Thursday, September 26, 2019

Is It Too Much Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is It Too Much - Term Paper Example Interestingly, children are major beneficiaries in this account. The role of computers and related technology on today’s children and childhood has had interesting developments in the recent years. The parental society of today while envisaging the hilarious impact that computers are going to have over the world in the future, are encouraging the access of the children of today to computers and its numerous applications. The society in that context is of the general view that for children to involve in this new and different world socially, economically, and politically they must acquire a certain level of comfort and competence in using computers. Trotter (1998, p.6-9) has indicated the popularity in the society on the providing support for children to have access to computers so as to enable them to learn adequate computer skills and improve their education. ‘Most parents believe that the Internet can help children with their homework and allow them to discover fascina ting, useful things, and that children without access are disadvantaged compared to those with in access’ (Turow, 1999, p.14-24). However the indiscriminate use and dependency on computers by children is alarming towards many long term consequences. When the use of computers becomes excessive and unmonitored it can adversely affect the physical, social and psychological development of children. The detrimental impact becomes more acute when the usage is coupled with other screen technologies like television and video games. While computers open up the window of access to enormous information, eventually it may expose children to long term health and psychological impact. In the ideal stages of character and personality development, the children must be properly monitored on what they learn and pursue and what they end up with the learning process. The essay is a trial to review the effects of prolonged computer usage on children. While pointing out

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