Monday, September 2, 2019

Examining History :: essays research papers

It is imporatant to carefully examine history in order to learn from previous mistakes, and also to ensure that the same mistakes are not repeated. The Manhattan project is an excellent example. This program allowed the United States to unleash the power of the atom, thus, introducing a new and devastating element into warfare. Although they managed to come in first in the race with Germany, the U.S. bears the responsibility of having introduced the atomic bomb, and have the blood on their hands from the use of it. It is obvious that the U.S. reaped the benefits by introducing the bomb, because no one else had the chance to use it on them. However, it is imperative to realize that when they dropped the bomb they became hypocrates. They did not want it used on them, but were eager to use it on another country. Actually, the U.S. had trouble deciding who to use it on. However, when a target was selected, the results were devastating. There were 170,000 people killed in Hiroshima alone and in Nagasaki, estimates say, nearly 70,000 died. After the bomb was dropped, the resulting radiation killed nearly 70,000 people. The Manhattan Project and the use of the atomic bomb were unfortunate products of a scientific breakthrough and a frantic race; which resulted in a revolution in warfare. The Manhattan Project originated from the Army Corps of Engineers, this division was originally named the Manhattan District. The later name, The Manhattan Project, encompassed the district, the scientific, the governmental and the strategic aspects (4:9). In 1941 President Roosevelt and several American scientists began work on the project (1:1). The bomb was never reffered to as the "atomic bomb" it was referred to as "a new weapon of unusual destructive force" (13:74). The main hub of acivity for this project was in New Mexico, the program lasted from 1942 to 1946. The total cost was nearly 2 billion dollars (1:3). Another important aspect to this program was the secrecy invovlved. It was said that "loose lips sink ships" (13:37). According to Roosevelt the only people who knew about the program at it's conception were Vice President Wallace, the Speaker of the House, the Democratic Leader of the Senate Mr. Barkley, and the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee for the House and Senate (11:27). As time went on it was still kept very quiet, most cabinet members and even more congressmen did not know about it (1:3).

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