Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Accounting theory and practice Speech or Presentation

Accounting theory and practice - Speech or Presentation Example Q1 (I): since the preference share is short-lived (it is to be redeemed in 2013, thus not a permanent source of capital), it can be classified under temporary equity. The following journal entries should be made in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 (Swart 2002, pp. 140-176). Q1 (II): the preference shares are redeemable and the shareholders have exclusive rights to dividends (2%) of the par value. Therefore, it is treated as a debt and would be recorded as below in the financial statements (Swart 2002, pp. 140-176) In the above process of determining the amortized costs, the cash flow = (2%*25M) except for the year 2013, which contains the principal amount (25M) plus the cash flow (500,000). Second, the cash flows are discounted using the presumed interest rate of 10% to get the opening amount (18,659,900). In the row marked 2010, the opening amount is multiplied by 10% to get the interest payable (1,865,990). The difference between interest payable and cash flow for that year is added to the opening for that year, to get the closing amount (20,025,890). The closing amount for 2010 becomes the opening amount for 2011. Follow the same process up to year 2012. Since the shares are redeemed in the year 2013, there will not be a closing amount for the year. Part B: the general accounting rules require that financial items be treated as liabilities if it obligates a company to part with cash or other financial assets. Secondly, if the issuer (a company), has no control over factors that leads to its maturity date. Lastly, if the requirement to pay principal amount may induce a contractual obligation to pay interest on dividends. However, the internal accounting standard has done major reviews on the mentioned regulations to include other emerging issues. The review of the rules regulating the accounting treatment of liabilities paved way

Monday, October 28, 2019

Theories of Morality in Punishment Essay Example for Free

Theories of Morality in Punishment Essay As a society, we have different responses to treating untoward incidences and behaviors. We have different means in which we sanction or punish the doers of the action; yet these mean are all reflected on various theories of morality. Different countries or cultures have different systems of punishment as according to what they conform as morally acceptable to people of their kind. Some sanction death penalty, others rehabilitation, imprisonment or other ways like public humiliation and the like. The following are some theories of morality where such systems of punishments are grounded. Stoicism considers passionate emotions like fear or envy as results of errors in judgment and that a person of moral and intellectual perfection would not have to exhibit such emotions. This theory has something to do with giving verdict to people who have committed criminal case. For example, after court hearings, the jury finds that the accused has done the crime while he was not in the proper line of thinking or was insane, the sanction would be different from those who have found guilty of the same crime. The judge might recommend for rehabilitation or medical treatment instead of imprisonment or death penalty that might jeopardize the rationality of the person. Egoism, on the other hand, claims that persons act in response to self-interest. That is, the verdict to a case can be motivated by the interest of the jury to satisfy his own self or if he will be benefited from the result of the punishment. For example, the judge has been paid to overturn his verdict on a certain case; if the judge is thinking of his personal interest, he will do such in the name of money. Who would not want to get money for just a single court decision? Concurrent to egoism is hedonism, which states that only pleasure or its opposite, pain, motivates persons in their decision. Our responses to certain bad behavior done to us or to others depends whether we can get pleasure or we experienced pain. The response could be brutal when it is motivated by pain or the other way around when it is motivated by pleasure. In these three theories, the central subject is the self; where the measure for morality depends on what is most acceptable to the â€Å"self†. Other theories that affect decisions about morality include a gender-based one. Carol Gilligan on his work In a Different Voice states that men and women use different approaches to morality. According to her, the male approach is that individuals have certain basic rights and you are respecting those rights. Morality in this case imposes restrictions on what you can do to punish a person; while female approach is that people have responsibilities toward others; thus giving judgment depends on the care for others. On the other hand, Lawrence Kohlberg theorized about the stages of moral development that includes: punishment and obedience, instrumental exchange, interpersonal conformity, law and order, prior rights and social contract, and universal ethical principles. All these have something to do respect to laws and conformity to individual rights. The first stage for instance is the opposite of each other, meaning, when anyone breaks the rule or law or disobeys it, he or she will be punished according to the fifth stage prior rights and social contract. Social contract could be written or unwritten but these are contracts that state the punishments of any untoward behavior as a violation to the individual rights of persons. The above theories stipulate that justice systems are products of moral judgment anchored to the rights of individuals or the interest of people to the rights of others — either exploitation or preservation. References: Cory, Rachel. (2006). Kolhberg’s Stages of Moral Development. Retrieved December 2, 2008 from http://www. aggelia. com/htdocs/kohlberg. shtml Cypher, Allen. (____). Notes on In a Different Voice by Carol Gilligan. Retrieved December 2, 2008 from http://acypher. com/BookNotes/Gilligan. html Stoicism, Egoism and Hedonism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Types of Child Abuse :: Violence Against Children

Child abuse can cause horrible physical and emotional effects on a child. Often times these emotional effects will stay with them forever. There are several types of child abuse including physical, emotional, sexual, and general abuse. Detecting and reporting child abuse is one of the most important steps in saving an innocent child’s life. Child abuse is a growing a problem in the United States. Child abuse can go undetected for many years. By knowing the different types of abuse or how to detect abuse, you can save a life. Physical Abuse What are the different types of child abuse? The most well known type of abuse is physical abuse. This is because it is the most obvious. Physical abuse is purposeful abuse inflicted on a child. Examples include bruises or welts shaped like an object, bruises in unusual places (back, eyes, mouth, buttocks, genital areas, thighs, and calves), layers of different colored bruises in the same general area. "Sock" or "glove" burns on feet or hands or doughnut shaped burns on buttocks (from forcing the child into hot water). Small round burns from cigarettes, burns in the shape of an object (iron, fireplace tool, or heater), and rope burns on ankles, wrists, or torso, adult sized bite marks, or suspicious fractures. Most of the parents who cause physical harm to their children say they are doing it to discipline their child. Some effects of physical child abuse include stomachaches, migraines, gut problems or other physical symptoms not directly caused by the abuse. These are called psych osomatic indicators. Abused kids often feel exhausted, starving, or sick most of the time (Kienlen). Physical abuse is more than just the obvious physical damage, it also takes a toll on the child emotional and psychologically. It can cause depression, rage, and feelings of isolation in a child. About 80% of depressed teenagers do not get help. They are more likely to suffer depression in their early 20s, and abuse drugs and alcohol (American Psychiatric Association). Anger not expressed appropriately can be vented out in other ways, or can stay bottled up inside them and cause depression. One possible effect of physical child abuse is passive aggressive behavior. Meaning the abused child goes out of their way to get back at that person such as burning the pizza or not putting the right amount of cream in the coffee.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Food Inc Essay

Food Inc. opens in an American supermarket and draws attention to the unnatural nature of year-round tomatoes and boneless meat. It pulls aside the curtain that is concealing the truth about food from the consumer. After the brief intro, the movie shifts its focus to the topic of fast food and its impact on the meat industries. Fast food virtually started with McDonald’s. When they decided to simplify their menu and hire employees that repeated one task over and over for minimum wage, the result was the fast food phenomenon that swept the United States, and then the world. Today, McDonald’s is the largest purchaser of beef and potatoes in the United States, and is one of the largest purchasers of pork, chicken, tomatoes, and apples. Though an unintentional consequence, this has had a drastic impact on the way all food is processed. The top four meat packers now control over 80% of the market, the Tyson Corporation being the largest of them all. The documentary next takes us to a Chicken farm in Kentucky and explains that, since the 1950s, chickens have doubled in size, and they reach that incredible size in half the time it used to take them to reach their more natural size. Chickens today are genetically modified to have larger breasts in response to the consumer preference for white meat. The chickens grow at such a rate that their bones and organs can’t keep up with the rapid growth of the muscles, or the meat. The original farmer that was followed in the documentary was unable to take the filmmakers inside the chicken houses. After being visited multiple times by Tyson representatives, the farmer informed the filmmakers that he would be unable to escort them inside. After a long search, a woman finally stepped forward and agreed to take the filmmakers inside an overly-crowded coop and behind the veil of the modern chicken industry. The next veil that is lifted by the film is that of the corn industry. Corn can be chemically engineered into many different products, such as the extremely unhealthy high-fructose corn syrup. Corn costs more to make than it is worth, so it is subsidized by the government, encouraging even more of its use. Corn is the number one grain used to feed animals for slaughter. Feeding cows corn instead of their natural diet lead to the unintentional creation of 157H7 E. coli, a deadly bacteria that can kill. The film reveals how food standards have dropped, with only 9,164 safety inspections from the FDA each year as compared to over 50,000 in 1972. The food industry has become consolidated to the point of a few companies having a great deal of power and influence via the government. The USDA is no longer able to shutdown plants with contaminated meat. A bill titled â€Å"Kevin’s Law† had the intent of changing that, but, after 6 years, the bill still has not been passed. Food companies have made some attempts to reduce E. coli by cleaning their meats in an ammonia solution. However, unhealthy food is being subsidized and contributing to American obesity and the rise of type 2 diabetes in adolescents. The film then travels to a hog processing plant that kills 32,000 hogs a day. They expose the strategy of the company to hire extremely poor and illegal immigrants who can’t afford to quit their jobs, despite problems with frequent infections of the hands and fingernails, a side effect of poor sanitation standards. We then discover that it has been legal to patent life since the 1980s, and learn about the company Monsanto’s round up resistant soybean that now makes up 90% of the soybean market. Monsanto systematically sues offenders that break copyright laws. Private investigators are hired to monitor and find any infringements. Even if infringement was unavoidable, smaller, neighboring farmers are forced to purchase the round up resistant seeds. Monsanto has a great deal of political influence, with close ties to both parties. Both the Bush and Clinton administrations had close ties with Monsanto. Only the consolidated power of consumers can overcome the political and economical power of the large food processing companies. We owe it to ourselves to use that power to demand healthier, organic foods. In a free economy, the consumer has the ultimate power. Just as the tobacco industry was exposed and its power drastically reduced, so too can the substandard food industry be wrangled into submission.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

