gross investment in operating capital in order to determine what is available to be distributed to investors. EBITDA does not differ from accrual earnings as it takes into consideration revenue earned during the current period but not yet received as well as expenses incurred but not yet paid. However, it does not take into consideration interest and taxes which relates to the net income earned during the period. Additionally, depreciation charges which seek to allocate the cost of operating assets over their estimated useful life and amortization charges on tangible assets for which amounts are capitalized in the accounts. Operating free cash flow differs from accrual earnings because it not only focus on expenses incurred during the period and revenue earned during the period but also investments in operating capital – fixed or non-current assets and current assets. Earnings accrual does not take gross investment in operating capital into account. I believe that auditors should be held responsible for auditing such information since the income statement and the cash flow statement form part of the financial statements that they provide opinion on in there audit report. They state whether these and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Evaluation of Corporate Performance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Evaluation of Corporate Performance - Assignment Example The decorative product segments manufacture various architectural products such as door window, primers, waterproof products, specialty paint products and other hardware products. The cabinets and related products are concerned with easy to assemble kitchen appliances, kitchen countertops and home entertainment appliances. Lastly, the installation and other services segment deals with the installation of building products such as gutters, roofing products, after paint products and fire and insulation accessories. Fastenal Company has a rich history in financial performance in the manufacturing sector. Over the past three decades, the company has had a growth in their economic performance as well as their market share in the region. Its performance has been mostly above industrial average implying the company has had an upper hand over its competitors. The company has penetrated through new markets internationally such as Brazil, China and most countries in Africa. This has seen the company increase its revenue over the years leading to sustained growth of the company ( In a bid to evaluate Fastenal Company’s performance, it is essential to review its financial statements and make comparison with the ones it had in previous financial periods. This review of financial statement will entail the evaluation of the previous period balance sheet and income statement, and its comparison of those of 2013 and 2012. The pro forma balance sheet and income statements only consist of the vital items that are necessary for the evaluation of Fastenal Company performance. The total assets of the company in the financial period 2014 are higher that of periods ending 2013 and 2012. This shows that the capital base of the company has increased in comparison with some of the previous periods. The capital base might have increased due to the

Is It Too Much Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is It Too Much - Term Paper Example Interestingly, children are major beneficiaries in this account. The role of computers and related technology on today’s children and childhood has had interesting developments in the recent years. The parental society of today while envisaging the hilarious impact that computers are going to have over the world in the future, are encouraging the access of the children of today to computers and its numerous applications. The society in that context is of the general view that for children to involve in this new and different world socially, economically, and politically they must acquire a certain level of comfort and competence in using computers. Trotter (1998, p.6-9) has indicated the popularity in the society on the providing support for children to have access to computers so as to enable them to learn adequate computer skills and improve their education. ‘Most parents believe that the Internet can help children with their homework and allow them to discover fascina ting, useful things, and that children without access are disadvantaged compared to those with in access’ (Turow, 1999, p.14-24). However the indiscriminate use and dependency on computers by children is alarming towards many long term consequences. When the use of computers becomes excessive and unmonitored it can adversely affect the physical, social and psychological development of children. The detrimental impact becomes more acute when the usage is coupled with other screen technologies like television and video games. While computers open up the window of access to enormous information, eventually it may expose children to long term health and psychological impact. In the ideal stages of character and personality development, the children must be properly monitored on what they learn and pursue and what they end up with the learning process. The essay is a trial to review the effects of prolonged computer usage on children. While pointing out

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Not yet confirmed. Something with politics or international law, but Essay

Not yet confirmed. Something with politics or international law, but an easy one - Essay Example ility to target a wide group of public and because the people themselves can start revolutions and take active decisions through the use of this media. Social media can serve a number of significant purposes in the modern societies. They are used as active modes of communication, raising awareness about political and social matters, entertainment, education, news and publications, public announcements, current affairs and so on. Also, the social media impacts the arena of modern politics through a combination of the important interfaces of social communications and the use of technology. This report is prepared with the aim of discussing and evaluating the role of social media in different political unrest situations. The report is prepared by introducing social media followed by an analysis of the impact of social media on the national and international political scenarios. This is done by considering the examples of political unrest and protests in countries like Middle East, Philippines, Moldova and Iran and analysing the role that social media played in aggravating or controlling these situations. The report also includes a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of social media in politics. A suitable conclusion is given by summarizing the entire write up and highlighting the main findings from the report. Social Media Network (SMN) is a part of the Information Communication Technologies (ICTs). The social media networks can be defined as the online utilities and tools that facilitate communication, collaboration and participation in information generation through the digital mediums. 1Social media is an extended part of media which uses the information communication technologies to communicate and collect information through different channels formed by the convergence of technologies available in the foray of computing, microelectronics, optoelectronics, broadcasting, software and telecommunications. 2It can also be said that the social media

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Compensation Plan Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Compensation Plan Outline - Essay Example In addition to providing its employees with competitive salaries, the company undertakes regular review of the pay thus ensuring that the workers are equally compensated for their hard work. To ensure that the company gives competitive salaries, it benchmarks the pay against similar positions in the competing companies. Another aspect that makes PepsiCo compensation policy appropriate is the annual incentive compensation. By providing performance-related annual incentive compensation to the executives, their performance is enhanced thus increasing the profitability of the company. The 2004 EIC Plan is a policy that is adopted by PepsiCo in its executive compensation. During the compensation, the company considers financial position of the company, the company strategic position and the extent to which the managers motivate and manage other employees. Additionally, the company uses pre-approved earnings per share target to compensate its executives. Pepsi compensation philosophy entai ls long-term incentive compensation. According to the management team, the interest of company shareholders and those of the executive can be effectively aligned by providing stock-based incentives as well as stock ownership awards (Heneman, 2002).   . With a history of linking stock-performance to the employees pay, PepsiCo has benefited from effective compensation policy that is fair. In the same way, the company offers target grant to the executives once they meet their goals. Based on the stiff compensation in the soft drink industry.... Another aspect that makes PepsiCo compensation policy appropriate is the annual incentive compensation. By providing performance-related annual incentive compensation to the executives, their performance is enhanced thus increasing the profitability of the company. The 2004 EIC Plan is a policy that is adopted by PepsiCo in its executive compensation. During the compensation, the company considers financial position of the company, the company strategic position and the extent to which the managers motivate and manage other employees. Additionally, the company uses pre-approved earnings per share target to compensate its executives. Pepsi compensation philosophy entails long-term incentive compensation. According to the management team, the interest of company shareholders and those of the executive can be effectively aligned by providing stock-based incentives as well as stock ownership awards (Heneman, 2002). . With a history of linking stock-performance to the employees pay, Pepsi Co has benefited from effective compensation policy that is fair. In the same way, the company offers target grant to the executives once they meet their goals. Based on the stiff compensation in the soft drink industry, offering a target grant to the executives is an essential policy since it result to the attainment of the corporate goals. In this way, the company is able to effectively compete with Coca-Cola Company despite the latter being a market leader. To ensure that all the employees are motivated, it is imperative for employers to come up with appropriate beneficial ratio in their compensation system. Internally, Pepsi should ensure that employees in all the department earns three quarter of what the departmental mangers are earning. Through the ratio of 3:4,

