Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The impact of technology on society(electrification(electricity)) Research Paper

The impact of technology on society(electrification(electricity)) - Research Paper Example Since the evolution of electricity is a complex phenomenon, its makeover is done by various personalities at various span of time at different stages. If we look at who identified electricity in an elaborate way, then the credit can be given to Benjamin Franklin who recognized electricity by flying kite on the occasion of lightning. It was in 1752, June 15th that Benjamin Franklin propagated that lightning is the pure form of electricity. He founded through experiment that electricity could pass through metals and this gave way to the great discovery of many electrical appliances and gadgets. 2.1.1 The Phenomenon of Electricity Surprisingly, the electricity as a scientific phenomenon did not gain recognition until the last quarter of eighteenth century. The early civilization to probe in to the discovery of electricity was the Greek personalities. The word electricity itself is connected to the Greek word â€Å"Elektron† or amber as rubbing of amber with cloth produced electri city. The electricity which was once a frightening element of nature, changed in to the most beneficial gift of nature as man discovered its immense potentiality and usability in his daily life. Electricity being a secondary form of energy source is obtained by converting primary sources of energies like coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power and other natural sources. The electricity consists of electrons which are tiny particles of energy and are the smallest unit of energy. These electrons which are energy particle, when passed through metals like copper and iron aids in use of electricity in electrical appliances. However the production and supply of electricity is the most perplexing procedure and capital intensive program, which the industrial sector has ever experienced. The electricity is produced in extensive power plants with the help of huge turning turbines. Here the turbines are turned with the help of steam produced by coal. However, if electricity is produced by water then the rushing of water moves the turbine. The voltage of electricity is increase with the help of transformers which is later passed to the electrical equipments for use. 2.2 The status of pre- electricity period. 2.2.1 Quality of life The quality of life before the invention of electricity was considerably dull and dark. The period prior to the last quarter of 18th century was a duration of strive and struggle due to the absence of electricity. The life during those times was murky and was entirely depended on the dim light of the candle. Unlike 21st century, the age before electricity was limited in luxury and amenities. People were not in a position to take maximum benefit of natural resources and had to struggle hard to conduct their daily life. Moreover, the night life of people were less exciting because as the night fell, people resorted to their homes keeping in mind their personal security and safety. During those times, people depended on bee wax, cow dung and animal fa t to illuminate their houses and other personal and public spaces. 2.2.2. Performing task Before the invention of electricity, all the house hold chores and productive works were outcome of manual labor. People like poets and

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