African American Theatre 2 Essay

African American Theater started out, hundreds of years ago, as a foundation of amusement for the black community. The theater was a place where African Americans, equally men and women, could work, study, and perfect their expertise. The beginning of African American theater set in motion back in the 1830’s, and it eventually became one of America’s most prevalent sources of entertainment Over the course of over one and a half decades, there has been an apparent transformation within the dominion of African American theater. For example, African Americans have prevailed over the intense burden of subjugation in forms such as political affairs, comfortable residency and most significantly, equal human rights. One of the most apparent leisure pursuits that were in remission from African-Americans came in the appearance of the performing arts, more particularly film. During this time, the society in general would not permit, for example, blacks to drink from the same water fountain, so to share the same onstage experiences or television effects was, without a doubt, not even simply prohibited but unheard of. However, as time went by, the potency of the hopeful African American actors and actresses weighed down the greater part of the general society, and society ceased being able to keep African Americans from appearing on stage and on television. For the longest time, the stage became and stayed the only way for African Americans to communicate the deep sorrow and oppression that the society, particularly the white population, had placed in front of them. Through acting, in addition to both singing and dancing, African Americans were able to, mentally and spiritually, go to a place that no tormenter could find them. With this new form of communication, African Americans found a new method of endurance, and acting was the fundamental technique. Even though the African American actors and actresses were forced to take the road of continued existence in the theater to gain self contentment, it was, as an understatement, not unproblematic. For the longest moments in time, African American actors and actresses were not permitted to step foot on stage. However, black actors were instead ridiculed by Caucasian actors in what they called â€Å"black face. † Black face was a performance where white actors and actresses would literally conceal their faces with black paint and makeup, so as to imitate an African American actor. From this falsification of the hopeful actors, derogatory names such as Tom, Mulatto, Mammy, Coon, and Buck resulted. Similar to Black Face, there was what is called Minstrel Shows. Minstrel shows, which consisted of comic skits, variety acts, dancing, and music, ridiculed and made fun of African Americans in the most disapproving ways. According to these shows, black people were looked upon as ignorant, lazy, and unreasonable, but also cheerful and melodious. Broadway, which is the heart of theater for Americans, had been closed to blacks for more than a decade. However, this was only until the African American musical â€Å"Shuffle Along† turned out to be a runaway success, which some historians believe was the beginning of the Harlem Renaissance. The first African American play to be produced on Broadway was â€Å"The Chip Woman’s Fortune† in 1923, written by Willis Richardson. In the year of 1959, Lorraine Hansberry, a famous playwright, became the first African American woman to have her play produced and performed on Broadway. Hansberry’s play, titled â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun,† became an outlet for a continual assembly of plays by African American playwrights who often brought their own individual occurrences in the great effort in opposition to racial discrimination to the theater plays that they produced. . By the revolving of this period, the minstrel show enjoyed but a shadow of its former popularity, having been replaced for the most part by vaudeville. It survived as professional entertainment until about 1910; amateur performances continued until the 1960s in high schools, fraternities, and local theaters. As blacks began to score legal and social victories against racism and to successfully assert political power, minstrelsy lost popularity. The typical minstrel performance followed a three-act structure. The troupe first danced onto stage then exchanged wisecracks and sang songs. The second part featured a variety of entertainments, including the pun-filled stump speech. The final act consisted of a slapstick musical plantation skit or a send-up of a popular play. Minstrel songs and sketches featured several stock characters, most popularly the slave and the dandy. These were further divided into sub-archetypes such as the mammy, her counterpart the old darky, the provocative mulatto wench, and the black soldier. Minstrels claimed that their songs and dances were authentically black, although the extent of the black influence remains debated. Spirituals (known as jubilees) entered the repertoire in the 1870s, marking the first undeniably black music to be used in minstrelsy. Blackface minstrelsy was the first distinctly American theatrical form. In the 1830s and 1840s, it was at the core of the rise of an American music industry, and for several decades it provided the lens through which white America saw black America. On the one hand, it had strong racist aspects; on the other, it afforded white Americans a singular and broad awareness of significant aspects of African American culture.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fowlers Toad essays

Fowler's Toad essays Zebra mussels are filter feeders, and they are capable of filtering about one litre of water per day while feeding primarily on algae. They were transported from Europe as stowaways in the ballast water of transoceanic ships and pose significant social, economic The zebra mussel disrupts natures food chain. They remove nearly all particle matter, by removing significant amounts of plankton from the water. They remove food for microscopic zooplankton, which in turn are food for fish larvae, juvenile fishes, and other plankton-feeding forage fish. These forage fish support sport and commercial fisheries. This competition for plankton, the base of the marine food chain, could have a lasting effect on the fish populations of the Great Lakes. Most rocky areas of Lake Erie are almost completely covered in the mussel several inches deep. In a laboratory observation, the accumulation in these beds makes a foul environment with very acidic water. Positive/Negative Effects on the Ecosystem In Lake Erie the zebra mussel has already reduced native mussels. The dirty water will reduce energy reserves of fish because they have to work harder to stay alive. It will also increase vulnerability to the other environment stresses. Such as extreme water temperatures, lack of food, or parasites and disease. As zebra mussel spread, they may eliminate rarer species of mussels. The zebra mussel has improved the water clarity of Lake Erie. The filtering of water may increase the exposure humans and animals have to organic pollutants. Early studies have shown that the zebra mussel can accumulate organic pollutants in their tissue to more then 300,000 times greater than concentrations in the environment. They then deposit these pollutants in their waste. These are then passed up the food chain so any fish or waterfowl who co ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Armada essays

Armada essays From 1586-1588 King Phillip II prepared a large fleet of ships to sail from Spain to the straits of Dover. The war ships of the Armada (armed feet), were to carry extra soldiers and protect the duke of Parmas Spanish army. The Spanish Armada of 1588 attacked England on July 12th. One hundred and thirty massive ships failed in its mission to end English meddling in Spanish affairs. King Phillip II of Spain saw England as a dangerous nuisance. King Phillip had many reasons to want to get rid of Queen Elizabeth. For twenty years English ships had attacked Spanish treasure ships and raiding some Spanish towns in the Americas. Queen Elizabeth refused to punish the privateers and would not give the riches back. King Phillip thought that it was wrong to punish the Catholics in England. Also Elizabeth funded money to the Spanish enemies and she had English soldiers fight along with the Dutch rebels. Kings Phillips plan to invade was actually a good plan but it wasnt well thought out by his soldiers. Phillip brought together a large army of soldiers in the Netherlands under the Duke of Parma and then got them ready to invade England. He had a large fleet of ships carry fighting men, equipment and supplies from Spain to the straits of Dover and join up with the Duke of Parmas army. As a result of the Armada England was a much more powerful nation. Elizabeth could be reasonably secure in the knowledge that another invasion was not likely, certainly within the next few years. The Spanish had fewer ships with which they could protect their trading ships and so English sailors could plunder with greater ease. The failure of the Armada made England a much more powerful nation. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Teaching Writing to Beginning ESL Students

Teaching Writing to Beginning ESL Students Beginner-level writing classes are challenging to teach because of the students still-limited knowledge of the language. For a beginner-level student, you wouldnt start out with exercises such as, write a paragraph about your family or write three sentences describing your best friend. Before diving into short paragraphs, it is helpful to set up students with concrete tasks. Start With the Nuts and Bolts For many students- especially those who are native to languages that represent letters or words in alphabets vastly different from Englishs 26 letters- knowing that a sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period is not necessarily intuitive. Make sure to start off by teaching your student some basics: Begin each sentence with a capital letter.End each sentence with a period and a question with a question mark.Use capital letters  with proper names and  the pronoun I.Each sentence contains a subject, verb and, usually, a complement (such as a prepositional phrase or direct object).Basic sentence structure is: Subject verb complement. Focus on Parts of Speech To teach writing, students must know the basic parts of speech. Review nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Ask students to categorize words in these four categories. Taking time to ensure students understand the role of each part of speech in a sentence will pay off. Suggestions to Help With Simple Sentences After students have an understanding of the groundwork, use simple sentence structures to help them begin writing. Sentences may be very repetitive in these exercises, but the use of compound and complex sentences are too advanced for students at this stage in the learning process. Only after students gain confidence through a number of simple exercises will they be able to move on to more complicated tasks, such as joining elements with a conjunction to make a compound subject or verb. Then they will graduate to using short compound sentences and adding short introductory phrases. Simple Exercise Examples Simple Exercise 1: Describing Yourself In this exercise, teach standard phrases on the board, such as: My name is ... I am from ... I live in ... I am married/single. I go to school/work at ... I (like to) play ... I like ... I speak ... Use only simple verbs such as live, go, work, play, speak, and like as well as set phrases with the verb to be. After students feel comfortable with these simple phrases, introduce writing about another person with you, he, she, or they.   Simple Exercise 2: Describing a Person After students have learned basic factual descriptions, move on to describing people. In this case, help students by writing out descriptive vocabulary in categories. For example: Physical Appearance tall/shortbeautiful/good-lookingwell-dressedold/young Physical Attributes eyeshair Personality funnyshyoutgoinghard-workingfriendlylazyrelaxed Then, write out verbs on the board. Ask the students to use words from the categories in conjunction with the verbs to teach students how to formulate simple descriptive sentences. Through this, teach students to use be with adjectives describing physical appearance and personality traits.  Teach them to use have with physical attributes (long hair, big eyes, etc.).  For example: I am ... (hardworking/outgoing/shy/etc.) I have ... (long hair/big eyes) Additional Exercise Ask students to write about one person, using the verbs and vocabulary presented in both exercises. As you check the students work, make sure that they are writing simple sentences and not stringing too many attributes together.  At this point, it is better if students do not use multiple adjectives in a sentence in a row because this requires a good understanding of  adjective order. In this case, simplicity prevents confusion. Simple Exercise 3: Describing an Object Continue working on writing skills by asking students to describe objects. Use the following categories to help students classify words to use in their writing: Shapes roundsquareoval Color redblueyellow Textures smoothsoftrough Materials woodmetalplastic Verbs is made from/offeelsishaslooks likeï » ¿looks Variation: Ask students to write a description of an object without naming the object. Other students should then guess what the object is. For example: This object is round and smooth. It is made of metal. It has many buttons. I use it to listen to music.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Impacts of tourism in Thailand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Impacts of tourism in Thailand - Essay Example Most of Southeast Asian countries have been promoting tourism as a major component of their development strategies for a few decades. The efforts are supported by beliefs that tourism generates considerable sources of employment for locals; economic growth; income distribution; foreign exchange earnings; and export receipts. Just like Thai trademark rice export, tourism has become a key contributor to the Thai economy. Importance of tourism for Thai economy can be accessed with the help of data provided by national accounts data and Thailand’s Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) (Wattanakuljarus, 2005, p.3). Wattanakuljarus (2005) states that, â€Å"On average during 1998-2005, Thai tourism directly and indirectly accounts for 13 % of GDP (665 billion baht), 10 % of employment (3 million jobs), 13 % of exports (417 billion baht), 12 % investment (117 billion baht) and 3%of government budget (13 billion baht)† (p.3).Such huge incorporation of tourism related activities cert ainly has impact on Thai society in general and some areas in particular. This paper studies the impact of tourism on Thai economy, environment, agriculture, society, culture, and tradition. The information used throughout the paper is generalisable. All of the information used is taken from authentic sources, such as, journals, academic reports, and books. Most of the data is obtained from libraries, either local or digital. Impacts of Tourism in Thailand Thailand has long pursued its goal of tourism related marketing strategy. The strategy is to boost economy, encourage low, medium, and high cost tourism in all the potential regions of the country. From â€Å"Land of Smiles† promotion slogan and other extensive promotional strategies, Thailand has become the more popular and south-after tourist destination from all over the world (Pfotenhauer and Mingsarn, 1994, p.23).Tourist visit Thailand for variety of reasons, the reasons may not be mutually exclusive because they often combine them when planning for the visit. Some of the most common types of tourism in Thailand include: adventure tourism, cultural tourism, disaster tourism, drug tourism, Eco-tourism, family tourism, food tourism, sex tourism, medical tourism, and sports tourism. Adventure Tourism Traditionally, adventure tourists explore Thailand in search of adventure by climbing mountains; trekking for longer time periods; kayaking; and visiting off-beat places far from conventional areas to visit. A comparatively mild form of adventure tourism is â€Å"soft adventure tourism† that caters people who want to combine some rough experiences but lesser than regular adventure tourists. They prefer to combine visits to important cities and beautiful beaches. Bird watching is also a kind of adventure tourism (Berger, 2007, p.11). Cultural Tourism Cultural tourists are keen to investigate and get information about the cultures, importance, and history of the places they visit. They usually focus on famous cathedrals; historical museum; symphony halls; opera houses; and similar attractions (Berger, 2007, p.11). Disaster Tourism Some tourists prefer visiting the places of disaster of a kind or another. They observe places for knowing what happened; how it affected people and environment there; and how people there are coping with the disaster. They â€Å"participate in history† by experiencing such places throu gh visit. For instance, after December 2004’ tsunami, some tourists packed bags for visiting affected places (Berger, 2007, pp.11-12). Drug Tourism The tourists visit places where they can access drugs easily and without any restriction. They visit Thailand because they can’