Sunday, September 22, 2019


RACE, ETHNICITY, AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE - Research Paper Example As a result of these types of labels, these people were instantly placed on a significantly lower social level than the Europeans within the minds of the Europeans who eventually gained dominance. This mindset lives on today in the European-styled society we perpetuated. Overt discriminatory practices during all phases of the criminal justice system concerning ethnic minorities, especially those of African-American or Hispanic descent, have been well-documented. The recently increased implementation of law enforcement measures which are exclusively aimed at minorities and immigrants through tactics such as racial profiling have exacerbated long standing tensions with police agencies. These interactions are becoming increasingly tense as evidenced by a proliferation of physical and verbal abuse towards minorities and immigrants, a growing mutual distrust and an escalating threat of violence. Of course, crime can occur in fully homogenized societies and a tendency to commit crimes in i mpoverished areas is understood to be the result of economic rather than racial issues. However, racist perceptions are reflected in laws, traditions, and hiring practices causing minorities to be disproportionately represented in depressed neighborhoods. This is a rather obvious explanation for social injustice creating crime. An additional reason could be that because minorities are targeted as potential criminals, it is generally perceived by the majority that simply being a minority places the individual under suspicion. The U.S. incarcerates more of its population per capita than any other industrialized country. Currently, more than two million prisoners are jailed in local, state or federal facilities. It is not just the number of prisoners that is increasing, but the ratio of prisoner to free population is widening as well. Approximately 10 years ago, there were about 703 prisoners in every

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Abigails Party Essay Example for Free

Abigails Party Essay My group and I are working on a play called the Birthday Party By Harold Pinter. The work is set in 1960s. The scene we doing is about a man, names Petey returning home from some sort of morning to job to a boarding house where his wife, whos called Meg and is the owner, fusses around him. We start to see that this routine is very basic and a sense of this what they do every day. As the scene goes on Stanley comes in and plays quite a grumpy teenager. I play the part of Petey. At the time of this plays setting, men had more of a dominant role in society and the women didnt work much and did more of the housework. This could mean that the male characters in plays around this time were more dominate and women did more housework and just like Meg, fussed around their husband as he was the only source of income, this could influence Meg as being fussy and concerning over Petey. The war would have been less than two decades ago so that may influence the characters in plays. Meg maybe fussing around he husband because he was a war-hero influencing her to very proud and caring of husband, or maybe Petey only has a morning job because he is slightly injured, this could influence his physical expression. This is different from the text that we have studied called Abigails Party because was set in the 1970s where women had a more dominant role than in the 1950s. The women were more out-spoken and more free to work have more social activities. In Abigails Party there was a lot more conflict and more fiery action between characters unlike in the Birthday Party it was Meg said a comment, which Petey may of thought was stupid, Petey just answered simply in a slow pace and showed no motivation to want to speak. In Abigails Party when a comment was made that one of the partners didnt like to hear they either fought about it or gave a sarcastic comment to show their annoyance whereas in the Birthday Party I, Petey, just gave short simple unmotivated answers to a persistent and fussing Meg. The two plays showed different ways of coping with situations as throughout the scene we performed Petey showed boredom and Meg carried on being quirky, fussy and questionable, in comparison to that in Abigails Party they handled situations in a more sarcastic, and argumentative. The two plays are humorous on different levels. The Birthday Party is funny because of we can see Peteys clear boredom of having this conversation and routine, which we can tell is a daily thing he goes through. Megs stupid comments just to speak and engage with Petey and in cases, to know out side life, is funny to us because the questions are stupid like when hes just got the corn flakes and she asks if they are nice and he hasnt even tasted them. However, the two plays have similarities. Pinter and Leigh are both known for naturalism. The scene on Birthday Party I performed was very natural and realistic nothing out of the ordinary happened it was very simple and plain but it was easy to relate to which made it effective and the birthday party as too naturalistic and perhaps more modern and in the effect of couple arguing and women playing more dominate roles. However, the Birthday Party as it goes on turns out to be more absurd and super-natural. Both plays also have fussy and inquisitive women. Meg is very questionable to Petey and wanting to know things, Bev. Tries to keep the gathering shes got alive and wanting people to pay attention to her likewise to Meg wanting Peteys attention. The historical and social setting is fairly similar as the man in Birthday Party does seem to have the dominant role as Meg does everything for him cooking, washing etc. Contrastingly to when Angie says something against Tony, like he is argumentative or wont do something, he takes action by shouting or grabbing her hand. Angie stops and doesnt protest showing men still had some dominant role in the 70s. We are presenting our play as the audience in a semi-circle in one end of the studio and us performing in the other half of the circle. This allows the audience to be the third wall, which is very in the style of Pinter and Leigh. This can give the audience more of a role and part, its very soap like, which is naturalistic, just as the plays studied, are intended to be. We are using different techniques and styles of performing such as giving each character more or less just one characteristic and not changing the pace much. For example when I play Petey I kept the same tone and tired motivation to tell the audience that Ive been doing this for a very long time. For Meg she kept her fussing and questionable ways and when Stanley comes down he was more mellow and got the attitude of Ive got my wrapped round my little finger. We used symbolism in our play, for example my paper. When I played Petey, the paper was my only bit of something new for that day, everything else was the same predictable self but my paper, which Im though out the scene reading or holding, gives me salivation from Meg and the predictable ways. We are keeping the style very naturalistic. This is different from the other play as the characters pace changed very much through the play. At one time they would be talking and the next minute there would be an argument to change the pace and the mood in which all the characters felt. You never felt the characters would stay for long at one place whereas Petey stayed in the chair all the time and kept his pace the same except it did change sometimes. The other text (Abigails party) influenced our performance by making Meg a little more dominate and persistent for Peteys attention.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effect of Colours on Blood Pressure

