Saturday, October 5, 2019

FREEDOM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FREEDOM - Essay Example In this paper, I will describe my concept of freedom and why I feel that I am free. I will also explain what idea of freedom people have in their minds and how the meaning of freedom has changed over the years. Some people believe that freedom is something that the Nature has not granted man with. They affirm that life is a sequence of predetermined events that come to us and go leaving signs of happiness or scars of sorrow on our hearts. For them, it is the Nature who has already decided who we are, which race we belong to, what we shall earn, what we shall spend, and where we shall live our lives. This concept is also a part of many religions where people believe that every good and bad comes from God and we are just made to bear that good or bad. Even Shakespeare said that this life is a stage and the human beings are only the actors who have to play their part of the play, and pass on. The strings are in God’s hands. To some extent, I also believe in this thing that God has decided for us many things, just as Leiter (2010) states, â€Å"Religious beliefs involve, explicitly or implicitly, a metaphysics of ultimate reality.† But on the other hand, He has also left a lot ma ny things in our hands too. If he has decided for us who are parents are going to be, what color we shall be, what race we shall belong, what language we shall speak, what religion we shall follow, what relations we shall make, then he also told us what is right and what is wrong and then left us free to choose whichever path we wanted to choose. God told me the right path and then set me free by providing me with equipments to help myself follow that path. He told me the wrong path and then set me free by providing me the resources which I may avail to follow the bad path. Now, it is up to me to choose the right path or the bad one. Then, who says that I am not free? Of course, I am free. I am free to make my own choices. I am free to

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