First 3 pages of a position paper on media globalization and cultural Essay

First 3 pages of a position paper on media globalization and cultural identity - Essay Example plores dimensions of the concept by considering the industry aspects of such glocal programs (programs with mixed global and local aspects) and their scope for the production companies. By providing the series of processes undertaken to Americanize the British sitcom, the paper develops a thorough understanding of various steps and considerations to be kept in mind as television travels from global to local. By discussing the differences between the two versions of the same sitcom in detail, the paper concludes the presence of a strong nexus between Media Globalization and Cultural Identity thereby fading away the misconception about globalization as a solely homogenizing force. According to Held D. in ‘Global Transformations’, â€Å"globalization is a process fueled by, and resulting in, increasing cross-border flows of goods, services, money, people, information, and culture (Guillen, 2001).† In the contemporary world, all the aspects of life are touched by the ravishing presence of globalization. Once comprehended as a mere economic phenomenon involving the flow of goods and services across borders, the term has transcended to reach the exchange of language, culture and media among nations (Suà ¡rez-Orozco ix). Media Globalization refers to the global reach of media which may take different forms like the internet, television and mass media etc. This process is glocal in nature since with the global elements the television also adapts to certain local elements thereby emerging as a mix of globalization and localization (Straubhaar 130). The aspect of localization in a rather global television program is added when the producers add their subjective interests which ultimately change the whole structure of the particular program. This change is not entirely a work of producers as they are profoundly coalesced with the resource of money used by the audience. Therefore, the audience holds the authority to alter the television program structures according to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Management and Organisational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Management and Organisational Behavior - Essay Example The other motivation I got in another internship was being given token gifts and allowances even though it was a non-paying internship. The allowances were not much but they meant everything to me and were a sign of the company appreciating my work. My current workplace where I have worked the longest motivates its employees through providing training to the best performing employees as well as having paid vacation leaves where the company provides even vacation packages for those with families which are fully paid. The employees never willingly leave the company and they have made the company excel in terms of increased profitability as well as gain a competitive advantage in the industry. Herzberg Two factor theory explains very well about motivation and the factors that can motivate the employees. According to the theory, there are two types of factors in any organization and these are the hygienic and the motivational factors. The hygienic factors are those employees cannot do without as their lack leads to dissatisfaction and their presence motivation. They include factors such as salaries, interpersonal relations as well as good working conditions (Brooks, 2010). The motivational factors, on the other hand, are rarely present in an organization but their presence satisfies and motivates the employees immensely. These factors are mostly ignored in many organizations but if used can bring a great difference in terms of performance increment. They include factors such as awards, recognition, and responsibility among others. The other motivational theory is the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. This theory has five levels which individuals have to pass before they completely become self-actualized. The completion of each of these levels is a motivation to move to the next level. These levels of needs

Class Discussion cis 242 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Class Discussion cis 242 - Essay Example Operators and values are used to define a condition. The operators can be Relational and Logical operators that are used to compare two values; however, Logical operators are also used to combine two or more conditions. An example is given below for illustration of decision making structure using conditions, operators and values: /* â€Å"&&† a logical operator used to compare two conditions, the first condition is either â€Å"a† is greater than â€Å"10† and the second condition is either â€Å"a† is less than 20. If both the conditions get true, the â€Å"statements (A)† will be executed and if anyone of the conditions gets false, the â€Å"statements (B)† will be executed. As â€Å"&&† (and) logical operator has been used, therefore, both the conditions need to be true to execute â€Å"statements (A)†. Boolean operators have significance importance in C++, as these can be used in the conditions to determine either the condition is true or false. In programming, you need decision making structures that are based on conditions, whereas in the conditions we use Boolean operators. The above example explains the conditions along with Boolean Operators in detail. Loops are used to add excitement to roller coaster in amusements parks such as Six Flags. :D Just kidding of course, but in C++, they do the same kind of thing: Start at one point, execute some code, then end up back at where you started. They are useful for when you need to execute a piece of code multiple times. The different loop commands have the same basic function, but execute slightly differently. The while command is the simplest of the loops.Just like we say when we talk while (this) is true, do (this). For example: While the TV is on, I will watch it. Once the TV goes off, I will stop watching it. A good use of while is when asking for an entry, check to see that one of the expected entries is the one that the user used. The while loop checks to see if the condition is true before it

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Literature review - Essay Example However, careful consideration of the research works of Vlachos (2008) and Weir (2002) reveals the fact that very few researchers ever succeeded in establishing clear route map for addressing the question â€Å"How HRM can direct performance in service driven organization?† It is evident from the above discussion that significant amount of argument exists among scholars regarding role of HRM in improving performance in service organization. Therefore, the study will try to dig deep on the topic â€Å"Establishing Equilibrium between HRM Power Index and Organizational Performance in Banking Service Industry† with the help of existing literature in order to understand whether HRM power indexes play significant role in improving service organizational performance or not? Banking sector has been selected as representative of service industry in this literature review. 2.0 Key Discussion 2.1 HRM Power Index and Organizational Performance Guthrie, Spell and Nyamori (2002), Hu ang (2001) and Gollan (2005) defined HRM power indexes as the different role performed by the human resource departments such as training and development, performance measurement, recruitment etc which can influence operational performance of organizations. Taking help of the research works of Bae and Lawler (2000) and Collins and Smith (2006) reveals the fact that high-involvement HRM practices accompanied by selective staffing, performance management, employee empowerment and extensive training might develop the employees to handle grater work responsibilities and increase sustainability in organizational environment. Although, these scholars identified four HRM power indexes such as performance management, employee empowerment, selective staffing and extensive training but these scholars never tried to highlight how HRM practices can improve organizational performance. In such context, Snape and Redman (2010) and Sun, Aryee and Law (2007) argued that organizational performance is a multidimensional term which can be effected by strategic initiatives and operational activities of companies. These scholars also argued that HRM might be used to increase employee productivity but organizational performance can not only be driven by employee productivity. In such context, Wall and Wood (2005) and Collins and Smith (2006) found it very difficult to link the integration of HRM, power indexes with the financial performance improvement in companies. Let’s take example of Company A which is performing well in terms of increase in financial revenue or capex building but it will be very difficult to separate the role of HRM in improving overall performance of the company because vertical integration of supply chain activities, business strategies, technology implementation and many others might have influence the performance. While conducting research on Arabian countries, Al-Hamadi, Budhwar and Shipton (2007) and Budhwar, Al-Yahmadi and Debrah (2002) found that there are organizations which not even consider HRM as the important vertical in improving performance of the organization. These scholars also pointed out that in case of service organization, employees frequently interact with customers and poorly managed employees might not be able to

The Atlantic Economys Contribution to the Industrial Revolution Essay

The Atlantic Economys Contribution to the Industrial Revolution - Essay Example In addition, the bullion trade with the Americas created a concentration of capital that allowed for the economies of scale required for the promotion of the specialization of labor and large-scale investments. While all these components contributed to the Industrial Revolution, they were in fact small contributions that hastened and enforced the Revolution, but were not the primary cause. Transportation was instrumental in stimulating trade in the centuries before the Industrial Revolution, but may of made only small contributions to the overall economy. Bristol, during the 17th century was the central hub for the voyage to the Americas. While by 1630 there were relatively few vessels making the trans-Atlantic crossing to the American plantations, by the turn of the 18th century this number would swell to over half of the vessels leaving the port (Sacks). These ships were bound for Virginia, the West Indies, or Newfoundland, and by 1700 commercial American sugar and tobacco had become a trading staple (Sacks). Certainly trade was important for Britain during this period for raw materials as well as exports of goods to the slave driven plantation system. However, even as late as 1790, after the Industrial Revolution was well under way, the Americas only accounted for 18% of European exports, while exports to Africa to support the slave trade amounted to only 1% (O'Bri en, 4). The real growth in trade would not take place until the 1840s when Clipper Ships were able to make more voyages and handle more fragile cargo (Jones). Trade and transportation to the Americas may have contributed to the growing export market, but was not a major cause for the Industrial Revolution. While the export market had only a marginal effect, the importation of agricultural products may have been even less significant. The agricultural processes necessary to support a growing urban population had been in effect well before the discovery of the Americas. In addition, raw materials needed to sustain long-term production and growth were already available in Europe. According to O'Brien, sugar and cotton had been transplanted to Italy, Iberia, and Southern France prior to 1492 (11). The introduction of maize from the Americas would have no substantial impact on the English diet until the middle 19th century after the Industrial Revolution had been under way for some decades (O'Brien, 11). More important to the Industrial Revolution than raw materials was the mercantilist system of protections and the reservation of the final processing into finished goods (Darity, 165). This assured that capital would continue to flow into Europe. Raw materials and the foodstuffs necessary t o sustain the factory system and an exploding population were all available outside the Atlantic economy well before the Industrial Revolution. The formulation of the Industrial Revolution demanded a ready supply of capital for investment. Bullion from the Americas created a hard international currency, but it was not been instrumental in developing concentrated capital. The large-scale introduction of precious metals from the Americas resulted in a high rate of inflation. This