Effect of Colours on Blood Pressure ABSTRACT This project was designed to determine the effect of different colours on blood pressure. A total of 24 subjects were required to look at specific colour for 2 minutes. Their respective blood pressure was measured respectively before and after each experiment. Time interval of 3 minutes after each measurement was set up to ensure blood pressure falls back to normal value before the next colour exposure. Friedman test was carried out to test the data and this led to the rejection of null hypothesis. To conclude, there was sufficient evidence from the statistical testing to suggest that different colours in our daily life can affect our blood pressure. RESEARCH AND RATIONALE Colour is perceived by human eyes when different wavelengths composing white light are selectively interfered by matter.1c Humans can see colours due to the cones present mainly in the middle of our retina and a few on the periphery.1a Each eye contains six million cones with pigment that is sensitive to either red, green or blue.1b Sensation of light and visual sharpness are created through transmission of high levels of light intensity.1a Colour with wavelengths between that of primary colours stimulates a combination of cones. As a result, all colours can be detected in the visible spectrum which is about 400 to 700 nanometers.1b,1c One interesting fact about our eyes is that they can perceive more variations in warmer colours than cooler ones as almost two-third of the cones process the longer light wavelength.1a The picture below shows the respective wavelength each cone is sensitive to. Both scientific and psychological effects of colour are suggested by many top scientists or researchers. The study of psychological effect of colour is defined as chromology.1d Maryland study by University of Loyola stated that colour increases brand recognition up to 80 percent.1g Improvement of readership, learning and comprehension with the help of colours is also noted.3a,3b Another interesting observation is recorded by Paul E. Boccumini, director of clinical services of San Bernardino County Probation Department in California. Children under detention are observed to cool down within 10 minutes after they are put in a room of bubble gum pink.4a Meanwhile, scientific application of colour in medical field is the usage of lights in full spectrum to cure depression for Seasonal Affective Disorder especially during winter months when the people are deprived of light.1e,2a Hence, the ancient and once dishonoured field of chromotherapy is regenerated. Red is used to stimulate the body and increase circulation while yellow is thought to play a role in body purification. Blue soothes illness.1f This experiment was carried out to investigate the true effect of colours on blood pressure and whether different colours affect us differently. If colours are found to really affect our body differently, then more attention should be put into colour consideration in fields such as marketing, education, art, and medicine. A person of high blood pressure should be more aware of the colour of their living and working environment. Colour surrounds us all the time. If we can fully understand and use it, it will undoubtedly influence and change our everyday life. Statistical analysis showed that there is a significant difference in the effect of different colours on blood pressure. Red and yellow increases blood pressure, blue decreases blood pressure while green and black have fluctuated stabilising effect. This proved that it the effects of colours are biological and not merely due to psychological effect or experimental error. From the table we could conclude that yellow showed greater increase in blood pressure with a higher mean and median of 11.54 and 10.50 respectively. However, it had results over a big range of data from minimum increase of +4 to a maximum increase of +29 and a highest standard deviation of 5.93 compared to other colour, which limited the creditability of the data. By plotting a box plot, we could determine that +29 is an outlier. Psychological effects that have been suggested for this colour are anger provoking and activeness. Nevertheless, compared to yellow colour, a significant increase was also noted for red colour. But, red colour recorded shown a smaller range of data, and hence, smaller value of standard deviation, which made the data more reliable than the yellow colour. Furthermore, it was also interesting to note that the box plot of red colour was positively skewed with more people showing greater increase than the median. Red colour is more commonly associated with excitement and awareness of danger. Blue colour, which is always linked to sadness and calmness, showed a neutral box plot with no skewing of data on the other hand. It was more concentrated with most people showed decrease between -3.00 and -7.00. Therefore, it could be concluded that blue decreases our blood pressure. The range of data is also smaller than that of yellow colour. Green colour, a colour of stability, showed a positively screwed data of a mean of -0.17. Therefore, the effect of green is hard to be explained and might have slightly opposing effects under different circumstances. The differences and fluctuations of data could be due to cultural association and personal experience as well. Some fluctuation could be due to experimental error. Last but not the least, three outliers were calculated for black colour. Though having a very small inter-quartile range, black colour portrayed the second largest standard deviation (5.52). Black is suggested to be a neutral colour. Yet, a few subjects displayed a very high increase of blood pressure when exposed to black colour. It could be due to sleepiness, or fear of dark environment. Although the real scientific mechanisms of colours on our body are still undefined, but effects of colour are not directly psychological. This opinion was also voiced by Mr. Birren, an expert of colour. Alexander Schauss, a CEO and Senior Director of Natural and Medicinal Products Research at AIBMR Life Sciences, found interaction of colours in some unknown way with pituitary and pineal glands and hypothalamus deep in the brain which controls basic body functions and emotional responses. One or more brain neurotransmitter are affected by minute amount of electromagnetic energy according to Professor Harold Wahlfarth, president of Colour Science in German Academy and photo-biologist at the University of Alberta.4a Exposure to pure red light has been shown to stimulate the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. Pure blue light, on the other hand, lowers the heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure with special effect on the parasympathetic branch.2aÂÂ   In conclusion, colours can affect our blood pressure and different colours affect blood pressure differently. EVALUATION OF EXPERIMENT Limitation Firstly, the subjects were of different cultural backgrounds and could have different life experiences that lead to change of mood and blood pressure when subjected to a certain colour which links to their past. Results obtained could be due to personal psychological effect instead of the pure biological effect of colour. Furthermore, digital blood pressure monitor was used. Small fluctuations of data could occur and might be assumed to be change of blood pressure. Besides, the subjects involved in this investigation were of small sample and involved merely college-aged students. It was not an exact representative of the true population of general-aged students. Limited availability of participants also occurred as the students tested were only from one college. Moreover, a humans feelings are not controllable. Subjects might feel nervous or bored throughout the whole experiment even though a briefing was given beforehand. Sources of error and ways to improve The blood pressure might not be measured at exactly 2nd minute as there could be slight delay or increase of reaction time. In order to increase the validity and reliability of the result, reaction time is trained before the experiment. Second data cannot be taken as this will influence the time of measuring and also time of exposure to colours. Blood pressure of normal humans also varied slightly throughout the day due to hunger, sleepiness and also a full meal. Therefore, all the experiments should be carried out within the period of 2p.m. to 5p.m. to prevent fluctuations of data. Besides, the colour intensity exposed to the subjects might have varied a little bit due to the surrounding light although clothes were used. The environment could have changed throughout the experiments as not all the subjects data are collected in one day. Fluctuating weather, sunlight intensity, temperature and humidity all might influence the mood and feeling of subjects which indirectly affect the reliability of the experiment. Human are complex subjects. The experiment should be carried out in a constant air conditioned room with the same fluorescent light so that minimum changes of colour intensity can be achieved. Further research Study can also be done on the effect of colour on mood, stress, work performance and memory. As colour can affect our blood pressure, it might affect our daily mood and performance. Therefore, a good choice of colour in our surroundings can be made in order to achieve greater and better performance. A comparison between effects of colour on different gender can also be made as males and females have different anatomy. Hence, there could be interesting findings. CONCLUSION There is significant difference between the effects of different colours on blood pressure. Red colour and yellow colour increase blood pressure while blue colour decreases blood pressure. Green colour and black colour have fluctuating effects. Experimental hypothesis was accepted. EVALUATION OF SOURCES Sources 1 (b), (e), and (g) are all operated by educated professors. Source 1(e) is operated by Judie C. Snelson who is a Holistic Health Practitioner with a Masters Degree in Behavioural Science and a PHD in Religion. Source 1(g) is operated by Professor Jill Morton who gives seminars about colour and marketing, colour theory and everything that colour impacts. Lastly, Source 1(b) is established in 1997 by Professional Colour Therapist and Colour consultant- Valerie Logan-Clarke. Therefore, all the information of these sources is highly reliable. On the other hand, Source 1(a), (c), (d), (f) and (h) are supported by big company and are very experienced. Source 1(a) is established by Pantone LLC, world-renowned authority on colour and provider of colour systems. It is a leading technology for the selection and accurate communication of colour across a variety of industries. Source 1(c) is funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education. Source 1(d) is based in UK and has been practising for over 10 years. Source 1(f) is a part of New York Times Company. Source 1(h) offers clear understanding of statistics basic learning. It is new with copyright 2010. All of this sites and companies are awarded and are ranked trustworthy. Besides, newspapers, journals and books are all published. Therefore, they are definitely valid as sources of references. The authors are knowledgeable and are well-regarded. The newspapers and journals are peer-reviewed and have been cited by other people. Therefore, I feel that they are strongly valid as a choice of references.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Should Drugs Be Allowed In Sports? :: essays research papers

