Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Compile a report evaluating how a National Governing Bodys Sports Essay

Compile a report evaluating how a National Governing Bodys Sports Equity Policy conforms to the guidelines set out by Sport England - Essay Example In order to eliminate the inequalities that exist within the sport traditionally Sport England has brought out the Equity Guidelines for the governing bodies which contains, apart from a five stage inclusion plan, specific advices on race, disability and gender to the effect that sports activities should be extended to all the people without any discrimination. The guidelines also deal with the provision of opportunities for ethnic minority communities, disabled people and women in sports activities. This paper envisages bringing out a report as to whether the National Governing Bodies formulated by the Sport England are following the equity guidelines prescribed by the parent body in the promotion of sports activities, specifically the National Governing Body covering the sport of Football (Soccer). It is an established principle that all the governing bodies have ethical, moral and business responsibility to plan and provide equal opportunities to a wider range of participants. Keeping this idea in view Sport England has issued guidelines governing the sports equity to be followed by the governing bodies. ... gender, and aspirations of all the different priority groups." As distinct from the 'equal opportunities' 'Sports Equity' covers a wide range of activities and issues connected with sports like participation and membership, service delivery, selection of voluntary committees and appointment of voluntary coaches. Sports Equity principles provide a number of benefits to the society in general. The Sport England Equity guidelines detail some of these benefits which are: Fair and effective employment practices to all segments of the society Enhancement in the revenue by increase in the number of members Provision of services to the needy customers and members Availability of an enlarged forum of professional assistance from able administrators, leaders. Coaches and managers Improved public image as a professionally organized and forward thinking organization Increasing the representation of all communities in the various positions of committees, volunteers, staff, management and executives 3.0 National Governing Bodies: As per the definition provided by Deloitte & Touche - Investing in Change p9 a National Governing Body is the one which carries out most if not all of the following functions: Sets out and implements the strategic vision and direction for the sport; Promotes the sport; Manages the rules and regulation of the sport, including anti-doping procedures; Manages the sports officials; Establishes and maintains links with the sports' international representative; Encourages participation; Develops talent, including elite athletes; and Organises and hosts competitions. 4.0 Stages to the Planning Process for inclusion of Equity Guidelines: In order that the Sports Equity Policies are effectively implemented the Sport England organization has prescribed five

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