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Literature review - Essay Example However, careful consideration of the research works of Vlachos (2008) and Weir (2002) reveals the fact that very few researchers ever succeeded in establishing clear route map for addressing the question â€Å"How HRM can direct performance in service driven organization?† It is evident from the above discussion that significant amount of argument exists among scholars regarding role of HRM in improving performance in service organization. Therefore, the study will try to dig deep on the topic â€Å"Establishing Equilibrium between HRM Power Index and Organizational Performance in Banking Service Industry† with the help of existing literature in order to understand whether HRM power indexes play significant role in improving service organizational performance or not? Banking sector has been selected as representative of service industry in this literature review. 2.0 Key Discussion 2.1 HRM Power Index and Organizational Performance Guthrie, Spell and Nyamori (2002), Hu ang (2001) and Gollan (2005) defined HRM power indexes as the different role performed by the human resource departments such as training and development, performance measurement, recruitment etc which can influence operational performance of organizations. Taking help of the research works of Bae and Lawler (2000) and Collins and Smith (2006) reveals the fact that high-involvement HRM practices accompanied by selective staffing, performance management, employee empowerment and extensive training might develop the employees to handle grater work responsibilities and increase sustainability in organizational environment. Although, these scholars identified four HRM power indexes such as performance management, employee empowerment, selective staffing and extensive training but these scholars never tried to highlight how HRM practices can improve organizational performance. In such context, Snape and Redman (2010) and Sun, Aryee and Law (2007) argued that organizational performance is a multidimensional term which can be effected by strategic initiatives and operational activities of companies. These scholars also argued that HRM might be used to increase employee productivity but organizational performance can not only be driven by employee productivity. In such context, Wall and Wood (2005) and Collins and Smith (2006) found it very difficult to link the integration of HRM, power indexes with the financial performance improvement in companies. Let’s take example of Company A which is performing well in terms of increase in financial revenue or capex building but it will be very difficult to separate the role of HRM in improving overall performance of the company because vertical integration of supply chain activities, business strategies, technology implementation and many others might have influence the performance. While conducting research on Arabian countries, Al-Hamadi, Budhwar and Shipton (2007) and Budhwar, Al-Yahmadi and Debrah (2002) found that there are organizations which not even consider HRM as the important vertical in improving performance of the organization. These scholars also pointed out that in case of service organization, employees frequently interact with customers and poorly managed employees might not be able to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The impact of technology on society(electrification(electricity)) Research Paper

The impact of technology on society(electrification(electricity)) - Research Paper Example Since the evolution of electricity is a complex phenomenon, its makeover is done by various personalities at various span of time at different stages. If we look at who identified electricity in an elaborate way, then the credit can be given to Benjamin Franklin who recognized electricity by flying kite on the occasion of lightning. It was in 1752, June 15th that Benjamin Franklin propagated that lightning is the pure form of electricity. He founded through experiment that electricity could pass through metals and this gave way to the great discovery of many electrical appliances and gadgets. 2.1.1 The Phenomenon of Electricity Surprisingly, the electricity as a scientific phenomenon did not gain recognition until the last quarter of eighteenth century. The early civilization to probe in to the discovery of electricity was the Greek personalities. The word electricity itself is connected to the Greek word â€Å"Elektron† or amber as rubbing of amber with cloth produced electri city. The electricity which was once a frightening element of nature, changed in to the most beneficial gift of nature as man discovered its immense potentiality and usability in his daily life. Electricity being a secondary form of energy source is obtained by converting primary sources of energies like coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power and other natural sources. The electricity consists of electrons which are tiny particles of energy and are the smallest unit of energy. These electrons which are energy particle, when passed through metals like copper and iron aids in use of electricity in electrical appliances. However the production and supply of electricity is the most perplexing procedure and capital intensive program, which the industrial sector has ever experienced. The electricity is produced in extensive power plants with the help of huge turning turbines. Here the turbines are turned with the help of steam produced by coal. However, if electricity is produced by water then the rushing of water moves the turbine. The voltage of electricity is increase with the help of transformers which is later passed to the electrical equipments for use. 2.2 The status of pre- electricity period. 2.2.1 Quality of life The quality of life before the invention of electricity was considerably dull and dark. The period prior to the last quarter of 18th century was a duration of strive and struggle due to the absence of electricity. The life during those times was murky and was entirely depended on the dim light of the candle. Unlike 21st century, the age before electricity was limited in luxury and amenities. People were not in a position to take maximum benefit of natural resources and had to struggle hard to conduct their daily life. Moreover, the night life of people were less exciting because as the night fell, people resorted to their homes keeping in mind their personal security and safety. During those times, people depended on bee wax, cow dung and animal fa t to illuminate their houses and other personal and public spaces. 2.2.2. Performing task Before the invention of electricity, all the house hold chores and productive works were outcome of manual labor. People like poets and

Monday, October 14, 2019

United states search for alternative fuel sources Essay Example for Free

United states search for alternative fuel sources Essay The world over, nation’s economies depend on fuel sources for their growth. Fuel sources are crucial as they offer fuel and act as sources of power for the production of goods and services. A nation’s economic growth is very crucial since it also affects the politics of the nation as well as people’s social life. Consequently, nations have had an increased demand to develop alternative fuel sources. The United States of America has not lacked behind. As a developed nation, it has been compelled to see to it that it develops and adopts alternative fuel sources so as to sustain its economic growth and ensure that the future economy is safe. In the United States of America, the search for alternative fuels was still a matter of concern. Before the year 1920, the super power was still in the verge for searching for alternative fuel sources. In fact, the Stanley Steamer Automobile was not in the market by the mid 1930s (Bernstein, pp 54) the steamer was powered by different types of fuel i.e. gasoline, coal, charcoal, raw petroleum and wood. Combustion of coal and other petroleum products produced smog, which was a health hazard. Gasoline then became the only source of power for motor vehicles (Berinstein, pp 59). Alternative fuels are usually used to mean fuels for motor vehicles but not gasoline. Any other fuel that is not fossil can also be termed as an alternative fuel source. Alternative sources of energy or power like hydroelectric dams and geothermal power plants cannot be said to be alternative fuel sources. Alternative fuel is also known as non-conventional fuels. The term alternative fuels usually refer to renewable sources of energy (Hass, pp 61). Examples of common alternative fuels included biodiesel, ethanol, butanol, chemically stored electricity (batteries fuel cells), peanut oil, hydrogen methane, and natural gas. The growing interest of people desiring to change their way of life is one of the factors which has led to the search for alternative sources of fuel in the United States of America. People desire to raise their living standards by looking for alternative sources of fuel. They need power sources, which are efficient and can be relied on. In addition, United States economy is high and the nation wants to ensure that production and manufacturing of goods and services is not affected so the nation has seen to it that sources of power are efficient and reliable. As a Super power, the United States of America has to ensure that its politics are carried out well not to forget its fight against terrorism which requires effective power sources. One of the reasons for the search for alternative fuel sources is sustainability. The economy, environment, and the geopolitics of the United States of America require sources of fuel which can be sustained. One of the main aims when looking for a source of fuel is its ability to store energy. The energy has to be stored in a form that is stable and that can be transported easily from its point of production to the consumer. Most fuels that store chemical potential energy are referred to as chemical fuels. This is important so that the user will consume the fuel whenever he wants. The energy released is in the form of heat and can be used as a source of power for an engine or a source of heat for a building. Most alternative sources of fuel can be used more than once and can sustain their energy for long a long period of time. The United States of America has had a great zeal and zest to search for alternative fuel sources. This is as a result of the environmental hazards caused by the existing ones. Secondly, another major concern has been the fact that, direct use of conventional fuels may contribute to the global warming crisis. Continued use of alternative fuels in the United States of America has affected and will continue to affect the country’s economy. For instance, in the 1940s, there was a lot of smog in American cities, which caused a serious hazard to its environment ( Bernstein pp 60) in the 1960s, most of America’s waters were not fit for human consumption because there was a lot of acid rain poisoning (Flavin, pp 98 ). As a result, American States decided to rise up and fight air pollution, which was eminent in their states. Each state stood by itself and decided to take measures to end the eminent dangers. Laws were enacted by the federal government whose aim was to reduce air pollution and eventually end it (Hostetter pp 76). In the early 1990’s, vehicles powered by ethanol were introduced in the market in a bid to meet the regulations of the 1990 Clean Air Act in the United States. By the end of the year 1999, ethanol, which is produced from corn and other plant products yield approximately $5 billion (US Dollars) annually to farmers (Hass pp 60). Vehicles powered by electricity were also introduced in the market. The major set back with these vehicles was that recharging posed a major challenge to the users. Manufacturers also opted to substitute traditional diesel, which is derived from vegetable oil with biodiesel. Motor vehicle manufacturers in the United States of America have preferred to use methanol, which is derived from natural gas. Consequently, gasoline has been substituted with compressed natural gas (Hass, pp 61). In developed countries like the United States of America, a great percentage of the total energy budget is spent on trucks and automobiles. Since most of the interests on alternative sources of fuels have paid a lot of attention on vehicles used for transportation, which consume nearly ? of petroleum consumption, most alternative fuels have been found not to be effective (Berinstein pp 34) In the United States of America, alternative fuels are designed with the citizen’s needs in mind, not withstanding the types of needs, whether economic, political or environmental. For instance, in the Mid-West of the United States of America particularly in Illinois and Minnesota, gasoline is more expensive than E85, environmentally; cars powered by gasoline pollute 90% more than those powered by electricity (Hass, pp 62). It is costly for governments to develop alternative fuels. Most governments offer task breaks to manufacturing companies, which develop alternative sources of energy (Berinstein, pp 45). Consequently, this will affect a country’s economy and the United States of America is no exception. In addition, the amount of available oil reserves is uncertain. It is difficult to see underground and determine the amount of oil reserves even if the reserves have been supplying oil for a long period of time (proven-reserves). Nowadays, oil extraction process uses a lot of energy, electrical energy and heat, which comes from natural gas, which is in short supply. Currently, non-conventional oil production is not very efficient in producing energy and has a large environmental impact than conventional oil production (Berinstein pp 69) In conclusion, the United States of America will relentlessly continue to search for alternative fuel sources, which will continue to affect the country’s economy, both negatively and positively, in the present and in the future. This is because humans cannot meet their social, economic and political needs without the use fuels. What the United States needs is to ensure that the alternative fuel sources can be sustained and cannot cause health hazards to the environment. References Berinstein, P. Alternative Energy: Facts, Statistics and Issues. Westport, Conn. : Oryx Press, 2001. Flavin, C. â€Å"Clean as a Breeze. † Time, 15 December 1997. 60-62 Hass, N. â€Å"Alternative Fuels. † Financial World, 19 January 1993. Hostetter, M. , ed. Energy Policy. New York: H. W. Wilson. 2002.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Soldier Suicide as Political Statement Essay -- Politics Army War Essa