Drugs have been around for thousands of years but their reasons for being used has changed. Drugs were originally intended for medical uses. In ancient Egypt, physicians prescribed tannic acid to treat burns. The early Chinese and Greek pharmacies included opium used as a pain- killer, while Hindus used cannabis and henbane plants as an esthetic. With the advances in technology drugs have become more helpful yet more deadly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since drugs have become easier to get they have also become more popular with young people and competitors in sports. During the mid-nineteenth new drugs emerged from the laboratories athletes started to be experimented on. The French tried using caffeine to enhance their performances. While other Europeans were mixing cocaine and heroin to give them extra energy they called this drug â€Å"speedball†. In 1886 this deadly mix contributed to the first drug related death in sports by taking the life of a cross-country cyclist. Today the drugs have changed dramatically many athletes have done or are on anabolic steroids, amphetamines, depressants or what are known as â€Å" brake drugs†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anabolic steroids are chemicals that are similar to testosterone, the male sex hormone. Steroids are used by a number or young people to enhance their muscle mass and increase their performances. While anabolic steroids are successful at building muscle, they can damage many human body organs, such as the heart, kidneys and liver. Steroids are taken by injection or in pill form, after steroids enter the bloodstream; they are distributed to organs and muscle throughout the body.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Forty-eight percent of high school students use steroids to improve athletic performance. Steroids can increase performances for athletes but steroids also affect the mind and character of the person. Some effects of steroids are impaired learning and hearing, violent behavior, and overly aggressive behavior. When women take steroids they start to show signs of masculinity such as deepening of the voice, increase in body and facial hair also the skin starts to roughen. Anabolic steroids give the one who takes them an unfair advantage in athletic competition. The advantage that they receive is not the same as natural born characteristics of ability.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another drug that some professional athletes seem to have an obsession with is cocaine. Cocaine was considered to be the drug of the eighties and it proved to be especially in the sport of baseball. During the 1980’s cocaine seemed to be the drug of baseball.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Teaching Strategy and Policy :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Teaching Strategy and Policy Using Reading this article was as painful as getting teeth pulled. The article was a professor's review of a class he instructed at the University of Chicago on strategic planning. The class was not conducted in a typical class format, but instead had students actively involved in groups that gathered data, analyzed, critiqued, and prepared strategic plans for area businesses who volunteered their records time and employees for such scrutiny. Much of the article was focused on the first class session, which from the sounds of it was quite hectic. After reading the assigned text the class as a whole determined 8 steps of which their models would be based on. The first was to Interview a sample of managers from all levels to determine degree of participation in the planning process. The second was to work with the relevant managers to determine what data were available in the company files regarding customers, customer satisfaction, product line, market niche, costs ect. The second steps also had parts A and B which were to determine which data was not available yet desired and determine secondary sources to obtain such data, and to establish as database and make it available for all group members. The third step dealt with the data on customer satisfaction and how responses, complaints, suggestions ect are managed. The fourth step was to track information flow in the company. What is collected, who it goes to and why. Step five, was to check database and determine which fields were most important for the company and to determine which areas to concentrate in in order to guarantee best outcome, and spread resources. The sixth step was to analyze the data and specify the strengths and weaknesses of the company. Step seven was to develop recommendations for the next year and the next three years regarding products, services, and markets as well as organization structures, and organizations processes. The final step was actually determined during the second class section, but it was to prepare a complete business overview as a first step for the final report and to provide a guideline for later data analysis and development of alternatives. The remainder of the article summarized the class sessions of the following weeks and problems the groups encountered while conducting their research.

Anxiety Disorders :: Psychology Essays

Anxiety Disorders As I got close to the Embassy Suites, where Lincoln Financial Group was holding their interviews, I felt myself get tense. "What if people are in the lobby and they see me in jeans? Would that make a bad impression?" After a long debate with myself, I decided that it was nearly midnight and that people would not be awake. I walked into the lobby, got my room key and went up. We all had our own suite so it was clear that Lincoln had some money to spend. As I tried to fall asleep, I became more and more restless. I began thinking about all the things that could go wrong. I couldn't sleep. 3am rolled around. Then 6am. At 7am I got up, showered, put my suit on and walked out of the room. I immediately turned around because I realized that I had forgotten my name tag. As I tried to open the door with the plastic key, I realized I was trembling so bad that I could not get the stupid key in the door. I finally managed to enter the room and get my name tag and I proceeded to stab my finger with the safety pin of the tag. The pin kept slipping because my palms were sweaty. I took a deep breath, cleaned myself, cursed myself for being clumsy, and went downstairs to eat. The elevator doors opened and I saw over 150 people in the lobby. I nearly fainted. I felt like my lungs would not expand and for a second everything went black. I quickly walked over to the bathroom and slapped myself a couple of times. Splashing cold water on my face would have been out of the question given that I was wearing mascara. I asked myself to get a grip (several times) and walk out of the bathroom. I was so nervous that I hung my head and walked over to the food hoping to avoid any eye contact. I looked at the food and I wanted to eat because I was hungry, but my nausea got in the way. I finally had to look up and then I saw the rest of the name tags. "OH MY GOD!" Cornell, University of Penn., Princeton, Yale, Columbia. I wanted to start crying but there were too many people around. I thought "you might as well go home.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Defense Of Ethical Relativism Essay