Soldier Suicide as Political Statement At least twenty-nine U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq and Kuwait committed suicide between March 2003 and March 2004. Even the Pentagon considers this an "alarmingly high" suicide rate. It lead the military to commission a morale poll to be completed by Stars & Stripes (August 2003) and to send in a special mental health advisory team to assess the situation. In April 2004, military officials reported the team's conclusion: while the suicide rate for soldiers overseas is almost double that of the civilian population, is not considered a "crisis". (1) Perhaps these suicides tell us more about how the implementation of "democracy" and "freedom" in Iraq is going than we learn from other (government sanctioned) reports. "What might we gain if we considered [suicide], however tentatively, as a kind of an achievement, even... as a kind of gift... not the one we might have wished for, but the one [they give] us when [they do] not have anything to give," writes Peggy Phelan, "A more expansive consideration of suicide might help make an intervention into the usual story of shame, failure, and anguish that all too frequently dominates the relationship of the living with those who kill themselves." (2) Let us listen to the self-inflicted deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq as statements of resistance that highlight problems with the United States' "all volunteer" military system. Many soldiers (particularly members of the Reserves and National Guard) are driven to enlist for financial/economic reasons. Faced with limited options, they may have purposefully kept at bay any serious consideration of the possibilities of combat so that they would be able to sign on. These soldier... ...nic dimensions of those inequities. When one considers that for many members of our "volunteer" army, their decision to enlist was made because it was one of their only options for stability, employment, college funding, citizenship... "supporting our troops" takes on different meaning. Soldiers in Iraq who took their own lives are calling out to the wider community to investigate why so many find themselves in a situation where death is their most empowered choice. Works Cited: 1 Statistics compiled from multiple news sources listed in the Media Analysis section that follows. 2 p.6-7, 24, Peggy Phelan, "Francesca Woodman's Photography: Death and the Image One More Time," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society , vol. 27, no. 4, The University of Chicago, 2002. 3 Stanley Aronowitz, "Curb Your Enthusiasm," First of the Month , Winter 2004.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Women and Welfare Essay -- essays research papers

The Struggle of Women on Welfare   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Women in today’s society face many adversities. In this essay I will discuss fact versus stereotypical perceptions about the various social and economic problems women must face everyday. I grew up on the Upper East Side in Manhattan mostly comprised of wealthy, socialite families. I attended The Convent of Sacred Heart, also one of the top, private, all girl schools in Manhattan. The majority of the students come from very privileged families and are, more often than not, very spoiled and naà ¯ve to the world around them. While I was attending High School, I found it very hard to make friends with some of the students that went to Sacred Heart. I hated the way â€Å"rich kids† thought. They always spoke about Welfare and made absurd comments about how it should not exist because the people feeding of their tax dollars were nothing but the bottom-feeders in the world. The people I was surrounded by could never move past the fallacies their parents w ould talk about. They never realized that many people on welfare struggled. These unfortunate people were not lazy; they weren’t all drug dealers and prostitutes that just kept getting pregnant so that the city would write them a check every month. The only thing they were guilty of was being born a minority and from birth, growing up in some of the worst conditions imaginable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the summer my friend and I decided to join the Coalition for Homeless Women. I learned a lot while visiting the numerous women shelters and I can admit that I too had very stupid and naà ¯ve perceptions of some of these women. Even though I was not as â€Å"rotten† as some of the girls I attended school with, my parents sheltered me. I will always remember walking down the street one day and as I passed by a homeless woman I handed her my dollar. My father immediately looked at me funny and said â€Å"Sonia, you shouldn’t have given her your allowance, she will only use it to buy drugs or alcohol. She will not use it for anything good!† At the age of ten those words resonated in my head for some time. My perception of homeless people was somewhat flawed until I was old enough to understand the world for myself. I was really happy when I visited shelters and spoke to some of these remarkable women. They weren’t on drugs, they weren ’t alcoholics, and these are wo... ...not on welfare do not have more children if they cannot support their families. Middle and Upper class families are paying the government in tax dollars to support mothers who continue to have children even though they know they cannot support themselves. Also, a single mother who chooses to have another child while being on welfare severely decreases her chances to go off welfare because she will need to stay at home with her children. This promotes a woman’s dependency on welfare.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To wrap up my essay, I will simply say that people who continue to talk about welfare in ways that it should be taken away or controlled have not educated themselves enough to fully understand what it is they are talking about. I believe that everyone in the world serves a purpose. The wealthy are not the only people who should have the right to enjoy life. People on welfare, may need help but at least they are trying. To say they are all failures is wrong. The majority of women on welfare face so many problems. People make ludicrous preconceptions about these women. People should open their eyes and realize what really goes on in the world instead of living in on a cloud.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Extended commentary of ‘I look into My Glass’ by Thomas Hardy Essay

On the Title: Negligible information – takes first line; a common feature. Themes: Time, The way that Time works, Age (emotional) Overall Structure: Three English quatrains, with an alternate rhyming scheme – this makes it more concentrated than a typical English quatrain. This â€Å"concentration† is a key feature; in both literal and emotional sense. It is a very short poem, but details a series of deep emotional reflections. Difficult language notes: * ‘Glass’ is an archaic (and now poetic) word for â€Å"mirror†. * The phrase â€Å"would God it came to pass† means â€Å"I wish that God had done ‘X’† or â€Å"had let ‘X’ happen†. In the poem, he wishes that God had let his heart wither, in terms of emotional feeling, just as his body had. * â€Å"Equanimity† means ‘of calm temperament’ – to be at peace spiritually, mentally etc. First Stanza Notes: Hardy presents us with a physical establishment of his persona – â€Å"I look into my glass/ And view my wasting skin†. This is the only physical description/detail in the poem; consequently it is of great importance. Hardy uses his ‘wasting skin’ to relate to his heart – his emotional life. ‘†Would God it came to pass/ My heart had shrunk as thin!†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. In short, the persona wishes that his emotions, his passions, his loves had ‘shrunken’ – or reduced in strength – at the same rate as his physical entity/appearance. Hardy uses enjambment in the line ‘skin/ And say† to add emphasis, along with the presence of direct speech. Perhaps the enjambment keeps the reader in suspense? Note the reference to the Almighty – a further note of emphasis. Emphasis is very important in such a concentrated poem. The reader is forced to very rapidly deduce the persona’s emotions. He wishes that his emotions would fade; perhaps he can’t face the pain of rejection? In any case, it is implied that his emotional life is still very much alive – it has yet to wither. Second Stanza Notes: ‘For then, I, undistrest’ opens the second stanza. This is a complex line; ‘For then’ means ‘because’, due to the inverted commas around the ‘I’. ‘Undistrest’ is an archaic spelling of ‘un-distressed’ – meaning ‘not worried’. Note Hardy’s use of this word (diction). ‘Distress’ is an intrinsically negative word but by putting a negative prefix it becomes positive. However, the presence of two negative words in the line reflects oddly on its meaning and the impression given. Hardy does this for a reason. â€Å"For then, I, undistressed/ By hearts grown cold to me/ Could lonely wait my endless rest/ With equanimity.† Very simply, Hardy’s persona is stating that, if his heart had shrunk, he would be able to wait out his life ‘with equanimity’ – with a calm temperament. However, the presence of the ‘For then’ makes this stanza conditional, again implying that the persona is ‘without equanimity’ – he’s not brilliantly happy. He is losing emotional contact with those whom he still cares for. The emotional entities, contrasting the physical ones described in the first stanza, are once again reflected by enjambment; â€Å"Undistressed/ By hearts grown cold to me†. Some key techniques/ words in this stanza: * â€Å"Could lonely wait my endless rest.† – lonely, due to the ‘hearts grown cold to [him]’, obviously, but critics query the meaning of ‘endless rest’. Does is refer to death? The persona’s remaining life certainly won’t be ‘endless’. What does Hardy mean by this? Could it merely be a forced rhyme for ‘undistressed’? * â€Å"With equanimity† – Again, perhaps this is another forced rhyme, yet the calm metre reflects the expressed ‘calmness’. However (this applies to the entirety of the stanza), the reader’s association of intrinsic ‘goodness’ with ‘calmness’ is reversed by the conditional nature of the poem. Hardy’s persona wants to be calm and have his emotional life wither, as to reduce the pain of loss – a confusing idea in itself – but this has not happened. Third Stanza: Hardy arrives at the crux of the poem, with a comment on the cruel nature of Time. ‘Time’ is personified as an enemy of the human condition; it â€Å"Part steals, lets part abide†, apparently â€Å"to make [the persona] grieve†. Time removes (‘part steals’) the persona’s physical properties; his skin wastes etc. but Time lets his emotional passions remain intact – making relationships more painful as they deteriorate in old age. Hardy end his poem with the lines â€Å"And [Time] shakes this fragile frame at eve/ With throbbings of noontide†. These are vitally important lines. Within them, Hardy compares his persona’s life with a single day – diurnal imagery. They include a great deal of emotive imagery; ‘shakes’ and ‘with throbbings’. The latter reflects the throbbing of a heart. Hardy, to explain the metaphor, states that his persona is reminded at the ‘eve’ (end) of his life by the mental throbbing of his emotional height – his pinnacle of passion, to put it poetically. Critics have called it a very emotionally overt ending, with a somewhat forced rhyme-scheme once again. You decide.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility of Maruti Suzuki

â€Å"while working to enhance shareholder wealth , Maruti Suzuki will regularly engage with all stakeholders to assess their needs and through its products, services , conduct and management initiatives , promote their sustained growth and well being Policy Guidelines Company will follow responsible business practices in all its function and operations and will strive to implement them at its suppliers, dealers and other business partners.Company will continue to remain ahead of law in pursuit of environment protection and energy conservation at its manufacturing facilities, and in development of products that use fewer natural resources and are environment friendly Company will deeply committed towards the welfare of its employees, their families and communities around its operations to improve quality of life as whole.Company will develop products and services that fulfill the aspirations of customer,delight them with after sales services and availability of spares, build a stron g and lasting bond with them and proactively support them during natural calamities Company will continue to provide technological and managerial support to its suppliers and dealers to further their profitable and sustainable growth.As an expression of thanks to the local community and the people of the country, company will undertake initiatives that might not be directly linked to its business Company will partner with government, NGOs, business partners to contribute positively towards economic and human development of the society especially underprivileged people.Company will encourage and recognize its employees for volunteering in the community in the sprit of serving and sharing their expertise and skills Company will strive to constantly build organizational capabilities, like any other competency, position suitable people and have a proper organizational structure to ensure implementation of CSR policy, guidelines and programs.Company will engage with reputed external agen cies for audit of its CSR activities for the purpose of identifying areas of improvemet , authenticity of data reporting Company will monitor the progress on various CSR programs in a structured manner, document the performance against the set targets and publish a report every year on its CSR performance and share it wits its key stake-holders.

Historical and cultural context Essay

All three of these stories create strange but similar atmospheres. Three similarities that these stories have is that they all took place around the 1880s/1890s,all three stories in the beginning always take place at 221B Baker Street, and all three stories seem to take place in and out of Victorian London. The mystery of â€Å"The Red-Headed League† takes place mainly around Victorian London and is described as very busy, crowded and swarming full of pedestrians. There are references to carriages, cellars and lanterns throughout the story so this will give you an image of the kind of atmosphere to expect. The way London is described it will probably strike people as it being old fashioned if you compare it from then and now when read. The value of money was different from then and now. In â€Å"The Red-Headed League† i 4 a week is seemed to be an awful lot, because most people in those days would maybe make that in a month or two. The story shows conflict between rich and poor people. The Blue Carbuncle is set in a few places around London, and has references to old buildings and carriages when Holmes and Watson are in the search of the goose. The background for all these stories reflects London of a hundred years ago. This was when forty percent of the population were servants. The police as you would notice belonged to lower social class and were poorly thought of at the time because of the inefficiency and corruption. Another feature in contrast to today is that the trains always seem to run on time, carriages are always there when needed and Holmes and Watson are never delayed by the traffic. The structures between all three stories do not seem to be all that different. All three stories have unusual and strange titles (The Speckled Band, The Red-Headed League, and The Blue Carbuncle) that intrigue the reader. The title gives you an idea to what the story will be about. They all have exciting openings, because they all start at 221B Baker Street with Holmes sitting down talking to a strange and mysterious person with Watson interrupting for the case to be retold and explained to us readers. When a new a new character is introduced it grabs the readers attention wanting to find out more so they keep on reading. In the beginnings of all three stories whenever Holmes is interrupted by Watson the new character will explain the case again so that Holmes will start to observe the person and make mental notes about him/her. Holmes is able to find clues just from the person and the clues are used to build up tension so that Holmes can make deductions. There are often flashbacks from the new character to give a history of them that will obviously be linked to the mystery. The dramatic ending for â€Å"The Speckled Band† was danger but justice was done as the villain had got what was coming to him. In â€Å"The Red-Headed League† the dramatic ending was that justice was done as the criminals were arrested and the dramatic ending for The Blue Carbuncle was not danger and nor was it justice done because the character had owned up to his mistake and said he had punishment enough. The points in short story structure (how the writer puts the text together) are as follows: Paragraph structure which is how the meaning is revealed from sentence, book structure which might affect the reader if the book is split into chapters, with language of implications and what is left unsaid, through the narrator which is how the story is told and with imagery which is how the emotions and scenes are built up. The language which is used for all three stories is quite old fashioned. The words and sentences seem confusing as they are not what we use today. For example instead of â€Å"Holmes said† like we would say now it is â€Å"said he†. The language is very different but understandable. The stories use old fashion words like: dog cart, would fain, forceps, whimsical, commissionaire, billycock, labyrinth, unimpeachable, deduce, inferences, foresight†¦ etc. The stories all give detailed descriptions for unusual objects, new strange characters and peculiar places by using similes and metaphors. Holmes and Watson both in the three stories use many similes and metaphors to give us descriptions of things. The dialogue is shown by Watson as he asks all the questions the reader wants to ask, and when Holmes impatiently explains what to him is obvious, Watson is acting on our behalf. The story gets retold just for us with more detailed language and more explanations.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Compile a report evaluating how a National Governing Bodys Sports Essay

Compile a report evaluating how a National Governing Bodys Sports Equity Policy conforms to the guidelines set out by Sport England - Essay Example In order to eliminate the inequalities that exist within the sport traditionally Sport England has brought out the Equity Guidelines for the governing bodies which contains, apart from a five stage inclusion plan, specific advices on race, disability and gender to the effect that sports activities should be extended to all the people without any discrimination. The guidelines also deal with the provision of opportunities for ethnic minority communities, disabled people and women in sports activities. This paper envisages bringing out a report as to whether the National Governing Bodies formulated by the Sport England are following the equity guidelines prescribed by the parent body in the promotion of sports activities, specifically the National Governing Body covering the sport of Football (Soccer). It is an established principle that all the governing bodies have ethical, moral and business responsibility to plan and provide equal opportunities to a wider range of participants. Keeping this idea in view Sport England has issued guidelines governing the sports equity to be followed by the governing bodies. ... gender, and aspirations of all the different priority groups." As distinct from the 'equal opportunities' 'Sports Equity' covers a wide range of activities and issues connected with sports like participation and membership, service delivery, selection of voluntary committees and appointment of voluntary coaches. Sports Equity principles provide a number of benefits to the society in general. The Sport England Equity guidelines detail some of these benefits which are: Fair and effective employment practices to all segments of the society Enhancement in the revenue by increase in the number of members Provision of services to the needy customers and members Availability of an enlarged forum of professional assistance from able administrators, leaders. Coaches and managers Improved public image as a professionally organized and forward thinking organization Increasing the representation of all communities in the various positions of committees, volunteers, staff, management and executives 3.0 National Governing Bodies: As per the definition provided by Deloitte & Touche - Investing in Change p9 a National Governing Body is the one which carries out most if not all of the following functions: Sets out and implements the strategic vision and direction for the sport; Promotes the sport; Manages the rules and regulation of the sport, including anti-doping procedures; Manages the sports officials; Establishes and maintains links with the sports' international representative; Encourages participation; Develops talent, including elite athletes; and Organises and hosts competitions. 4.0 Stages to the Planning Process for inclusion of Equity Guidelines: In order that the Sports Equity Policies are effectively implemented the Sport England organization has prescribed five

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Response Analysis About Girl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Response Analysis About Girl - Essay Example However, some of these words of wisdom did not make any sense and sounded useless. In my society, a mother’s advice is very important especially to her daughters. The girls in my society rely on maternal guidance and this continues even after they marry. If a girl doesn’t behave properly, people will attribute the misconduct to her mother by saying that she wasn’t taught well. This eventually results to a tarnished family reputation that other members of the family must equally endure. In my opinion, I believe that everybody needs to be guided one way or another. Therefore, I will respond to this text and analyze it based on my own experiences and in contemplation of my cultural and social background. When I was a kid, we ate using our hands without any utensils such as spoons and knives. This never occurred to me as peculiar as it was to me, simply, the Arabian way to eat many types of food. Human nature predisposes me to follow my family’s adopted culture in many different things. As shown in the text, the mother told her daughter to â€Å"always eat your food in such a way that it won’t turn someone else’s stomach† (Kincaid, p. 200). I think that her mother overreacted in her warning. I believe that this advice is useless because it’s natural for us to follow our family habits when we eat because it was the way we were raised. In addition, it’s a bad way to impose on someone by telling her to consume her food in a way that it doesn’t upset somebody else’s appetite. This advice might affect someone negatively to an extent that she will be ashamed of eating in front of people. This personal response is based on a social fra mework in relation to people’s habits. The mother in this sentence shocked me by her rude language. I don’t think that any mother should call her daughter a "slut." â€Å"On Sunday, try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming† (p. 200). In my cultural

Sunday, October 6, 2019

I want to leave it up to the writer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

I want to leave it up to the writer - Essay Example In Evil on Art, Howard portrays a different picture of art by using it to portray an evil. In this perspective the art has been used to advance the evil. There are evil movies which the actors give a negative picture. The evil in arts has been used. It creates a different picture from the first. In such circumstance other may wonder and critically question the possibility of the artist being talent that is used to create evil. The picture in the novel and plays may be considered as the exploration beyond human thought. In the last article Why Read Hurry Potter, Greisinger discusses the story to the children that is not occultism. The stories are also not paganism and therefore can be considered Christian to some extent. The big question in this article is why student read books on witchcraft and wizards? The fantasy and the genre that are mysterious are in the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

FREEDOM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FREEDOM - Essay Example In this paper, I will describe my concept of freedom and why I feel that I am free. I will also explain what idea of freedom people have in their minds and how the meaning of freedom has changed over the years. Some people believe that freedom is something that the Nature has not granted man with. They affirm that life is a sequence of predetermined events that come to us and go leaving signs of happiness or scars of sorrow on our hearts. For them, it is the Nature who has already decided who we are, which race we belong to, what we shall earn, what we shall spend, and where we shall live our lives. This concept is also a part of many religions where people believe that every good and bad comes from God and we are just made to bear that good or bad. Even Shakespeare said that this life is a stage and the human beings are only the actors who have to play their part of the play, and pass on. The strings are in God’s hands. To some extent, I also believe in this thing that God has decided for us many things, just as Leiter (2010) states, â€Å"Religious beliefs involve, explicitly or implicitly, a metaphysics of ultimate reality.† But on the other hand, He has also left a lot ma ny things in our hands too. If he has decided for us who are parents are going to be, what color we shall be, what race we shall belong, what language we shall speak, what religion we shall follow, what relations we shall make, then he also told us what is right and what is wrong and then left us free to choose whichever path we wanted to choose. God told me the right path and then set me free by providing me with equipments to help myself follow that path. He told me the wrong path and then set me free by providing me the resources which I may avail to follow the bad path. Now, it is up to me to choose the right path or the bad one. Then, who says that I am not free? Of course, I am free. I am free to make my own choices. I am free to

Friday, October 4, 2019

All forms of government welfare should be abolished Essay - 3

All forms of government welfare should be abolished - Essay Example Social services herein refer to healthcare, education, social welfare programs, care for elderly or aged, and, provision of necessary infrastructures to make government effective in their relation with people (Tanner, 2012). The abolition of this government welfare means relinquishing its role and allowing private entities to offer services that can respond to peoples needs. The recent trend and dominion of private enterprise and services in our society is an attempt to exculpate or exonerate government’s role in delivering quality services as its mandate to fully realize its functions in realizing the social contract with the people it ought to serve. The abolition of social services therefor means that the government, as a bureaucracy, will relinquish its functions to accord social services and welfare to its constituents. Why spend $14,848 for every poor man (Tanner, 2012)? But on the other hand, why pay for taxes if government intends to negate the foundation of its very existence? A famous social philosopher once said that a government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Its object and subject of being are its constituents. It is for this reason that electorates during election wanted to nominate leaders who can uphold democracy to ensure peoples participation in decision-making and those who can reform the government structure to guarantee that delivery of services are given more importance than their selfish interests as bureaucrats. People wanted to see a government that is effectively translating its goal to have a peaceful, developed and prosperous nation. Both candidates and electorates wanted to pursue an agenda where children’s education are prioritized; quality health services are delivered in remote villages and in state-owned hospitals; people’s poverty are supplemented with social programs that can help eradicate poverty; and, social

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Definition of Budget Essay Example for Free