Ethical Relativism Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ethical relativism is the stance that there are no moral codes, no moral wrongs or right. Right or wrong is based on social customs. Ethical relativism implies that people’s morals are dynamic, subject to times and environment. Ethical relativism accommodates and enables the presence of many different cultures and practices. It offers people the freedom to adapt and practice their socialized ethics and cultures. This means that there is no static culture or ethics. Morals are dependent on the society preferences, technology, logic, emotions, experience and rules among other factors. Morality is very vital since it holds the society together. The rationale of this paper is to explain the effect of ethical relativism on the morality bond that brings the society together.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In ethics, the notion that nothing is objectively wrong or right and that the definition of right or wrong relies on the existing perception of culture, an individual or history. The existence of morality is not relative to individuality. Thus some of the relativists’ arguments are invalid. Ethical relativism is a knotty theory since there are various differences within cultures. People’s preferences may not for all time be ethically correct choices. Thus what is culturally acceptable might not always be morally right. Ethical relativism by definition is a premise that maintains that there are no generally accepted ethical codes. Ethical relativism is usually affected the disagreement between right and wrong due to social and personal ethical relativism as well as the natural law premise (Lukes, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Personal ethical relativism holds that different people have diverse moral beliefs. Social ethical relativism holds that different societies have distinct code of ethics. On the other hand, the natural law presumes that there is a general set of moral values that opposes ethical relativism, however it is faulty. Ruth Benedict believes that morals are defined by culture. Benedict also proposes that normal is a variant of the concept of good. According to Benedict, behavior will depend on what the general culture that is accepted by the society. On contrary, Christina Hoff Sommers proposes that there are some human qualities that are not relative to place, time, situation or circumstance. Ruth and Sommers have different propositions on ethics. Descriptive ethical relativism states that ethical beliefs and judgments are the expressions of the moral attitudes and outlook of individual persons (Lukes, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I faintly agree with Christina Sommers since people have their own personal set of moral values. For example, an individual may belief that it is morally wrong to have sex on the first date. Another person might not have any issue with sex in any context. Someone else might not believe in sex before marriage, or maybe not at all. In order to judge these views as right or wrong, moral standards are very crucial. However, there is no general set of ethical codes which can be used to judge the views. This example proves differences in ethical virtues between people and hence signifies ethical relativism. There are flaws in ethical relativism because it does not mean that everyone accept to a notion simply because one group in the society find a given action to be acceptable. What is publicly acceptable is extensively variable. If moral standards do not go beyond social principles, no action would be regarded as right or wrong (Arrington, 1983 ).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I totally agree with Benedict that rules of the society serve as a standard. Ethical relativism considers how other cultures tolerate other cultures. Ethical relativism brings societies together because it allows for great variance in regard of what is seen as good or bad. Ethical relativism elaborates how one action can be regarded as correct in one culture, but wrong in the other (â€Å"Ethical Relativism†, 2014). All rudiments of the culture are put into consideration when determining whether an action is wrong or right. Ethical relativism confuses the reforms to be carried out considering what is being done currently. People are forced to tolerate some actions that might be unbearable if there are no socially accepted habits. I disagree with Sommers since human behaviors depend on the time, place, situation or circumstance. Morality, ethical standards and the position of wrong or right are based on culture and hence subject to i ndividual preferences. Social institutions are very vital since they are richly endowed with customs, norms and manner of thinking. Appropriate management of the school-community culture will ensure that it will influence the young children in the society based on the attitudes and dispositions they acquire at school. Though moral relativism have been widely criticized for being pernicious, incoherent and sophomoric, but it is a plausible doctrine and it has significant influence on how people live, interact and organize the society (Lukes, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Morals fluctuate across place and time. Children learn values when they are growing, even before they can reason efficiently. Moral relativism is linked to emotional attitudes since values are acquired through emotional conditioning. People decide the position of an action by examining their feelings. Emotions are very necessary in making moral judgments. Ethics and morality shape personality. The capacity to determine whether a practice is correct or immoral develops from life and the environment that people are exposed to. Society and family are the first exposure where moral system is created. Benedict view social institutions as communities with common virtues and practices that have become sophisticated patterns of practices and ideas. Benedict arguments reveal how diverse cultures employ different moral principles in an endeavor to survive as a culture. Benedict is more correct in her analysis regarding the differences among cultures . There are some features of cultures that are not based on any universal moral standards. There is no general rule that moral cultures must abide to a given code to survive, and that the cultures that do not follow a code are not moral (â€Å"Ethical Relativism†, 2014).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Benedict states that morality differs in all societies and is a suitable term for socially accepted habits. Opponents of ethical relativism argue that, if ethical relativism is right, there can be no general construction for resolving ethical dispute or for realizing agreement on ethical issues among affiliates of different societies. Many ethicists oppose ethical relativism since they argue that although moral practices in the community differ, the values underlying those actions remain unchanged. Societies might deviate in their application of the elementary moral ideologies, but they agree on the principles. It can be argued that some ethical beliefs are culturally relative whereas others are not. Some practices such as customs concerning dressing mode may depend on local traditions, while other practices such as political repression or slavery might be determined by general ethical standards and judged incorrect regardless the various other differences that persist among cultures (Arrington, 1983).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The notion that some cultural practices are relative does not mean that all moral practices are relative. Ethical relativism may also be criticized on the basis of its effect to personal ethical values. It may be argued that if morals entirely depend on social norms, it follows that if a certain society believes in racial practices, its members must admit to racism as morally right. Members of a given community have different opinions regarding a given practice. Ethical relativism believes that culture is the standard to examine whether a practice is right or wrong. Ethical relativism might be criticized, but it helps people to acknowledge that communities have different moral values and that these beliefs are subject to culture. Ethical relativism also encourage people to explore reasons as to why communities have differing beliefs, and also challenge people to scrutinize their reasons for the beliefs and values they support. Benedictâ₠¬â„¢s argument about how morality is relative is sound. Benedict uses an example of Kwakiutl society regarding murder. Kwakiutl practice of murder is intolerable in the modern society, but it was acceptable in Kwakiutl. Kwakiutl cannot be judged for their acts because they that was a social norm when one of their relatives died. Today such practice would be regarded as murder and is unlawful and a crime that is absolutely penalized by the society and the law (â€Å"Ethical Relativism†, 2014).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Benedict concludes that â€Å"moral relativism is the correct view of moral principles† which imply that right or wrong is determined by culture and environmental events. For instance people might accept capital punishment and oppose abortion. Capital punishment is regarded as wrong and hence punished with death. On contrary, opposing abortion is like denying women their freedom of their body. According to Benedict, regardless of the consequences behind an abortion, if the society opposes it implies that abortion is morally wrong hence it will maintain the truth worth of moral relativism. The notion that abortion is wrong is due to the fact that people’s behaviors are shaped by their history, culture and environment. Therefore the right worth of their ethics relies on what is more rational to social structures. On the other hand if people believe that capital punishment is a way of attaining justice, they will consider it mor ally right. Morals are shared amongst people and the community, and it is seen as a normalcy condition of morals (Lukes, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, I agree with Benedict argument of ethical relativism where she holds that people change their opinions and principles depending on the majority rule. I agree that morals vary with time, culture and environment. However, I do not agree that any practice is morally right or wrong depending on the majority. Benedict adds that the conception of the normal is accurately a variant of the notion of good. Behaviors will depend on the cultural norms. Ethical relativism allows a wide variety of practices and cultures. It will enable people to adapt morally as technology, culture and knowledge change in society. This is an excellent and a type of relativism. Ethical relativism faces the challenge because people find it hard to adapt to new morals, new ideas and their own culture. The word is increasingly becoming culturally diverse thus making people find it hard to accept something different. Culture is a standard for assessing the po sition of a practice, whether it is right or wrong. References Arrington, R. L. (1983). A Defense Of Ethical Relativism. Metaphilosophy, 14(3-4), 225-239. Ethical Relativism. (n.d.). CARM. Retrieved September 22, 2014, from Lukes, S. (2008). Moral relativism. New York: Picador. Source document

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Papa

Reflective Essay by Liam Shortall Visiting Papa It was March 2011, and my Dad and I had just been to pick up my brand new trombone from the Rath factory in Huddersfield and were heading towards Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital to visit my grandfather. He had just had been through quadruple bypass heart surgery at the tender age of 79. My grandfather, or Papa, had been suffering from acute pain in the heart, and severe exhaustion :the daily stroll to the shop had now become an impossible task. After being examined by his local GP on a regular basis for a few months, he was admitted to Liverpool for this major operation.My grandfather was immensely apprehensive and at one point almost refused treatment. One week into his stay, my Dad went with my Uncle Richard to visit him. He was extremely confused; he didn't know his location and how long he had been there. My Nana had kept my Dad and Uncle informed in regard to his condition but in visiting him they soon realised that she had not revealed the full extent of his ill health. After this particular visit my Dad didn't really seem himself, he seemed anxious and constantly on edge, a complete opposite to his usual joking self. My papa must have been in a dreadful state.Previous to my visit to Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital (LHCH) we had been to pick up my new trombone, I was ecstatic. Finally I was getting the instrument that I had being dreaming of for, what felt like forever. And after so many sleepless nights too, the day was finally here! But my happiness was short-lived, I wasn't to know of the severity of Papa's condition and my heart soon sank when we entered the hospital. As soon as I walked though the hospital doors, I seemed to feel even colder than I did outside on this winter day: it was so clinical and unwelcoming.Suddenly I felt very uncomfortable in this new environment; never have I felt so selfish and guilty. After hiking through this never-ending maze of wards, through the different sounds an d noises coming from various wards, we entered the room my Papa was ‘recovering' in. I briefly looked around, noticing my Nana standing in the corner of the room with an exhausted and worried expression on her face, trying to force a smile. We walked over to the bed in which my Papa lay looking still and weak with his eyes closed. He ad all sorts of pipes and tubes entering his frail body, and a never ending metronome of multiple beeping sounds came from various machines that had been plumbed into him. This bruising sight still stays with me today. Gently laying her hand on his arm and shaking him softly, my Nana attempted to wake Papa up. He opened his eyes until they were open just enough to glance over at us. He then muttered something that I couldn’t understand. He seemed to vaguely recognise who his son was, but when he looked me it was as though he hadn't seen my before in his life, as though I was merely a stranger at his bedside.Nana explained to us that as a re sult of his surgery and strong medication he was becoming exceedingly confused and exhausted. My increasingly distressed Nana seemed at an all time low and she had lost all hope for Papa. My Dad had managed to have a half conversation with his Papa, he told me. He said that Papa would say a few words and then stop for breath. Nana then gingerly pulled back the bed sheets that lay on top of him and revealed his chest. There was a large, very noticeable scar surrounded by a sea of black bruises which covered his chest. I stared at my Papa for a while.The Papa I knew so well was so warm hearted, lively and full of humour, so different to the man lying in the bed in front of me . A lump had developed in my throat and my vision became blurry. I blinked and could feel the sting of a single tear run down my cheek. The feeling of not being recognised by someone you know so well and have so many fond memories with, was unfathomable. Knowing there was nothing I could do to help someone that w e loved and cared about so much made us all feel so incredibly helpless. As visiting hours came to a close we said our goodbyes to Papa, hoping for the best for his health, but dreading the worst.He of course was too delusional to reply, which felt so demoralising as he always would make a fuss of us leaving after a visit. Nana then walked us back to the car park. She, understandably wanted to get back to my Papa's bedside. So we awkwardly said goodbye to her and wished her and Papa the very best. Visiting my Papa in hospital affected me in more ways than I ever imagined it would have. Looking back on this experience I realise how important it was and how much of a turning point it was in my life. It made me realise how much we take our loved ones for granted, and how harsh the reality of life actually is, and how precious it is also.I realised how much of an influence my Papa had had on my upbringing. Many of the features of my personality are related to my Papa and his character, which made the worry of something sinister happening so much more awful. It also made me realise the ignorant and selfish attitude I had before this emotional day. And to think how lucky I, and the majority of us actually are. I believe most of us take our good health for granted. And we don't realise how good we have it compared to others who are in dreadful states, when their personalities are often unrecognisable.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Comparison Between Twelfth Night and the Rivals

Final Paper A0981150 Compare Twelfth Night with The Rivals, both of them are comedies evolving around several couples. The two plays contain the device of disguise and mistaken identity. In Twelfth Night, Viola disguises herself as Cesario, which attracts Orsino and Olivia; while in The Rivals, Jack Absolute disguises himself as Ensign Beverley, who fascinates Lydia. Speaking of similarities, both the disguises lead to the characters’ affairs, and they are proved to be true love at the end of the plays.On the other hand, as for differences, in Twelfth Night, Viola disguises herself as a man, and that results in her complex situation, a love triangle. Instead, in The Rivals, Jack takes the disguise as an ensign, which does not alter his real gender as a man; therefore, his situation is purer, that is, earning Lydia’s heart only and not drawing other admirer. Both the plays mention the communication of mails. In Twelfth Night, Maria writes letters to Malvolio, which purpo rts to be from Olivia.The function of letters in this play is to trick Malvolio, who is such a fool that believes the countess Olivia, a woman of a higher rank than his, would fall in love with him. In The Rivals, the function of letters is simpler, that is, Jack writes to Lydia to court her under the mistaken identity of a poor Ensign in order to win her affection or some other sentiment. In The Rivals, Jack Absolute’s line â€Å"Pho! man, is not music the food of love? is an allusion to Twelfth Night. In the beginning of Twelfth Night, Orsino says â€Å"If music be the food of love, play on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬  Nevertheless, these two characters utter such statement in very different situations. Orsino, at that time, is melancholic and insanely in love, by contrast, Jack says his line when his friend, Faulkland, is getting crazy since his lover’s merriment during his absence irritates him. Thus Jack plays the role of a calm, reasonable, and comforting friend.Compar e the situations the two characters Orsino and Jack are in, their state of mind is completely different. The former stands for sentimental emotion, while the latter represents rationality. The two plays also involve the same element, duel. In Twelfth Night, Sir Andrew demands a duel with Cesario in order to have Olivia as lover. In The Rivals, encouraged by Sir Lucius, Acres writes a challenge note to â€Å"Beverley† to a duel.However, these two fights are in vain, the disturbers cannot achieve their goals to win the girls they want. These plots seem unimportant, but the duels actually help the meant-to-be couples to assure themselves that they have chosen the suitable ones for love and marriage. On account of the duels, the couples either reunite or get to know each other’s true identity. Generally speaking, the duels add much entertainment to the plays. Most important of all, they elicit the happy endings.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bridgeton Industries: Automotive Component and Fabrication Plant Essay