Definition of Budget Essay It is an estimation of the revenue and expenses over a specified future period of time. It can help to create a system when someone wants to open a shop or start investments. A budget can be made for a person, family, group of people, business, government or anything else that makes and speaks money. It can also help to establish a planned level of expenditures and it can help to maintain a budget for a company either on an accrual or a cash basis. Structured planning can make all the difference to the growth of the business, it will enable businesses to concentrate resources on improving profits, reducing cost and increasing returns on investment. Relationship Between Budgeting Management of Business When a budget is done properly, it can serve as a planning and controlling system. The company’s data, goal, performance objectives are documented in financial terms. It can help to see whether the company is profiting or not profiting. These budgeting are used throughout the year, monthly performance reports compare budgeted results with actual results. The role that effective budgeting plays in the management of business, is best understood when it is related to the fundamentals of management. Planning is essential in the management of a business. Management has certain variables that it can control. Goals are the annual planning process for every company. These goals can be termed as profit, return on investment, product leadership, market share, product diversification, or simply survival. It helps an organization set a level for clients. Advantages Of Budgeting The major strength of budgeting is that it coordinates activities across departments. It can help to calculate the amount of money needed for the month or year. Budget translates strategic plans into action. They specify the resources, revenues and activities required to carry out the strategic plan for the coming year. Budget provides and excellent record of organizational activities. It also helps to improve communication between employees. It can help with profitability review as a properly structured budget points out which aspects of a business generate cash and which ones to use. Cash allocations can be used when there is a limit to the amount of cash available to invest in fixed assets and working capital, and the budgeting process forces management to decide which assets are most worth investing in. Also, large investors may want a benchmark against which they can measure the company’s progress. Even if a company chooses not to lend much credence to its own budget, it may still be valuable to construct a conservative budget to share with investors. The same argument holds true for lenders, who may want to see a budget versus actual results comparison from time to time. Disadvantages Of Budgeting There may be inaccuracy during budgeting as it is based on assumptions based on a set of assumptions that are generally not too far distant from the operating conditions under which it was formulated. If the business environment changes to any significant degree, then the company’s revenues or cost structure may change so radically that actual results will rapidly depart from the expectations delineated in the budget. It can also be very time-consuming to create a budget, especially in a poorly-organized environment where many iterations of the budget may be required. The time involved is lower if there is a well-designed budgeting procedure in place, employees are accustomed to the process, and most of the company uses budgeting software now. The budget may prescribe that certain amounts of overhead costs be allocated to various departments, and the managers of those departments may take issue with the allocation methods used. This is a particular problem when departments are not allowed to substitute services provided from within the company for lower-cost services that are available else where. Limitations Of Budgeting Large investors may want a benchmark against which they can measure the company’s progress. Even if a company chooses not to lend much credence to its own budget, it may still be valuable to construct a conservative budget to share with investors. The same argument holds true for lenders, who may want to see a budget versus actual results comparison from time to time. Budgeting is a time consuming and costly job. The development of a budget includes many repetitive steps before the budget is finally approved. This process requires lots of negotiations between managers at different levels until a budget evolves which is acceptable to all levels (langfield smith , thorne hilton 2006). Budgets can also cause a great deal of waste and behaviourable problems. Hope and Fraser (1999) cite Jack Welch, from General Electric as claiming that making a budget is and exercise in minimalisation â€Å"you are always getting the lowest out of people, because everyone is negotiating to get t he lowest number.† People’s main goal is to meet the budgets, so they always try to negotiate to get lower targets with lower sales and higher costs, which are well-known as padding the budgets. Conclusion I disagree on having too much even thought budgeting is a major activity. While it has some useful functions for businesses and organisations, it does have many limitations. Budgets consume substantial level of time and resources, but provide little credible and useful information. They add little value but encourage dysfunctional and wasteful behaviours as well as de-motivate employees.