In 1985, Bridgeton Industries, a major supplier to Big-Three domestic automobile manufacturers, is facing a competitive environment with advent of foreign competition and rising gasoline prices, leading to shrinking pool of production contracts. Bridgeton reacts by closing ACF diesel engine plant and hiring strategic consulting firm to classify their products on competitive position. Based on analysis, Bridgeton outsourced oil pans and muffler exhaust (classified as Class 3) and introduced programs, such as lowering time required to change dies, to improve product, quality and productivity. However, despite of these measures, manifolds were downgraded from Class II to Class III in 1990 model year budget. Now, Bridgeton faces the challenge to decide if manifolds be outsourced and, more importantly, what more to do (in terms of strategy) to keep the business? Bridgeton’s Organization: †¢ Cost System: It comprises of materials, direct labor and overhead. Per Exhibit 2, during period 1987-90, the overhead rates have increased as shown below; especially after outsourcing in 1988. With outsourcing, the overhead cost have not reduced at same rate as labor cost, leading to higher costs for the remaining products such as manifolds. Thereby, outsourcing manifolds shall lead to higher cost for the remaining products such as fuel tanks and doors and shall push them down to Class III. †¢ Revenue and Profit: Outsourcing manifolds will reduce cost; however, the sales will be reduced even more, since Bridgeton’s highest revenue is from Manifolds, which account for 41% ($93,120/$226,542) of their total sales in 1990, leading to lower profit. Business Market: With higher efficiency standards, demand for stainless steel manifolds such as those produced at ACF could be increased dramatically and so, probably, would their selling prices. This will lead higher revenue and profits from sales of manifolds (if not outsourced); assuming no significant increase in the cost (material). Therefore, outsourcing Class III manifolds (per Consulting Firm’s recommendation) shall not be advantage for the ACF plant. Clearly, reduction in plant production volume and high overhead cost has caused ACF plant to be less cost competitive. Recommendations: Following are the recommendation to utilize ACF plant resources efficiently and thus, improve overhead rates for existing products: †¢ Increase technology capability, thereby, increasing production of existing products †¢ Use Activity Based Costing (ABC) to actually analyze the individual cost incurred for these products and opportunity for its reduction †¢ Initiate reforms in manufacturing and admin process  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Sell un-used outdated machinery that are causing big depreciation and insurance cost †¢ Promote cost-cutting but preserving quality †¢ Set budgets and review them on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Through this we can utilize overhead expenses more efficiently and allocate it amongst current products to be cost competitive and keep the pricing within reasonable limits, helping us to maintain our profitability and market shares.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Trends in Electronic Health Record Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trends in Electronic Health Record - Coursework Example Spending 8 hours in a construction firm, mixing concrete and making floors can be considered as work. Spending hours on the desktop writing articles should be considered as work but monitoring a robot making car doors cannot be considered as work. Work done by nomal human being is actually hectic and requires an established health programme that can cater for one’s treatment at his or her work place. An organization or any work site, should establish an electronic health record for its employees or workers. Physicians should also be present inany work place. Physicians’ ability to deliver effectively in the health care has always been curtailed by the overwhelming amount of data that they receive and deliver in the event of discharging their errands. It is obvious that medical care gets complex as days pass by besides the fact that information gets to the physicians at uncontrollable rate. It is thus imminent that the physicians and other health care givers have access to latest technologies that would enable them cope with the overwhelming amount of information and therefore offer services based on latest information. This means that there has always been a need for the health care industry to develop computerized system that would enable the health care givers ranging from the physicians, nurses, pharmacists, to laboratory technicians capture, manage, and deliver health care information electronically. It is noteworthy that the dire need for the digital record gave birth to the Electronic Health Record (EHR). The Electronic Health Record (EHR) has been an important tool for the health care givers in providing effective and efficient health care services to the patients. Electronic Health Record (EHR) has been in the health industry for a long period estimated at four decades. It is plausible that majority of healthcare setup ranging from small to large operators have realized significant aspects of the EHR and are in the run to implement it. It is noteworthy that the present appetite for EHR is not only an American experience but also a global initiative taking into consideration that there is an ever-increasing global demand for EHR software. This claim can be justified by the escalating number of EHR developers and vendor companies that the world has been experiencing over the past few years. In other words, the demand for Electronic Health Record is growing day by day, which is a positive sign that various healthcare providers appreciate the value of computerized health record across the globe. Hospitals are presently one of the major consumers of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) owing to the large handling of the patients’ information and other related medical records. Overview and History of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Electronic Health Record (EHR) refers to longitudinal electronic record of patient’s medical data gathered and stored owing to a patient’s encounter with the healthcare provide r (MITRE Corporation, 2006). In other words, EHR involves collection and storage of patient’s health information in an electronic form in order to enhance ease handling and sharing of information within the hospital setup. The digitalized patients medical information contained in the EHR include but not limited to immunizations, patient demographics, problems, medications, vital signs, radiology reports, past medical history, laboratory data and progress

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Critique on What Determines Humanity and Right to Life Essay

A Critique on What Determines Humanity and Right to Life - Essay Example To start with, the author does not acknowledge the role of genetic humanity in determining moral humanity. Trying to eliminate the genetic component in determining moral humanity appear illogical and ridiculous to me. The genetic component and the moral aspect of a human are inseparable, a person only retain the traits distinguishing them as morally human only if the genetic composition is normal or not distorted. Altering the genetic component of a human being such as the nucleic acids can utterly deny personhood traits such as rationality, reasoning, consciousness, independence, and communicative ability hence humanity in the moral sense. Trying to detach the two facets makes the definition of moral humanity invalid. What is a human without the genes or even nucleotides? According to the author, an infant is accorded full human just because it can be adopted, this argument is void since the possibility of adoption does not make the infants morally human than an eight month old fetu s. The infant should not be considered more human just because it does not fully limit the rights of the mother. This paper is a critique of the article on the moral and legal status of abortion and seeks to establish the invalidity of the traits that determine if any entity is human or not. To support the conclusion that foetus are not morally human, not entitled to any human rights and thus can be aborted, the author gives several reasons. To start with, the author claims that the foetus does not satisfy the traits of humanity in the sense of morals. Another reason is that the unborn can be a source of risk on the mother’s health or even source of unhappiness. In addition, she argues that the right of a human outweighs that of the foetus that is not human and therefore the mother should determine the choice on whether the foetus is entitled to life. The author uses different types of premises to support her argument but mainly relies on the descriptive assumption. In descri ptive assumptions, she depicts and describes several examples to support her point of view. An example is the assumption of how a person visiting a new planet where there are alien beings would use the traits of humanity to discern if the organisms are human or not (Warren 434-440). In evaluative assumptions, the author assesses assumptions made by people on different grounds and evaluates them, some of which she rejects in the conclusion. Evaluation helps to distinguish if assumptions made are realistic or if they make any sense. Those that do not make sense are abandoned when concluding. A good example of evaluative assumption in the article is the one on the tendency of people criticising infanticide while it is not morally a misdemeanour. The author also appeals to general principles for example when she tries to explain why infants could be considered more human as compared to infants. In the example, the author posits that infants do not limit the right to the happiness of the mother since it can be given for adoption. The appeals to general principles are used to support the assumption described. The argument is invalid, since some premises that do not support the conclusion, others are missing, others controversial and in some instances the author appeals to public emotions. Inconsistency between different premises is evident throughout the article. A good example is the author denunciation of foetus as not human on basis of absence of traits defining a human, acknowledging infants also lack these traits and later alluring to people’s emotions in the conclusion by agreeing infants could be more human just because their restriction to mothers liberty is lesser. Another

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Federal vs State Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Federal vs State Law - Case Study Example The manhunt that followed led police to led police to one Mr. David Harris who after being grilled pointed a finger Randall Adams as the trigger man (Gillers 117). Based on Harris’s testimony, Randall Adams convicted for murder and sentenced to death. The conviction however, later became one of the most infamous miscarriages of justice in America. Mr. Adams, as would later be proved, was not the killer. In fact, he was not in Harris’s car when the officer was killed. He was only railroaded to prison because his shaggy appearance made him look like a criminal as compared to young David Harris. However, in 1980, the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for Texas to require that jurors must promise that the obligatory inconvenience of a capital punishment would not meddle with their thought of verifiable matters, for example, blame or purity, amid a trial. The case was eventually thrown out and Adams released after 12 years behind bars. The unconditionality of some of the state laws were eventually put to light as seen in the case of Adams. Thus, the need to revise such laws that predetermined a suspect’s innocence or guilt was raised.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Arbitration Construction between Dubai and Yemen Case Study

Arbitration Construction between Dubai and Yemen - Case Study Example In addition, the decisions reached through arbitration are taken generally as enforceable. In addition to arbitration, the road to mediation can also be pursued as a means of alternative dispute resolution but such a discussion is beyond the scope of the current issue at hand. However, it must be taken to note that the outcomes of mediation are typically non-binding on the involved disputing parties. Arbitration has traditionally been in use for the settlement of commercial disputes between parties. More specifically, the practice of arbitration has been applied to international commercial disputes since the issue of court jurisdiction is bound to arise in international commercial disputes. The general rules applicable to arbitration are often encased in the commercial contract that is created between the involved parties. Another aspect of the arbitration process is the role of the arbitrator. As opposed to mediation, the arbitrator will not have to find common ground between the disputing parties. Instead, the arbitrator is only bound by tradition to examine the presented evidence and to reach a final verdict without any requirement to find common ground. The arbitrator can and generally does provide a determination of the incurred liability and also might subscribe to the quantified damages.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Economic Crisis in the 1930s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economic Crisis in the 1930s - Essay Example The role of new corporate leaders in achieving the same is also unignorable. Correspondingly, with this notion, the discussion henceforth addresses the role of corporate leaders in the industrial revolution of America, which helped the nation perform in the international role. Cesar E. Chavez was one of those historic leader having an immense contribution towards determining labor laws for the welfare of the working class, which further influenced the development of the industrial sector in America. During the same period, under the leadership of Roosevelt, large-scale corporate initiatives were adopted in the US, which contributed towards the development of an industrial America. J.P. Morgan is also counted among one of such leaders who emerged with the approach of consolidating numerous industries and ensuring their operations in the US. His approach also contributed towards the development of the US, as one of the top industrial economies in the world (National Museum of America, â€Å"The Development of the Industrial United States†). However, despite the effectiveness and contribution of the leaders, the country had to deal with the economic turmoil in the 1930s (National Museum of America, â€Å"The Development of the Industrial United States†). Contextually, owing to the lack of balance amid the new industrial economic system and the global financial market, the US became a primary contributor to the great depression of the 1900s. Problems were correspondingly identified in the financial regulations of the nation that further influenced the operations of the financial institution, eventually leading to the great depression (U.S. Department of State, â€Å"Labor in America: The Workers Role†).

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Public Awareness on COPD Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Public Awareness on COPD - Research Paper Example The paper will further suggest new awareness programs that should be put in place for effective public awareness of the disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a collection of illnesses characterized by impediment of airflow that can be linked with breathing-related symptoms for instance expectoration, unceasing cough, panting and exertional dyspnea. It is supposedly the fourth principal cause of death in the United States and can occur with or without considerable physical destruction or signs. Conversely, the disease is frequently a silent and unrecognized disorder, mostly in its premature stages (Mannino et al, 2002). Sutherland and Cherniack (2004) also assert that COPD is a condition of continuous airflow limitation caused by lung parenchyma and persistent irritation of the airways. An increased decline in the forced expiratory volume from the standard rate in grown-ups over 30 years of age of nearly 30 ml per year to almost 60 ml per year is the prime physiological abnormality in this is disease. The disease course starts with an asymptomatic stage in which lung function worsens without associated signs. When the Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV) has dropped to around 50 percent of the predicted standard value, the subsequent symptomatic stage occurs but it can vary. Since extensive deterioration in airflow has already taken place by the time most patients present with symptoms, it is sound to conclude that the extent of airflow limitation is only one of many factors that determine the onset of symptoms. An extra physiological abnormality that is usually seen in patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is hyperinflation, which arises at rest and deteriorates with exercise. It is marked mainly by an increase in the functional residual capacity, placing the respiratory muscles at a mechanical disadvantage, thus raising the work of breathing and lowering exercise tolerance. Other physiological abnormalities

Hormones and Nerve Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Hormones and Nerve Questions - Essay Example But it was proved that epinephrine alone could not cause this transformation to occur. It had to call on the help of a secondary messenger, cyclic AMP, for assistance. Cell membranes consist of lipid chains which makes them hydrophobic or water repelling in nature. Whereas hormones are proteins made of hydrophilic or water loving peptide chains, and they cannot readily pass through the cell membranes. This is where secondary messengers come in. they serve as a messenger between the hormones and the target cell. Secondary messengers are mostly small molecules causing a higher rate of diffusion through the cytoplasm of the cell and a faster rate of information transmission. Secondary messengers also help intensify the strength of a particular signal. Hormones in very small amounts can cause the release of thousands of secondary messengers. This means that the body can save up a lot of energy. It does not need to utilize all its nutritive resources such as proteins in the formation of h ormones, because only tiny quantities of these hormones are needed to get a response from the target cells. Therefore minimum amounts of energy are used by the body to communicate with various cells. Secondary messengers are present in the cytoplasm of cells, thereby controlling the rate of hormones and enzymes utilized by the cells. They could either cause an increase or decrease in the metabolic reactions of the cells. This means that tiny doses of hormones could cause immediate responses as the effects are amplified by the secondary messengers. Secondary messengers are also responsible for signal transduction torrents. Words: 310 NERVE QUESTION Write approximately 800 words on why it is important to understand the structure of nerve cells in order to appreciate their function. Please make sure you cover the generation of an action potential and the transmission of a nerve impulse. It is important to understand the structure of nerve cells, because it is because of their specific structure that they can carry out their important functions. A nerve is a bundle of neurons and a neuron is an individual nerve cell. There are three types of neurons: Sensory neurons Relay neurons Motor neurons These three neurons function together to transmit nerve impulses and each of them have a separate structure which facilitates the entire process. Sensory neuron endings are more concentrated in our sense organs like the retina of the eye, cochlea of the ear, etc. sensory neuron endings receive stimulus from the sense organs and then they pass the nerve impulse immediately to the dendrite which then passes them to the Dendron, which is a single fiber, and then these impulses are brought to the cell body which consists of a nucleus and cytoplasm. Finally these impulses pass through the axon and arrive at the synaptic knob which has several branches. These impulses are somewhat similar to electrical impulses. Sensory neurons are elongated cells consisting of sensory nerve endin gs at one end and synaptic knobs at the other. They are coated with a fatty layer known as the myelin sheath which acts as an electrical insulator so as not to get disturbed with other passing impulses. Gaps in the myelin sheath are known as the nodes of Ranvier, which help speed up the passage of nerve impulses. Relay neurons are smaller cells which act as a link