Market Demand For Knitwear: Competitive Analysis

Market Demand For Knitwear: Competitive Analysis Industry Analysis: Current market demand for knitwear is involved with the quality and competitive pricing of products. There is a close competition between the manufacturers and marketers to hit the best bargain and offer promotional discounts to consumers. Cut-throat competition has made manufacturers to offer multi-pack products at inexpensive prices. Developments in knitting, and advanced treatments such as digital printing, glossy foil prints, inkjet printing, flocking, and burn-outs have heated up the market. New knitting machines have opened up possibilities hitherto into unknown segments such as technical textile, for instance; products such as fishnet, fruit-net, shade net and composite products. The Smart Fabrics and Interactive Textiles market will return to growth, reaching a value of US$1.8bn by 2015, according to new research by Global Industry Analysts (GIA). ( seems that the revival of economic growth, a recovery of consumer confidence, product innovations and sustainability would all help to put growth back on track. On the other hand, demand for unique product offerings, served by unexplored, developing markets, will sustain growth. It can be safely assumed that the knitwear the industry lifecycle is at the mature stage as shown in the figure below. According to GIA, the intimate apparel industry is defined by new fabric developments, including innovations in fashionable and comfortable garment designs. The report found that competition within the industry had resulted in falling prices and a shift in production, prompting manufacturers to expand their operations into South America, Central Europe and Asia (Network). Europe is identified as the single largest regional market for knitwear, although the US; they dominate global knitwear sector with a 65% market share (LTD). Asia Pacific is currently growing to be a promising market for the same. During the recession, the Asia-Pacific market was buoyed by rapid growth in China, India, Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan. The global knitwear market is competitive and fragmented. The economic crises have narrowed the gap between the upper and lower end of the market with style differentiation almost vanishing.(Ltd.) With advancements in the industry in the recent years, RadiciGroup is introducing CornLeaf, a 100% biodegradable solution-dyed continuous yarn. Produced by Noyfil SA, the yarn is made from Ingeo, a polylactic acid (PLA) polymer derived from renewable vegetable resources. Compared to traditional dyeing and finishing processes, the manufacturing of CornLeaf requires less water and energy consumption as solution dyeing technology is integrated into the spinning process. CornLeaf lighter than other natural fibers, and has tenacity comparable to other synthetic fibers. According to RadiciGroup, the yarn also has greater hygroscopicity compared to synthetic yarns and is faster drying than natural fibers. RadiciGroups yarn is available in a range of lightfast, wash-resistant colors intended for use in intimate wear, furnishings and consumer goods. (W. T. Ltd.) Company Information: Sana Hastakala (P) Ltd. main office, that houses training, product design and development, and retail outlet, is situated in Kupondole, Kathmandu, Nepal. The address is: G 10/113, Kupondole, Kathmandu, Nepal Corresponding address: P.O. Box No. 3901, Kathmandu Nepal Sana Hastakala (SH), when translated to English, literally means Small Handicrafts. This company was established by conglomerates of handicraft businesses in Nepal to encourage the local artists and producers to participate in producing handmade goods and sell them abroad. In 1989, United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF, now known as United Nations Childrens Funds) provided technical and financial support, in addition to assistances from local handicraft businesses, to launch SH. After a year, the organization was able to sustain on its own and, though registered as non-government organization with Government of Nepal, now is a private limited company. SH strives to foster the resurgence of traditional craft skills as well as applying modern techniques in order to generate income for under privileged craft producers who are mostly women (Sana_Hastakala). SH has more than 1,500 individual producers, and collaborates with 80 producers groups. Income is distributed amongst producers and employees. Profits, also, strengthen the organization and finance community development initiatives. The community development fund is used to assist craft producers in purchasing raw materials and equipment, and provide skills training (SanaHastakala_Producers). SH has been proactive in establishing fair trade in Nepal and is the founding member of local chapter Fair Trade Group Nepal. Though many organizations have provided definition of fair trade, the definition offered by World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) has been widely accepted. It states that Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect that seek greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers especially in the South (WFTO). There are ten standards for fair trade and the list includes stipulations about labor conditions, gender equity, environmental considerations, and transparency to name a few (Weber). Fair Trade Group Nepal (FTG Nepal) is a consortium of fair trading organizations working with the aim to uplift socio-economic status of underprivileged and marginalized producers of Nepal (FTGN About Fair Tr ade Group). SH contribution to social development has been highlighted in periodicals. In 2007, World Fair Trade Day published series of case studies on Why Kids Need Fair Trade that exemplified how SH has helped Babita Rajbhandari, who had been previously trained in SH, to educate her daughter Boibha after her husband passed away (WFTD). In order to increase awareness of the fair trade, SH regularly promotes educational programs at local institutes that offer social work courses. To provide hands-on experience of fair trade, SH provides two 8-month long internships every year to students from the colleges (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures; FTGN Annual Activity Report). SH has two outlets located in Kupondole and Lazimpat. Their annual turnover in 2009 was NRs. 40.5 million (CAD 550,000), exports accounting for 78% and domestic for 22% of sales. Information regarding which categories contribute most to the sales was not disclosed; Japan is the number one importer of knitwear products (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Many promoters of fair trade have associated with SH to promote local handmade products in the global market; most notably is Ten Thousand Villages, which has 75 retail stores in the United States of America (TenThousandVillages_USA) and 49 stores across Canada (TenThousandVillages_Canada). As promoter of fair trade, SH will provide brochure that highlights the activities of SH, and access to merchandise producers and manufacturing centers will be provided. The third party inspection can be arranged, but the buyer has to provide the cost of hiring external agency (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Sana Hastakala has website that provides information to the products, and the services provided by the organization and information on Nepalese handicrafts. The website, however, lacks web-based ordering system. This is due to the lack of laws for e-commerce (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). SH recently won Best Entrepreneur Award given by Federation of Handicraft Association of Nepal for their contribution in product development, employment creation, export and sales promotion, technological, management and environmental improvements, socially responsible activities, and support to other handicraft entrepreneurs and buyers (WFTO-Asia). Competitive Analysis: Our top three competitors are, Ecowool: Ecowool is located in New Zealand; it has been selling the ship skin and woolen products for almost 20 years. Mayfair overseas: Mayfair overseas is the largest knitwear manufacturing and exporting group in India. Trident Craft Pvt. Ltd: Trident Craft is a handicraft company located in Nepal. All these three competitors offer similar knitwear products, such as cap, jacket, socks, gloves, hat, scarves, and sweaters. Competitive advantage over each of the competitors: Ecowool: All our products are handmade with Nepals rich artistic skill and craft techniques We are the founding member of fair trade group Our main objective is to provide financial and technical support to craft producers Mayfair Overseas: We do not use harmful chemicals in production because all products are hand made Traditional craft skills with modern techniques Designs and based on both traditional Nepali and classic western motifs Trident craft Pvt. Ltd: We use high quality sheep wool and agora wool from Nepal and imported wool from New Zealand to create beautiful knit wears We are the founding member of fair trade group and provides marketing services to our producers of our company Product Information: Sana Hastakala, in collaboration with local women and producers, market variety of handicraft products. Besides producing and exporting handicrafts items, SH helps entrepreneurs with financial and technical assistance; some of these business enthusiasts operate in a very small scale and usually manage their business operation from home. Such assistances usually consist of capital needed for raw materials, health checkup, product development and design, and marketing (Sana_Hastakala About Us). The products are beads, ceramics, hemp products, knitwear, metal crafts, silver jewelry and others. The complete list of products is provided in Appendix A. We are looking for prospect buyer(s) in Canada for knitwear products offered by SH. The knitwear products include woolen cap with earmuffs (or ear-flap woolen hats), mittens (boxer gloves and hunter mittens), woolen sock, and mufflers. Appendix B provides the images of these products. SH uses high quality sheep wool and agora wool from Nepal, and also uses imported wool from New Zealand. The quality of yarn has to be approved by the client prior to production. SH has its own catalog for the designs, which are based on both traditional Nepalese and classic western motifs (SH_Woolen). The design catalog is provided to clients upon request. SH also provides professional to develop pattern and design in collaboration and consultation with the clients. The samples, after approval, will then be sent to producers. All the knitwear products are hand-made and will have 100% Hand-made in Nepal labels (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). It is worthwhile noting that all knitwear (except for sweaters which is not in consideration because of size-requirement discrepancies between Asia and North America) products are unisex. The knitwear products are available in two different sizes: small (kid-size), and large (adult-size). Since these are hand-made, SH admits that it is hard to enforce size requirements, but will comply with clients requirements (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). The knitwear products are available in a range of fashionable colors. The local woolen yarn colors are usually pale white and grey. These wools are from sheep and yak, and no animals are harmed during the production of wool. The wools are dyed based on the clients requirements. The design catalog contains the range of colors available. The hats or caps and boxer gloves can have fleece lining upon request by the clients. These linings provide extra warmth and are usually preferred by most of the clients. The requirement of linings will be decided after consultation with clients. Being a member of World Trade Organization, Fair Trade Group, and Fair Trade Group Nepal, Sana Hastakala strictly adheres to the guidance and regulations to maintain quality and standards, which are regularly checked by these organizations. Besides quality and standard, SH ensures that these ten standards are followed: Creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers, Transparency and accountability Trading practices Payment of a fair price Child labor and forced labor Non-discrimination, gender equity and freedom of association Working conditions Capacity building Promotion of Fair Trade Environment The details of these standards are discussed in detail by any Fair Trade organizations (FTGN_Standards). The compliance certificates can be obtained upon request by the clients. The client can request to be affiliated with Sana Hastakala to promote Fair Trade practices in Nepal. Some clients have expressed the positive outcomes and boost in profits because of this affiliation. SH assures that the client will develop business relationship that will benefit everyone and SH will be committed once this relationship is established (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Transportation Procedures: Sana Hastakala (SH) offers two types of shipping: sea and air. If the client prefers DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), then SH will use its own freight forwarding firm, handled by third party, and the freight, insurance and cost of goods will be the landed cost. Some clients prefer EXW the products are picked up from the SH warehouse located at Kupondole, Nepal. The client will be responsible for all the charges thereafter (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Nepal is member of World Trade Organization and strictly adheres to rules and regulations of WTO. Prior to 2005, Nepal enjoyed quota free access to major global markets. Nepal does not have any restrictions in exporting knitwear as long as it maintains quality standard requirements (Shah). However, importing textiles and clothing to Canada is subjected to Export Import Permit Acts and requires import permit from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) (DFAIT Import Conditions). The import also is subjected to certification fees and custom fees based on the total value of goods (DFAIT Schedule (Paragraph 3(1)(a)): Fees for Import Permits). SH prefers exporting through seaway for exporting goods, but this requires order in advance one year so that the product reaches the buyer in time. SH can also provide merchandise through air cargo the order is required four months in advance. The seaway shipment is cost-effective compared to air cargo. Currently, the shipping price through sea is US$ 3.00 below 500 kg and US$ 2.00 over 500 kg, whereas the air cargo cost depends upon the courier service used for transportation; on the average, air cargo costs US$ 9.50 below 500 kg and US$ 7.25 over 500 kg (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). The method of transportation will depend upon after discussion with buyer and their preferences, but sea shipment will be recommended to keep the landed cost minimized. The turn-around-time depends upon the quantity of merchandise ordered. A minimum order of 1,000 units of knitwear, mix and match of any products, is required to minimize the packaging and handling charges. The seller has to keep in mind that the estimated delivery time through sea is three to four months, whereas the estimated delivery time through air cargo is five to seven business days (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). The packaging will be done in weather-proof packages so that there is minimal damage to the merchandises due to weather and other natural disasters. The packaging is either in the tarp sacks or boxed, the latter being more expensive and will cost more to buyer (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Pricing Policies and Procedures: For selling any of goods or services some type of cost analysis is required. SH, according to the cost analysis, set prices, for their three merchandise (Caps, Mittens and Mufflers), as below: Caps: $3-4/Piece Mittens: $3-4/Pair Mufflers: $2-3/Piece A part of analysis is verification of pricing. For better understanding the market situation, the table one shows comparing prices between three supplyer that are competing in the market and SH. Obviously, this is one of the best means for validating price. By asking three or more suppliers of their prices for the same product, we can determine if a particular price is reasonable. However, the lowest bid may not always represent the lowest cost. There may be cost associated with making the lower cost product perform to standards, the additional cost of early replacement or the cost of redesign and/or testing required making the lower cost product applicable. This total cost of acquisition is the real cost that must be compared. Its obviously shows that SH prices are higher than the other competitor in the market and it is because of their quality and being handmade of the products. SH doesnt have any discount offer for first order but for compete with other competitors they offer discount for second and subsequent orders. They promote 12% discount for orders more than 70,000 and 20% discount for orders more than 100,000. Furthermore they have discount for fair trade members about 25%, also these excludes VAT which is 22% in Nepal. The company use advanced order to take advance payments to cover the cost of raw materials purchase. Then SH use totally prepaid advanced payment for first order and for the second order they recommend 75% advance payment, 25% after shipping. Also they recommend 50% advance payment and 50% COD payment for third order and subsequent orders. The firms policy on extending credit to its customers is depending on the loyalty of the customers to SH and their participation in promoting fair trade globally and locally. PART B: Prospecting/Qualifying Potential Customers: We propose these methods for prospecting and qualifying potential customers. Exhibitions and Demonstrations: Prospecting Exhibitions and demonstrations will be our primary prospecting method. This types of events gives a sales person extensive contact with large number of potential buyers over a brief time. Using this method we can set-up an interesting display to get peoples attention for example popcorn machine, lightning etc. We can set up our display to maximize visibility based on the flow of the traffic. We can use lead cards to write down prospect information for efficient and effective post- show follow up. In this kind of trade shows we can get the major buyers we want to pursue for contact. Qualifying: For qualifying potential customer in such kind of exhibitions or trade shows we can set up a booth with one sales person to qualify leads and get name and addresses to contact them later at their home or offices. Our sales persons approach to the customers will be assertive rather than common; we can use some questions such as have you ever use hand crafts products? Or by offering them sample to handle that make them get involved into conversation. We can write our message so that it fits on the back of the business card. Our website: Prospecting: Our company website would be our one of an automated prospecting tool. We can use our company website as prospecting tool by doing number of things such as, We can make the site attractive and easy to use We can get come in to their contacts by contact link on every page We can put call me links, whereby they can enter their phone numbers and we call them back. Qualifying: To qualify potential customers through our websites we can put our full product catalog online and also let them download a pdf and order a paper copy. Our website would allow them to make both free-text queries and guiding them through a product list. Our potential customer can get all information about our products price range from our web sites. We can use cookies so we can track the prospect and offer customized information. Networking: Prospecting: To find new prospects, networking can be the most reliable and effective prospecting method. We can focus on meeting the Centre of influence people by which we can come in to many valuable contacts. By networking we can get to know about prospects business and find key people in our industry. By meeting people we can tell them what we sell, exchange business cards. Eventually we can build a network of people talking to each other, sharing ideas and exchanging information. We can get networking prospects business card and follow up with our new contact. By doing networking we can develop credibility and a valuable, long lasting relationship that would be helpful in our business. Qualifying: To qualify potential customers through networking we can share information about their business and our business. We can ask them some open ended question or feel good question about our industry and also their industry like, What do enjoy the most about your industry? By making contacts through networking we can build up relationship by sending them something every month such as notepad with our company name and picture. These things will be reminded us and our products. Monthly hard copy and newsletter: Prospecting: This is one on of the good prospecting method that we can use to find potential customers We can target particular market by publishing monthly hard copy and newsletters of our company and our products. Though monthly hard copy and newsletter we can offer them an invitation to a seminar, free training session etc. Qualifying: We can send to our prospecting customer contacts articles, newsletters, books, brochures etc. to guide them about our company and our product. We can publish questionnaires to encourage the conversation. Securing an Appointment: The letter seeking an appointment is provided in the next page. February 21, 2011 Mountain Equipment Co-op 400 King Street West Toronto, ON M5V 1K2 Dear Sir/Madam, Sana Hastakala is Nepali Handicraft Company. We are the founding member of fair trade group Nepal (FTG) and member of International federation of alternative trade (FAT). This is a non-profitable organization and our main objective is to foster traditional craft skills as well as applying modern techniques in order to generate income for craft producers who are mainly women. We produce different woolen items and other handicrafts products. Sana offers you variety of woolen items which can be used in everyday life. We use high quality wool such as sheep wool, agora wool from Nepal, imported wool from New Zealand to crate beautiful knit wears, sweaters, jackets, hats and gloves. Designs are based on both traditional Nepali and classic western motifs and are available in beautiful range of fashionable colors. At your convenience, I would like to introduce you to some of our products features and benefits. Please let me hear from you if you would like to find out more about Sana Hastakala and what we can offer you. Regards, Jasmin Upadhyaya (Marketing Manager) Appendices: Appendix A Product Catalog for Sana Hastakala Beads necklaces, earrings Ceramics Earthenware statues, water and storage jars, flower pots, glass, cup and plate, tea pot, flower vase, serving bowl, soup bowls, paper Mache masks, puppets and dolls Dhaka Shawls, and cloths Dolls (made from cloth and corn husk depicting various occupational and tribal ethnic groups represent the culture of Nepal) Felt Hand Made Paper Products greeting cards, stationary sets, notebooks, gift wrapping paper, bags, envelopes, photo frames Household accessories Knitwear sweaters, jackets, hats and caps, gloves and mittens Metal Craft Singing bowls, trumpets, drums, various kinds of flutes, cymbals, cutlery items, such as knife ,spoon and forks with traditional designs , and bagh chal and chess games Mithila paintings, mirrors, ceramics, table cloths bed sheets and T-shirts Natural fiber Allo Hemp bags, cushions covers, wallet, and clothing Pashmina Shawls, mufflers Silver Jewelry Wood carving picture frames, mirror frames, small boxes, animals, buttons, decorative wall hangings, masks X-mas hanging Filigree Christmas hangings, and felt decoration Appendix B Images for knitwear products: Ear Flap Hats (DSC08796) Cap with Earmuffs (DSC02910) Boxer Gloves (DSC01045) Hunter Gloves (DSC02905) Mufflers (DSC01063) Woolen Socks (DSC01059) Works Cited: